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Zachorowania na świńską grypę w USA - stan na 14 listopada 2009 
22 listopad 2009      tłumacz
Geopolityka wokół broni nuklearnych 
30 październik 2009      Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
25 marzec 2014     
Przestroga dla PiS 
5 listopad 2015      Artur Łoboda
Bardzo smutny film .... 
12 luty 2019     
Dziennik pisarza Karola Zielińskiego z Krakowa (24.06.2019) 
7 październik 2020      Zygmunt Jan Prusiński
Uwaga ! Bronek idzie... Część II 
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Głupi spot, ale ważna sprawa 
9 wrzesień 2017     
Upadek Zbigniewa Ziobro bliski 
21 luty 2019     
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3 styczeń 2022     
Historia holokaustu w wersji syjonistów 
1 kwiecień 2014      Artur Łoboda
Anda Rottenberg dostała tytuł naukowy dzięki "układom" 
2 grudzień 2015
Trzech Abrahamerów 
15 styczeń 2020     
Czujna agenda bangstertów 
15 styczeń 2016      Artur Łoboda
Przełomowe pozwy zbiorowe dodatkowo ujawniają zdumiewającą korupcję we wprowadzaniu szczepionek na COVID 
28 maj 2023      Joseph Mercola
Historia jeszcze się nie skończyła 
28 wrzesień 2014      Artur Łoboda
Czy żyjemy jeszcze we własnym kraju? 
22 grudzień 2014
Wiersze z książki „Roztańczone mgły” 
18 sierpień 2020      Zygmunt Jan Prusiński
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8 grudzień 2018      Alina


Globalism - that is, the planned collapse of the world

Ladies and gentlemen

In 2003, Izrael Adam Shamir published my letter to Jews.

I foreshadowed a great world tragedy in it - caused by jewish moneylenders, who use the idea of the "chosen people" as justification to rule over other nations.

The most dangerous effects of these actions will be felt by ordinary Jews who have nothing to do with the criminals.

In Polish I titled My text: "Globalism - that is, the planned collapse of the world",
in English simple" "Globalism"

After the so-called collapse of communism - countries such as Poland - became a place of enormous plunder of national property - by foreign capital.

We didn't know who is doing it yet?
There was no Internet then.

After 1990, industry in Poland was destroyed and millions of people were unemployed.
Poles deprived of livelihoods - after several years of poverty - committed suicide en masse.
And about half a million people became homeless and died in the streets within a few years - because in Poland there was no support for the homeless!
In 1996, while studying the history of Jews in Poland, I understood that they used the same methods in the past and led to the fall of the Polish State - which is what a certain Balcerowicz does today - led by liberal economic criminals Sachs and Soros.

In order not to offend ordinary Jews - I used the term gangsters - bankers.
After reading my text, someone created a cluster of words like "bankster".

The more I studied the history of Jews, the more dangerous they became in my eyes.
There is something terrible about their sick minds.
These are psychopaths who create many tools - to justify their own - sick actions - such as the kabala.

I was hoping that ordinary Jews would join the resistance against bankers because I foresaw that they would be the first victims of mentally ill psychopaths.

 And here we stand at the moment - when my warnings came true - because the aggressors in the current war against humanity are almost only jews billionaires
Rockefeler, Rotschild, Gates, Soros, ...

To start defending ourselves - we need to understand the methods and plans for their actions.

As of today, I see it as follows:

1. Bill Gates has corrupted NGOs around the world over the years - through huge subsidies. Today they support his aggression.

2. Pharmaceutical companies have corrupted doctors around the world for several decades. Today they confirm the lie of false pandemia.

3. The aggressors have secured themselves control of almost every government in the world - through the presence of their agents who run the false pandemic program today.

4. Aggressors have a great deal of knowledge about the habits of people - by analyzing behavior on the Internet.

5. The aggressors have a lot of materials that compromise politicians from many countries. They got it by hacking computers and cell phones.

6. The aggressors have a new weapon - which they will use as the 5G installation develops.

And it is precisely the operation of this weapon that I would like to explain - because three years ago it was applied to me.

We know that radioactive radiation after a nuclear explosion causes human irradiation and, as a result, death or very serious diseases.

We call this radiation "ionizing radiation".
But non-ionizing radiation has exactly the same effect - from cell phones and wi-fi.
Only a thousand times weaker. But we are exposed to them thousands of times longer.

Since the mid-1960s, research has been conducted on the effects of high-frequency radiation on the human body.
In small doses, it can even treat certain diseases.

But such radiation - to which modern cell phones expose us - can only cause disease.

Scientists have carried out hundreds of experiments proving that high-frequency electromagnetic radiation burns the lungs of laboratory animals and the emergence of macrophages and exosomes that scammers today call the covid virus.

You must go to REAL medical scientists - to show us their works. (In Canada, ask Magda Havas.)
And then you will understand - how to defend yourself against the mythical covid.

I underlined

Nobody in the world has isolated SARS COV-2, and PCR tests were created many years before the covid and do not contain ANY information about this virus.

It is electromagnetic waves that burn out internal organs and make the body unable to fight viruses that used to be harmless.

8 maj 2021

Artur Łoboda 





UE z humorem
lipiec 1, 2003
przesłała Elżbieta
Tajemnica misteriów (nordycka interpretacja Vikernesa)
marzec 22, 2007
wrzesień 29, 2003
prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Milczenie za 400 milionów złotych
lipiec 14, 2002
Dyktatura czyni przygotowania
maj 8, 2003
16 grudnia 1981 - 16 grudnia 2002
grudzień 16, 2002
Andrzej Trzaska
Komuniści chronieni przez Żydów?
wrzesień 13, 2008
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Manifestacja w Warszawie - przeciw wojnie w Iraku
czerwiec 30, 2004
Na zdrowie
styczeń 9, 2003
Pierwiastek kłamstwa.
czerwiec 13, 2007
bez podpisu
Polityka Oburzenia w „Wojnie Przeciwko Terrorowi”
czerwiec 15, 2006
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
po trupach do raju
lipiec 11, 2003
Miroslaw Krupinski
Szczegółowa instrukcja USA dla Słowenii mającej teraz prezydencję unijną, kiedy i jak EU ma uznać Kosowo i jak ma to konkretn
luty 20, 2008
Cechy charakterystyczne klasycznego slowianskiego goja
czerwiec 27, 2007
"Fakt" - w dalszym ciągu mają Polaków za idiotów
październik 20, 2003
Ludzie jak żubry?
maj 21, 2006
Herezja Amerykańska i Narzucanie Subordynacji
czerwiec 27, 2008
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Ateiści chcą pokazać pornografię w kościele!
listopad 22, 2007
Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
NATO gani Bułgarię
październik 4, 2003
Białoruskie metody w bełchatowskiej policji
maj 19, 2006
Marek Olżyński


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