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Struktura mafijna w Krakowie (1) 
2 maj 2023     
Zniszczyć polska szkołę 
4 listopad 2016     
Moi Czytelnicy Protestują ! 
25 marzec 2010      Zygmunt Jan Prusiński
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17 listopad 2016     
Konfrontacja sił w Europie w 1939 roku 
29 kwiecień 2011      Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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Mafijna tzw.III RP 
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Egzaminowanie Polskości 
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29 marzec 2020      Artur Łoboda
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29 maj 2015      Artur Łoboda
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1 lipiec 2016      Artur Łoboda
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30 czerwiec 2009      tłumacz
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15 grudzień 2018      Alina


Existencial threats to Israel

Modern Jewish nationalism formed in Poland in the multinational commonwealth where 80% of all world Jews lived and where they had their own parliament in Lublin including Liberum Veto, modeled after the Polish parliament, which since 1505 was the supreme political power Poland – the leader of civil liberties in Europe. Genetically Jews in Poland were mostly converted Turkmen Khazars who were brought up strictly in Talmudic tradition and believed that the most important matter in their lives was to be Jewish.

The idea to invade Arab populated Palestine and create there a Jewish state meant reclaiming the land lost starting with the depopulation of Judea by Roman Emperor Trajan. with the fall of Jewish uprising called “Bar Kochba.” Some 500,000 Jews were killed and massive deportation started the great dispersion of the Jews so that by A.D. 300 one million Jews lived west of Macedonia, some of them in Gallia on the Rhine River, where Jews became slave traders who sold Germanic slaves to work on the farms run by the Roman legions.

Most medieval Jews resided in Spain and Jewish slave traders were known as Radanites, who sold castrated slaves in Cordoba Spain, where the Moslem rulers demanded from Jewish traders geographic information to establish the precise direction of Mecca and Medina so that Moslems in Spain would know which direction to bow in their prayers. In 960ties a Radanite slave trader from Arab Spain gave the first description of Poland was the “Kongdom of the North” or the “New Caanan” from “ebed Kna’an,” the Canaanite, the non-Jew. Polish word for a Jew is “Zhid” believed to be an adaptation of the Venetian word “Guideo.”

The crucial 500 years of formation of Jewish nationality in 1264-1795 occurred in Poland, after Jews were successful in getting the approval of Prince Boleslaus the Pious of Kalisz of their text of autonomy in Poland, based on the Talmudic law. It formally lasted till 1764 in Poland which was the freest country of Europe. By the end of the sixteenth century multiethnic Catholic “Nation of Nobles” represented an unprecedented in world history number of one million free citizens, among whom each grown up male had the right to be a candidate in general elections for the position of head of state. The alliance of rich nobles with Jewish Arenda-financiers brought the decay of the Polish Nobles Republic similarly as it happened in Rome because of the growth of Roman latifundia.

The Moslem threat to modern Israel, the Jewish republic surrounded by Arab states, is somewhat analogical to the early threat to the Polish Nobles’ Republic which was located in the middle of Europe between the absolutist regimes of Western Europe and the Mongol style rulers in Eastern Europe. However for centuries the Polish Nobles’ Republic had the largest territory among countries of Latin Christianity in Europe.

Unfortunately the reestablished Second Polish Republic in 1918-1945 was not a major power. Therefore the defense doctrine of Marshal Józef Piłsudski was “veer as long as we can between Germany and Russia and when that will not be possible, let us drag into to the conflict the rest of the world.” Poland refused to help Hitler to conquer Russia and at great sacrifice Poland won the war when one compares Hitler’s plans for Poland and the fact that Poland today has the same borders that it had 1000 years ago with 38,000,000 Polish population and is a member of NATO and of the European Union.

Nuclear armed Israel in Palestine is a “Jewish apartheid state” as defined by former US president Jimmy Carter- as such it can not avoid conflict with the Muslim world. Unfortunately Israel’s only salvation is to bring the United States into the conflict with the Muslim world of nearly billion and half people, who believe that Jerusalem is one of their most holly places, from which the prophet Mahomet was taken to haven. The problem of Israel resides in the impossibility to fraternize with the Arabs and not be absorbed by them in the long run.
4 styczeń 2010

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski 





Móc liczyć na Polaka
styczeń 10, 2004
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Fundacje Jako Narzędzie w Grze Politycznej
październik 20, 2005
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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Artur Łoboda
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październik 26, 2005
Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
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Piotr Bein
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Mózgowcy z Samoobrony
czerwiec 8, 2004
Wydajcie im Kwaśniewskiego
marzec 22, 2004


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