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Państwo PiS nie zdało egzaminu. List do Beaty Szydło 
21 grudzień 2016     
Nowości Księgarni Antyk 
18 marzec 2016      Marcin Dybowski
Tajna wojna Joe Bidena na Ukrainie 
21 lipiec 2022      Philip M. Giraldi
Przewodniczący KRS 
16 grudzień 2017      PrawicowyInternet
Podczerwień pokazuje pocisk z samolotu nad Bejrutem 
7 sierpień 2020      Kris
"Marsz na Stulecie Niepodległości: Filozof (Stefan Molyneux) w Polsce"  
21 grudzień 2018      Alina
Uwagi na marginesie "Europejskiego Kongresu Kultury" 
12 wrzesień 2011      Artur Łoboda
Fałszerstwo historyczne niemieckiej hołoty z Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 
16 kwiecień 2016      Artur Łoboda
Apel do antyszczepionkowców 
9 grudzień 2021      Leszek Śmieszek
Kto wierzy w takie przypadki? 
18 kwiecień 2013      Artur Łoboda
Komunikat Ministerstwa Prawdy nr 479: Buczenie w obronie Demokracji!  
8 sierpień 2015      Słoneczny Grób
4 styczeń 2021      Paula Konowałek
Negowanie komunizmu było kiedyś "zbrodnią" zagrożoną zsyłką do gułagu.
Dzisiaj zbrodnią jest negowanie "epidemii" SARS CoV-2, a zagrożone jest pozbawieniem praw wykonywania zawodu.
8 sierpień 2020     
Rozległe cele szczepień 
19 kwiecień 2021     
12 luty 2016      Artur Łoboda
Świat zapomniał o Syrii? 
2 luty 2014
Pierwotna przyczyna tragedii nad Donbasem 
21 lipiec 2014      Artur Łoboda
Sensacja: Ekonomista na szczycie rządu światowego mówi, że nowy porządek świata finansowego zmieni się w dramatycznie nowym kierunku 
10 kwiecień 2022      leohohmann
Fałszerze historii 
26 luty 2016      Artur Łoboda
Kim jesteśmy 
8 wrzesień 2019     


Usurious capitalism and the war party in USA

It is said that America has the best democratic government that money can buy and it is under control of usurious capitalism of the banking system. Wars are great source o profits of the military-industrial complex, which was defined well by late president Dwight Eisenhower. As a result of recent wars and use and abuse of American soldiers as cannon fodder, now veterans represent a large percentage of the over two million prisoners held to a great extent in private prison in the USA.

The endless wars in the Middle East conducted for the joint benefit of Israel and the war industry resulted in the fact that now American veterans and soldiers commit suicide at the highest rate in history. Usurious capitalism allied with the war party mercilessly uses soldiers as cannon fodder. The huge cost of these wars is met by borrowing money on high interest rate by American treasury at the expense of American taxpayers, whose next generations will have to repay these debts. Of course these debts will vanish in case of breakdown in the value of the dollar..

Monetary policy of the United States and Britain is controlled by private banks, which are working for profit. The central bank in the USA it is called the Federal Reserve System – it is not a federal office just like the firm Federal Express is not part of the federal government. Federal Reserve System always is under a Jewish president. Jewish bankers control the monetary policy in the USA. They do it by controlling interest rates and money supply, which is printed by the Federal Reserve System. Thus these banks can cause a crises or a boom on the stock market. Advance knowledge of each change initiated by the Federal Reserve System is reflected on the stock market and in US economy – a fact, which gives the bankers a chance to profit from their advance information.

Major source of income of the bankers comes from transactions with so-called “money derivatives” operated by application of “financial engineering” which supposedly eliminates risk of losses from these transactions. These lucrative transactions reached a value ten times greater than the value of he entire world economy. Money derivatives are bets similar to short sales or bets on horse races, etc.

Bank Goldman Sachs, the main contributor to the election campaign of president Obama, was one of the main dealers, who dealt with excessive mortgage loans doomed to failure. These loan contracts were presented as very good securities to clients of Goldman Sachs, while at the same time the same bank was making very lucrative bets that the fraudulently advertised mortgage loans will fail.

Senate investigating committee under Jewish Senator Carl Levin from Michigan condemned these manipulations of bets on mortgages by the bank of Goldman Sachs as fraudulent and therefore criminal. (Senator Levin recently received campaign contributions of nearly six million dollars, including from pro-Israel sources the sum of $366.378).

Israel acts as an international agent provocateur for the war party in the USA. It is given free hand by the government of the United States to treat Palestinians as badly as the Germans treated Jews in the ghettos during the war. At the same time, under pressure of the war party western media hide from the public the fact that Israel has a large nuclear arsenal and a nuclear monopoly in the Middle East with which it tries to terrorize its Muslim neighbors and to annex the delta of Litany River from Lebanon, etc. Israel is the main beneficiary of the “war on terror” and solidarity with Israel gives the American war party many opportunities for war profits and incomes from usurious loans for war expenses.

Recently, on May 31, 2010 a tragic event took place on board of Turkish passenger ship, Mavi Marmara flying the Turkish flag and therefore legally a Turkish territory according to international law. It was attacked by Israeli soldiers who killed nine Turks including a nineteen year old American citizen, Frank Dogan, who was shot four times in the head and once in the chest from a distance of less than half a meter. He had with him his American passport. It was a purely gangster style murder. Of the nine Turks, five were killed by shots in the back.

Many Americans were killed by the Israelis since 1967, when 34 American sailors were killed and 171 injured. It was the most deadly attack on an American ship since WWII. The Israelis attempted to sink the ship USS Liberty, in order to claim that this war-crime was committed by the Egyptians and thereby cause American retaliation against Egypt. A survivor of the USS Liberty was put on the air by Al-Jazeera network on June 4, 2010. He testified that Israel falsified its investigation of the Liberty incident.

The Al-Jazeera broadcast was aired, after Israel, with the support of American government, had announced that: “only the Israeli government will be allowed to investigate the events on the ship Mavi Marmara.” This shows how the war party and the government of the USA treats the American citizens as insignificant as compared to Israeli interest, which is protected mainly by the usurious capitalism and the war party in the United States. This American policy has alienated USA even from NATO. Under the international law Turkey is the party entitled to conduct the investigation because the deadly attack was conducted against its sovereignty on the high seas. On June 2, 2010, Turkish prime minister, Recep Tavvip Erdogan, publicly attacked Israel for its barbarous action of banditry, piracy, and murder.
6 czerwiec 2010

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski 





13 grudnia
grudzień 13, 2002
Artur Łoboda
Kajmany - raj dla hedgefundów
czerwiec 15, 2008
W imię Honoru, Godności Człowieka i Sprawiedliwości
grudzień 12, 2005
Ryszard Krzysztof Chałasiński
Jeszcze tylko jedna przegrana...
czerwiec 18, 2006
Marek Olżyński
styczeń 25, 2003
Naród musi stać się suwerenem we własnym państwie
październik 27, 2005
Jan Dziżyński
.Pl.Jokes..O protestach lekarzy ciut dluzej ..i z ciut dalszej perspektywy...
lipiec 15, 2007
Inflacja rośnie na świecie
kwiecień 14, 2008
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Idea nacjonalizmu na tle idei olimpizmu
sierpień 24, 2008
Paweł Ziemiński
„Fiasko w Iraku”
lipiec 24, 2006
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Nie ma jak zawodówka
styczeń 26, 2006
kwiecień 22, 2005
Matki a żony zbrodniarzy
kwiecień 7, 2005
Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
marzec 30, 2008
Marek Jastrząb
Polskich zł ciąg dalszy
sierpień 8, 2005
Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
Dobra wiadomość
luty 12, 2006
Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
"Mondre rady, mondre rady, mondre rady..."
grudzień 22, 2008
Artur Łoboda
Pieniądze nie śmierdzą
lipiec 18, 2002
Ponownie Zimna Wojna?
listopad 18, 2006
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Polacy muszą być mądrzejsi od innych
lipiec 15, 2008
Artur Łoboda


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