Do przyjaciół z Toronto
Ktoś z moich przyjaciół musiał mieć niezabezpieczony komputer i padł ofiarą hakerów - którzy wyciągnęli wszystkie adresy email.
Z tego względu dwukrotnie dotarły do mnie spamy - które traktować mogę tylko jako żenującą ironię losu.
Podpisane były raz Bob a potem MR.
Przeczytajcie, a sami wyciągniecie odpowiednie wnioski.
Oto treść spamu:
I bring you good news with this reminder to vote on May 2nd, for our good friend MP Bob Dechert for our Erindale riding. Bob has been a reliable friend of Israel and has worked hard in Ottawa and behind the scenes to ensure the saftey and prosperity of Jews in Canada and in Israel as evidenced by his voting record to support Israel's postions at the United Nations and in ongoing matters on the West Bank and in Jerusalem. He has steadfastly defended our naval blockade and resettlement programs without compromise. He has helped in many other ways which I can share with you personally and he has always made himself available when our Jewish community needs support. Bob has even offered to personally help us raise at least $2 million for our new community center. Do you think Omar Alghabra would ever make such a generous offer of personal assistance?
And now the good news I want to share with you... I personally spoke with Bob last week about the immigration issues that concern us most. Bob assured me that if he is reelected, he will introduce legislation to limit immigration by ridings and implement an ethnic quota cap to ensure Erindale's future is one that is favorable and embraces the Jewish community. He asked for my personal input and support on this project which I will gladly give him as I personally do not want any more friction or hot heads in our community and want to see more kosher delis than Rabba food marts if you know what I mean. Of course we all want equality and we will always welcome educated immigrants from any nation into our community, but we need to exclude extremists and those that cannot contribute productively to our community or those who do not respect our culture. After the election we will form a committee to review the plan that Bob and I have discussed that will ensure Erindale remains a favorable and friendly host community for Israeli immigrants free of religious and social tensions.
But first things first, and right now our priority has to be May 2nd and getting Bob another well-deserved term to finish what he has started. I urge you to all do your duty for Israel, for Canada, for Erindale, and of course, for our families and each other. Bob is counting on us just as we have been counting on him. He has delivered for us and he will continue to do so. Please remember to vote for our brother Bob Dechert and please remind your neighbors to do the same. Bob and and I thank you sincerely for your support. Please enjoy the holiday in peace with your family and loved ones.
Best wishes,
29 kwiecień 2011
Artur Łoboda
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