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Dziedzictwo polityczne "Nowej Prawicy" 
27 grudzień 2013      Artur Łoboda
Jedno ze źródeł powstania ISIS 
29 listopad 2015      Artur Łoboda
Jesteśmy Aniołami Narodu 
12 kwiecień 2010      Zygmunt Jan Prusiński
Panie ministrze Kwiatkowski 
12 marzec 2011      Bogusław
Święto Paschalnej Ofiary i jej „upiększające świat” znaczenie… 
4 kwiecień 2010      Dr Marek Głogoczowski
Nie ma żadnego kowida! (2) 
24 wrzesień 2021     
8 listopad 2011      Bogusław
"Chcemy prawdy o Wołyniu" - pikieta pod siedzibą PiS  
14 lipiec 2016     
Zaginęły meble z prezydenckiej willi w Klarysewie  
19 listopad 2015     
Rosół to najlepsze dziś lekarstwo  
10 marzec 2020      Artur Łoboda
Hiszpański kozioł. 
3 czerwiec 2011      Bogusław
Żydohołota chwilowo w odstawce? 
27 październik 2015      Artur Łoboda
ACTA - porozumienie złodziei 
31 styczeń 2012      Artur Łoboda
Serce Matki 
26 maj 2016     
Dwudziesta rocznica zburzenia muru berlińskiego 
9 listopad 2009      Artur Łoboda
Coś dla zdrowia 
6 marzec 2020      Artur Łoboda
Zaawansowany stan rozkładu Państwa Polskiego 
13 wrzesień 2012      Artur Łoboda
Jaki program Powstania Narodowego. Pytam po raz drugi.  
31 styczeń 2012      Artur Łoboda
Bronisław Komorowski - człowiek bez honoru 
9 sierpień 2014      Artur Łoboda
Po co Musk przyleciał do Polski? 
22 styczeń 2024      Artur Łoboda


„Lobby izraelskie”: fakty i mity

Aktualizacja : listopad 2023 r
Opublikowano pierwszy raz : listopad 2018 r

Wysokiej jakości filmy dokumentalne i raporty na temat roli „Lobby Izraelskiego” w polityce i mediach.
Uwaga : to kompendium nie propaguje stanowisk antyżydowskich ani antyizraelskich.

Stany Zjednoczone (I): Ogólnie
1.  “How the Israel Lobby Buys US Elections” (IAK, 25 minutes, 2018)
2.  The Israel Lobby’s Power Over US Congress (IAK, 10 minutes, 2021)
3.  Netanyahu at US Congress: 23 standing ovations (The Telegraph, 2015; more)
4.  The Israel Lobby in the United States (VPRO Documentary, 50 minutes, 2007)
5.  Ben Rhodes on the Israel Lobby in the US (Interview, FMEP, 45 min., 2021)
6.  The Israel Lobby (John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, LRB, 2006; Wiki)
7.  AIPAC and the Foreign Agents Registration Act (Forward, 2018; more)
8.  Christian Zionism in the United States (Whitney Webb, Mint Press, 2019)
9.  Sheldon Adelson: Top US Political Donor (Whitney Webb, MPN, 2018; more)
10.  “US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic Party” (JPost, 2016)
Stany Zjednoczone (II): Donald Trump
1.  Trump as Cyrus (Laurent Guyénot, The Unz Review, 2020)
2.  “Meet the Jews in Donald Trump’s inner circle” (Times of Israel, 2016)
3.  Trump and Russia: The Countless Israeli Connections (Haaretz, 2018)
4.  Donald Trump’s Ties to the Israel Lobby (KMN, 20 minutes, 2018)
5.  Trump’s Ties to the Russian-Jewish Mafia (Blackstone, 15 min., 2019)
Stany Zjednoczone (III): Inni prezydenci USA
1.  “Meet Joe Biden’s whole big Jewish mishpocha” (Times of Israel, 2020; more)
2.  “The Jewish billionaire who cost Hillary her presidency” (Haaretz, 2016)
3.  Obama, the Iran Deal, and the Israel Lobby (Tablet Magazine, 2015; more)
4.  “Israel blackmailed Bill Clinton with Monica Tapes” (New York Post, 1999)
5.  George W. Bush: Who are the Neoconservatives? (Guyénot; VoltaireNet, 2013)
6.  Israeli Assassinations and American Presidents (Weir, AntiWar, 2012; more)
7.  Ronald Reagan – A Custom Made President (Wichita Films, 50 min., 2015; more)
8.  Tapes Reveal Depth of Nixon’s Anti-Semitism (WaPo, 1999; moremoremore)
9.  Revealing Lyndon B. Johnson’s Jewish ties (JWeekly, 2008; moremore)
10  Did Israel Kill the Kennedys? (Laurent Gueyénot, Unz Review, 2018; video)

Antysemityzm i ADL

1.  “Antisemitism: It’s a trick, we always use it.” (Shulamit Aloni, DN, 2002)
2.  Defamation: The Movie (Yoav Shamir, 90 minutes, 2009; Wiki)
3.  The Leo Frank Case and the Origins of the ADL (RG, 15 min., 2019)
4.  Antisemitism: The IHRA definition controversy (MEE, 2021; moremore)
5.  The ADL in American Society (Ron Unz, The Unz Review, 2018)
6.  The Anti-Defamation League Spy Scandal (Counterpunch, 2013; more)
7.  Anti-Defamation League, tech firms team to fight online hate (CNet, 2017)
8.  The Anti-Defamation League, Twitter, and Elon Musk (Vox, 2023)
9.  Domestic Extremism Committee Run By ADL and SPLC (Unz Review, 2021)
10.  The Real Cancel Culture: Pro-Israel Blacklists (The Intercept, 2020; more)
Wielka Brytania
1.  Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby (Peter Oborne, Channel 4, 50 min., 2009)
2.  Third of British cabinet funded by Israel or pro-Israel lobby groups (DM, 2021)
3.  “The Israelis think they control the Foreign Office. And they do!” (DM, 2021)
4.  “After Corbyn, Israel Lobby Turns Guns on British Academia” (CN, 2021)
5.  “We ‘slaughtered’ Jeremy Corbyn, says Israel lobbyist” (EI, 2020; more)
6.  “US pro-Israel groups boosting UK anti-Muslim extremists” (ToI, 2019)
7.  UK minister Priti Patel participated in secret Israel meetings (EI, 2017)
8.  Israeli diplomat caught plotting to ‘take down’ UK MPs (Guardian, 2017)
9.  The Israel Lobby in Britain (Documentary, Al Jazeera, 90 min., 2017)
10.  Media mogul Robert Maxwell exposed as Mossad spy (Newsweek, 1991)
11.  Churchill and the Jews (Ofer Aderet, Haaretz, 2016; moremore)
1.  Nicolas Sarkozy accused of being a Mossad agent (Le Figaro, 2007)
2.  Manuel Valls: “Eternally tied to Israel” (Jerusalem Post, 2014; more)
3.  Emmanuel Macron: A puppet of the CRIF? (YT, 2020; more)
4.  Operation Opera: Mossad sabotage in France (Haaretz, 2021)
5.  Paris terrorist attacks: The Israel Connection (Panamza, 2022)
Szwajcaria i Niemcy
1.  Audiatur: Zur Israel-Lobby in der Schweiz (Infosperber, 2011)
2.  “Lupenreiner Antisemitismus” (Heise/Telepolis, Fallstudie, 2019)
3.  “Wie Anetta Kahane in der DDR Juden denunzierte” (JR, 2021; mehr)
4.  Schweiz: Geri Müller, der Mossad und dunkle Mächte (Blick, 2014; mehr)
5.  Schweiz: Streit um nachrichtenlose Vermögen (Thomas Borer, BZ, 2018)
6.  Swissair 111 und das Luxor-Massaker (Swiss Policy Research, 2018)
7.  Islam: Das “Gatestone Institute” und deutsche Medien (Correctiv, 2017)
8.  Die Affäre Michel Friedman (Manager Magazin, 2003)
9.  Die Israel-Lobby (Buch-Rezension; Telepolis, 2006)
Filmy dokumentalne
1.  Verleumdung: Der Film (Yoav Shamir, 90 Minuten, 2009)
2.  “Die jüdische Lobby” (ARD, Uri Schneider, 45 Min., 2010; Info)
3.  Israel und die Bombe: Ein radioaktives Tabu (Arte, 50 Min., 2012)
4.  Wie israelische Cyber­krieger Wahlen manipulieren (ZDF, 30 Min., 2023)
1.  Jewish executives and journalists in US media (Reddit, 2018)
2.  Israel and Internet Censorship (Alison Weir, IAK, 15 min., 2018; more)
3.  “Jews Do Control The Media” (Elad Nehorai, The Times of Israel, 2012)
4.  Do Jews dominate in American Media? (Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss, 2008)
5.  Wikipedia: A Jewish Online Encyclopedia? (Swiss Policy Research, 2020)
6.  15 Popular Internet Companies and Their Founders (SML, 2019; Facebook)
7.  The Boy Band Con: The Lou Pearlman Story (Aaron Kunkel, 100 min., 2019)
8.  Fact Check: The Jewish Share of American News Media (Vivare, 2022)
1.  Who said Jews run Hollywood? (Lisa Klug, Times of Israel, 2016)
2.  Do Jews run Hollywood? (Joel Stein, Los Angeles Times, 2008)
3.  The Jews Who Built Hollywood (Jewish Unpacked, 10 min., 2021; more)
4.  Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies, and the American Dream (Jacobovici, 100 min., 1998)
5.  Harvey Weinstein Hired ex-Mossad Agents to Track Women (Haaretz, 2017; more)
6.  Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan reveals past as Israeli spy (JNO, 2013)
7.  Alleged Jewish ‘Control’ of the American Motion Picture Industry (ADL, 1999)
Finanse i Bankowość
1.  America’s Top 20 Billionaires Who Support Israel (Abra Forman, BIN, 2015)
2.  America’s Richest Hedge Fund Managers (Jewish Contributions, 2020)
3.  Jews on the Forbes 200 List (Jewish Virtual Library, 2015; more)
4.  18 of the 20 biggest NYC real estate moguls are Jewish (Jewish Insider, 2013)
5.  The World’s 50 Richest Jews (parts twothreefourfive; Jerusalem Post, 2010)
6.  Bernie Madoff and the Jews (Joseph Epstein, Newsweek, 2009; more)
7.  Sam Bankman-Fried and the Injustice Democrats (Max Berger, 2023; more)
8.  The Jewish Story Behind the US Federal Reserve (Lowenstein, Forward, 2015)
9.  “When a Jewish Fed chief was novel” (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 2013; more)
10.  Jewish “Control” of the FED: A Classic Antisemitic Myth (ADL)
11.  The Rise of Jamie Dimon (Whitney Webb, 2023; part two)
Terroryzm fałszywej flagi (z wyłączeniem 11 września)

1.  Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism (Michael Piper, AFP, 2013)
2.  The SITE Intelligence Group, ISIS and Al Qaeda (James Tracy, 2014; more)
3.  Abu Nidal – A Mossad Terrorist (Patrick Seale, SOTT, 2007; moremore)
4.  Ari Ben-Menashe on Israeli Black Operations (Profits of War, 1992)
5.  Mossad Whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky on Black Operations (SPR, 1994)
6.  False Flag Attacks in Argentina in the 1990s (Adrian Salbuchi, 2009; more)
7.  CIA, Mossad links to German La Belle disco bombing (WSWS, 1998; video)
8.  Operation Opera (1979): When Mossad Strikes in France (Haaretz, 2021)
9.  The 1967 Israeli False Flag Attack on the USS Liberty (Unz Review, 2021)
10.  The 1954 Lavon Affair: False Flag Terrorism (Leonard Weiss, BAS, 2016)
11.  The shocking truth behind the 1950/51 Baghdad bombings (Spectator, 2023)
12.  Leader of KKK and American Nazi Party Revealed to Be a Jew (JTA, 1965)
1.  Early Israeli Terrorism: Irgun, Lehi, Haganah (UKTV, 25 minutes, 2009)
2.  USS Liberty: Dead in the Water (BBC Documentary, 70 minunes, 2002)
3.  CIA and Mossad behind Berlin La Belle disco bombing (ZDF, 20 min., 1998)
4. Operation Opera (1979): When Mossad Strikes in France (France 3, 2008)
5.  A lecture by Mossad whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky (C-SPAN, 60 min., 1995)
6.  The 1954 Lavon Affair: False Flag Terrorism in Egypt (Dawson, 3 min., 2008)
7.  The Little Drummer Girl (Film based on novel by John le Carré, 150 min., 1984)
8.  Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan was Israeli nuclear arms spy (JNO, 2013)
11 września i listy wąglika
1.  The Israeli Connection to 9/11 (Overview, WikiSpooks, 2022)
2.  9/11 Was an Israeli Job (Laurent Guyenot, The Unz Review, 2018)
3.  9/11 and Israel’s Great Game (Laurent Guyenot, 120 minutes, 2021)
4.  Israel and 9/11 (Christopher Bollyn, presentation, 60 min., 2015; book)
5.  High-Fivers and Art Student Spies (Ketcham, CounterPunch, 2007; more)
6.  The WTC Israeli “Art Students” Project (Mark Dotzler, 2013; more)
7.  The 2001 Anthrax Letter Mystery: Solved (Robert Pate, 2009)
8.  Anthrax Attacks: A False Flag Operation (Graeme MacQueen, 2021)
9.  September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor (Mazzucco, 30 min., 2013)
10.  Fact Check: The Spurious Israel–9/11 Connection (Vivare, 2023)

Zabójstwo Kennedy'ego

1.  Israel and the Assassinations of The Kennedy Brothers (Documentary, 2020)
2.  Did Israel Kill the Kennedys? (Laurent Gueyénot, The Unz Review, 2018)
3.  Final Judgment: Israel and the JFK Assassination (Michael C. Piper, 1994)
4.  Mossad Assassinations (Ron Unz, book review, The Unz Review, 2020)
5.  Israel and the Bomb: A Radioactive Taboo (Pohlmann, Arte, 50 min., 2012)
Jeffrey Epstein i Ghislaine Maxwell
1.  Jeffrey Epstein: One Nation Under Blackmail (Whitney Webb, 2022; book)
2.  Jeffrey Epstein and the Mega Group (Whitney Webb, Mint Press, 2019)
3.  Jeffrey Epstein: An Israeli Intelligence Operation (PVPG, 20 min., 2021)
4.  Jeffrey Epstein and Jewish Supremacism (Maria Farmer, 2020)
5.  Geopolitics and Pedocriminality (SPR, 2023)

Cyberwojna i ingerencja w wybory

1.  Israel’s Role in Global Cyber-Election Meddling (MPN, 2018; moremore)
2.  How Israel’s Spies Meddle in Elections and Hack Activists (Rubinstein, 2019)
3.  The Israeli Agents of Chaos: Global Deception and Destabilization (Haaretz, 2023)
4.  “Team Jorge”: In the heart of a global disinformation machine (FS, 2023; more)
5.  Private Mossad for Hire (Entous and Farrow, The New Yorker, 2019; more)
6.  Shady Companies With Ties to Israel Wiretap the US for the NSA (Wired, 2012)
7.  Former Israeli Spies Working at Google, Facebook and Microsoft (MPN, 2022)
8.  NSO Group and the Pegasus Spyware (Forbidden Stories, 2021; more)
9.  VPN Services Bought by Israeli Malware Firm (Restore Privacy, 2021)
10. PROMIS: The Maxwell Family and Global Espionage (Webb, 2020)
11.  Unit 8200: Israel’s cyber spy agency (Financial Times, 2015)
1.  ‘Team Jorge’: Israeli Cyberwarfare and Election Interference (Guardian, 2023)
2.  Pegasus: the spyware technology that threatens democracy (Guardian 2021)
3.  Pegasus Spyware: NSO Founder Shalev Hulio Confronted (60 Minutes, 2019)
4.  Black Cube: Israeli Private Intelligence Out of Control (Real News, 2019)
5.  The PROMIS Affair: CIA and Mossad Cyber Espionage (Current Affair, 1991)
Tradycyjne szpiegostwo
1.  The Jonathan Pollard Spy Case (Jeffrey Richelson, GWU, 2012; more)
2.  Spy Story: Harman, Saban, and AIPAC (The Nation, 2009; moremore)
3.  The Anti-Defamation League Spy Scandal (Counterpunch, 2013; more)
4.  The ADL Spying Operation Against the John Birch Society (JTA/IL, 2023)
5.  Israel accused of planting spy devices near White House (Politico, 2019)
6.  NUMEC Affair: Did Israel steal US bomb-grade uranium? (Bulletin, 2014)
7.  Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan was Israeli nuclear arms spy (JNO, 2013)
8.  The PROMIS Affair: CIA and Mossad Cyber Espionage (Current Affair, 1991)
Mafia i przestępczość zorganizowana
1.  The Jewish Mafia (Hervé Ryssen, 2008/2018; interview)
2.  The Judeo-Russian Mafia (Johnson, Barnes Review, 2006)
3.  Mafia Jews: Inside a Genuine Cabal (Jewish Forward, 2006)
4.  The Supermob (Gus Russo, Bloomsbury USA, 2006; archive)
5.  History and origin of Bronfman family wealth (Frank Parlato, 2018)
6.  Trump’s Ties to the Russian-Jewish Mafia (Blackstone, 2019)
7.  Ronald Reagan – A Custom Made President (Wichita Films, 2015)
8.  Gangsters for Zion: Jewish Mobsters and the Birth of Israel (Tablet, 2018)
9.  Mesira: The Jewish code of silence (Jewish Press, 2021; more)
Rosja, ZSRR, komunizm
1.  Russia bows to the ‘rule of the seven bankers’ (Irish Times, 1998; more)
2.  The Russians Called Them ‘The Oligarch Yids’ (Haaretz, 2002; more)
3.  From Rags to Riches: Jewish Oligarchs in Russia (Goldman, EEJA, 2000)
4.  Was the Russian Revolution Jewish? (Jerusalem Post, 2017; more)
5.  The Jews, Communism and the Russian Revolution (Ryssen, 80 min., 2017)
6.  Genrikh Yagoda and Stalin’s Jews (Sever Plocker, YNet News, 2006)
7.  The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution (Mark Weber, IHR, 1994)
8.  Solzhenitsyn breaks last taboo of the revolution (Guardian, 2003; more)
9.  Fact Check: The Myth of “Judeo-Bolshevism” (Vivare, 2022)
Wojny światowe
1.  Was Hitler Part-Jewish? (Yes.) (Dr. Mark Felton, 15 min., 2023)
2.  The Forgotten Truth about the Balfour Declaration (Kramer, Mosaic, 2017)
3.  Balfour at 100: Interview with Lord Rothschild (Weizmann Institute, 2017)
4.  Churchill and the Jews (Ofer Aderet, Haaretz, 2016; moremore)
5.  Chaim Weizmann: Letter to Winston Churchill (September 10, 1941)
6.  “The Jewish Hand in the World Wars” (Dalton, Unz Review, 2013; part 2)
7.  “The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany” (Johnson, TBR, 2001)
8.  “Too many Jews at Nuremberg” (Ami Eden, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 2007)
9.  Frankfurt School: The Jewish Intellectuals Who Made the 60’s (ANU, 2019; more)
10.  Promises & Betrayals: Britain and the Struggle for the Holy Land (TVF, 2002)
Rewizjonizm Holokaustu (18+)
Poniższe książki i filmy dokumentalne stanowią przegląd i kwestionowanie oficjalnej historiografii Holokaustu. Ponieważ może to być nielegalne w niektórych krajach europejskich, elementy te nie będą powiązane. Twierdzenia, że ​​nie było zorganizowanego ludobójstwa Żydów ani komór gazowych, są w oczywisty sposób fałszywe.

1.  The Six Million: Fact or Fiction? (Peter Winter, seventh edition, 2018)
2.  Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides (Thomas Dalton, 2020)
3.  “The Holocaust Industry” (2009 documentary, Norman Finkelstein; book)
4.  Holocaust: The Revenge Plot (Channel 4, 50 minutes, 2018; more)
5.  Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in Poland (CBS, 60 Minutes, 1993)
6.  Holocaust Controversies (Website on Holocaust controversies)
7.  Holocaust denial: Prosecutions and convictions (Wikipedia)
Wielokulturowość i nacjonalizm
1.  White supremacists and Israeli immigration policy (Times of Israel, 2021)
2.  Jewish Leadership at the Department of Homeland Security (Politico, 2021)
3.  “The Kosher-Controlled Alt-Right” (Thomas Mueller, Winter Watch, 2018)
4.  “The Jews Who Run the ‘Alternative’ Media” (Jon Swinn, NV, 2018)
5.  The “Alt-Right”, Jews, and Israel (The Jewish Forward, 2017; more)
6.  Fox News: Rupert Murdoch, Marc Rich, Marvin Davis (THR, 2013; more)
7.  Rabbi Baruch Efrati: Islamization of Europe a good thing (YNet, 2012)
8.  Barbara Lerner Spectre on European multiculturalism  (IBA News, 2010)
9.  Jewish Involvement in American Immigration Policy (MacDonald, 1998)
10.  The Jewish Leader of the American Nazi Party (History Channel, 1977)
Izrael i Palestyna
1. The true origins of Ashkenazi Jews and Yiddish (Eran Elhaik, 2019)
2. “The Invention of the Jewish People” (Shlomo Sand, 2009; book)
3.  How Israel Helped Create Hamas (The Intercept, 10 min., 2018)
4.  Israel – Birth of a Nation (BBC Documentary, 60 min., 2008)
5.  Early Israeli Terrorism: Irgun, Lehi, Haganah (UKTV, 2009)
6.  How did the 1948 Nakba happen? (Al Jazeera, 2018)
1.  Why Israel helped create Hamas (Swiss Policy Research, 2023)
2.  Israel Created Two of Its Own Worst Enemies (WRMEA, 2002)
3.  The 1973 Yom Kippur War wasn’t a surprise (Mosaic, 2023; more)
4.  The 1967 Six-Day War wasn’t preemptive (FPJ, 2010; more)
5.  Who really murdered PM Yitzhak Rabin? (CAM, 2023)
6.  Against Our Better Judgement (Alison Weir, CNI, 2014)
7.  Khazar hypothesis of Ashkenazi ancestry (Wikipedia)
Żydowska supremacja
1.  Jews as God’s chosen people (Wikipedia)
2.  “Israelis: Do you see non-Jews as equal to you?” (Ask Project, 2020)
3.  Jeffrey Epstein and Jewish Supremacism (Maria Farmer, 2020; more)
4.  “One Jewish Life Is Worth More Than 10,000 non-Jews” (Haaretz, 2018)
5.  The Jewish fear of intermarriage (Erica Chernofsky, BBC, 2014; more)
6.  Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews (JTA, 2010)
7.  Domestic Terrorism & White Supremacy (American Jewish Congress)
Nauka i Kultura
1.  Jewish Contributions (
2.  Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates (Jewish Virtual Library; more)
3.  The Super Achievers (Ronald Gerstl, 2020; more)
4.  The Golden Age of Jewish Achievement (Steven Pease, 2009; more)
5.  The erasure of Jews from American life (Jacob Savage, 2023)
6.  The Myth of American Meritocracy (Ron Unz, 2012; more)
7.  Jewish Intellectual Movements (MacDonald, 60 min., 2008)
1.  Essays on Jewish Power (Laurent Guyénot, 2020; more)
2.  Persecution, Privilege, and Power (Mark Green, ed., 2007; archive)
3.  The Jewish Century (Yuri Slezkine, Princeton University Press, 2006)
4.  The Culture of Critique (Kevin MacDonald, Praeger, 1998/2013)
5.  They Dare to Speak Out (Congressman Paul Findley, 1985/2003; archive)

21 listopad 2023






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