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Bolszewicki populizm PiS? 
10 wrzesień 2018     
Nie walczcie z napompowanymi bufonami 
12 sierpień 2017      Artur Łoboda
UKRYTA HISTORIA szczepionek i okropności gromadzenia się toksyn  
13 marzec 2024      SD Wells
On The First Polish Republic 
27 luty 2011      Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Apel o wszczemiężliwość w interpretacji historii 
8 styczeń 2020     
Przebudzenie duszy 
10 marzec 2013      Artur Łoboda
Naukowe oszustwa ekologistów 
7 kwiecień 2024      Artur Łoboda
Marsz Niepodległości 2013 
10 listopad 2013      Artur Łoboda
Polityka historyczna Rządu PiS 
7 maj 2016      Artur Łoboda
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8 luty 2019      Alina
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23 czerwiec 2024     
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11 sierpień 2020     
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3 wrzesień 2023      Ethan Huff
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5 grudzień 2017     
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23 kwiecień 2021      David McLoone
Druga uwaga na temat Hamburga 
9 lipiec 2017      Artur Łoboda
Kultura etapu 
23 kwiecień 2017     
Śmierć Alicji Tysiąc 
18 grudzień 2021     
Pytanie o przyszłosć ludzkosci 
25 październik 2011      Artur Łoboda
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6 grudzień 2021      Artur Łoboda


Dlaczego Unia Europejska (czytaj bankierzy) nienawidzi Wiktora Orbana

Kilka dni temu media doniosły, że w 2013 roku Węgry nakazały opuszczenie tego kraju przez bankierów Rothschilda.
To wywołało agresję środowisk bankierów i atak ekonomiczny na ten kraj.
W rezultacie czego - Wiktor Orban zaczął szantażować Unię europejską - możliwością zwrotu w stronę Putina.

Victory: Hungary Orders The Rothschild Banks To Leave The Country


Hungary, in 2013, finally kicked out the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from its country. In July it announced its plans to repay the IMF bailout and for it to vacate the Budapest office. By August the same year, the Central European country had indeed arranged early payment of the loan.

A kindly worded letter from Gyorgy Matolcsy, the head of Hungary’s Central Bank , asked Managing Director, Christine Lagarde of the International Misery Fund, as some have fondly nicknamed it, to close the office as it was not necessary to maintain it any longer.

The Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, seemed keen to ease off austerity measures and prove that the country could go it alone. It in fact issued its first bond in 2011, borrowing off the global markets.

Hungary borrowed €20 billion loan to avoid becoming insolvent during the economic crisis in 2008. But the debtee debtor relationship has not been smooth sailing.

Many criticised the Prime Minister as making an ill-advised decision in order to win an election, which was due in 2014. He also wanted to refrain from having too many foreign eyes on their economic policies, as many reforms were criticised as being undemocratic.

Paying the loan back early has meant Hungary have saved €11.7 million worth of interest expenses, but Gordan Bajnai, leader of the electoral alliance E14-PM, claimed that they had actually lost €44.86 million by March 2014 because of the early repayment as all they did was replace the loan from the International Mafia Federation (another nickname, we’re still talking about the IMF here) with a more expensive one, labelling the stunt as Propaganda .

And what made further nonsense; another loan at high interest rates was signed to finance a nuclear upgrade, which will mean not only higher repayments but also high electricity costs. But they do have economic sovereignty now. 

Many have claimed that the IMF AKA ‘Imposing Misery and Famine’, are owned by the Rothschild group, the biggest banking group in the world, having their fingers in almost every central bank in the world. This means that not only do they make money off usurious interest rates at the misfortune of crumbling economies, they also literally own Governments and people of power – I mean they have considerable influence.

Escaping the banking clutches is therefore, iconic. Iceland joined Hungary in 2014 when it paid back its $400 million loan ahead of schedule after the collapse of the banking sector in 2008 and Russia, of course bowing down to no Western puppeteer, freed itself in 2005.

The return of these three countries to financial independence has been said to be the first time a European country has stood up to the international fund, since Germany did so in the 1930s. Greece is anxiously trying to make payments but missing them as we all stand on the sidelines routing for them to stick two fingers up to the ‘International M***** F******’. 




Prywatny system bankowy musi zostac zakazany poniewaz jest nielegalny i okrada kraj z pieniedzy ktore zamiast rozwijac infrastrukture kraju, idzie do prywatnych kieszeni "bankierow" za granica. Jest to tak oczywiste, ale zadna ksiazka ekonomiczna jakos tego nie zauwaza.




Ordnung must sein, praca uczyni cię wolnym
marzec 4, 2005
Artur Łoboda
kwiecień 28, 2008
Marek Jastrząb
Wiek katastrofalnego kapitalizmu
październik 23, 2007
Naomi Klein
"Bioferm" w wersji francuskiej
luty 7, 2009
"PaRDeS" Izraela Adama Shamira (Rozdział I)
styczeń 26, 2006
O BANANACH I OPOZYCJI... i jeszcze raz o bananach
styczeń 9, 2003
Artur Łoboda
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Artur Łoboda
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wrzesień 21, 2006
Michał Sobczyk, Jarosław Szczepanowski
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wrzesień 16, 2008
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Watykan przeciw interwencji USA w Iraku
grudzień 23, 2002
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czerwiec 19, 2006
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
wrzesień 9, 2003
prof. Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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grudzień 6, 2004
Smutne refleksje
październik 30, 2007
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wrzesień 12, 2002
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marzec 2, 2008
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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sierpień 15, 2002
czerwiec 30, 2008
Dariusz Kosiur
Jan Paweł II
kwiecień 2, 2005


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