After nearly a year of analysis - I seem to be close to explaining the methods of destroying human organisms - by NWO assassin.
First of all - what I suspected a year ago: people are poisoned with preparations called "medicines".
Medical executions take place under respirators!
But the really serious damage to human organisms - including "burnout of the lungs" is caused by electromagnetic waves of various frequencies, and the kovid assassin are fairly certain that they will not be discovered - because the vast majority of measuring devices - are unable to track the changing frequencies.
Besides - simultaneous action - with different frequencies, we can compare it to hitting a man from all sides.
If he has only one opponent - he may hide himself.
(The body will fight the identified threat.)
But when attacked from different sides, it doesn't stand a better chance.
So if the human body is simultaneously affected by various electromagnetic radiation - with variable modulation - then I will compare it to, for example, a hammer drill:
Just turning the drill bit won't do much.
The stroke itself also slowly breaks the material.
But the combination of rotational movement and pressure by an impact - gives a much stronger effect.
And so it is with the present "covid".
5G radiation alone would not be shocking.
But under this radiation - an increase in frequency to 50 gigahertz is assumed.
Combined with lower vibration frequencies, it will be a weapon of mass destruction.
In the collective research paper "There is no place to hide" - the Cellular Phone Taskforce Inc. newsletter.
it is this information that is collected.
Only, as usual - the overwhelming majority of people do not understand - what they are reading.