How could humanity have allowed this to happen?
The last curtains are falling and it is clearly visible that the governments of most countries in the world are only NWO agents and are carrying out their orders in the matter of covid-19.
Yesterday, Mateusz Morawiecki said that "We are dealing with the reconstruction of the world before our eyes".
Of course, he lied - because this is just an ATTEMPT to enslave the Nations.
But so far they have been doing very easily.
We must admit to ourselves that "democracy" as a system turned out to be a fiction - if so easily - turned into a dictatorship in most countries of the world.
We have compelling evidence that the covid-19 epidemic is a hoax.
This proof was presented by Alexander Lukashenka - because he did not close his society, and later revealed: what amount of money they wanted to bribe him, or he would terrorize his own nation in the name of allegedly fighting the virus.
As a result, NOBODY died of a mythical disease in Belarus.
War was waged against Humanity without warning under the guise of a fictional epidemic.
Protests against the restrictions of covid-19 should be called PROTESTS AGAINST WAR - which the Secret power over the world has brought to mankind.
10 październik 2020
Artur Łoboda
Populizm zamieszany racjonalizmem
kwiecień 22, 2004
sierpień 21, 2004
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Inne oblicze nazizmu
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Pchła na nied?wiedziu
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Pokój Busha
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Bractwo Włoskie w Krakowie
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AKT Nasza Lektura
„Władza globalizacji”- Jadwiga Staniszkis
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Należy pracować od podstaw
maj 11, 2004
Andrzej Kumor
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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