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Pieszy na przejściu 
23 lipiec 2015      Artur Łoboda
Brexit: 1 week to go!  
16 czerwiec 2016      Wise in Theory
Omamy syjonizmu 
17 listopad 2011      Artur Łoboda
Dokąd idziesz Polsko 
17 wrzesień 2012     
Dlaczego Polska jest taka - jaka jest 
1 marzec 2016      Artur Łoboda
Program sędziowski I. Sprawy cywilne.  
7 wrzesień 2016      Artur Łoboda
Bajka o Platformie i Stonodze 
17 czerwiec 2015      Baj-Kał
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15 lipiec 2021     
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10 luty 2019      Alina
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16 listopad 2016     
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20 sierpień 2019      Alina
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6 styczeń 2013      Artur Łoboda
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23 lipiec 2009      MG/Gasienica
Taktyka niszczenia polskiej kultury (1) 
23 styczeń 2013      Artur Łoboda
25 lipiec 2017      Jolanta Michna
Sprawiedliwy wśród bankierów świata 
28 kwiecień 2020     


Katyn tragedy - Holocaust vs Beheading of the Polish Nation

Tragic comparison of the Holocaust with the PLANNED, prepared and executed beheading of the Polish Nation is A TOPIC avoided so far in the western media. While the tragedy of the Jews is A very prominent even in school programs, the public knows very little about the cooperation of the Gestapo with the NKVD in the long prepared joint PROJECT of beheading of the Polish Nation by mass murdering its leadership community. Both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia prepared long lists of educated and prominent Poles to be executed after the invasion of Poland first by the Germans on September 1, 1939 JOINED by the Soviets on September 17, 1939.

On October 3, 1939 the NKVD started to select prominent Polish prisoners of war for the purpose of mass execution which took place in the spring of 1940 at the time when the Soviets organized mass deportation of Poles to Kazakhstan and other localities. During the 20-month of Hitler-Stalin partnership the Soviet eliminated 1,700,000 people from Poland, mostly Catholics; SOME 900,000 of whom were dead by October 1, 1942 including nearly 22,000 Polish army and police officers and CIVIL SERVANTS executed in Katyn, Tver and Mednoye.

Extermination camp Auschwitz I was built by the Germans primarily as AN execution site of the Polish leadership community of which 70,000 were murdered at that site. Jewish tragedy took place later at Auschwitz-Birkenau where hundreds of thousand of people were gassed. The victims were not SELECTED members of Jewish leadership community. They were children, women old and young men – people who had no means to escape. THEY were condemned to death as a preventive measure decided upon by the Nazis to prevent the so called Ost-Juden from exploiting German defeat. This horrible decision was announced on January 20, 1942 after the Germans lost the battle of Moscow and Hitler understood that German might lose the war. One should mentioned that in 1940 Hitler in euphoria FOLLOWING f his victory in France ordered Eichmann to prepare a four year plan to evacuate all Jews from German occupied Europe to a “super ghetto” on the island on Madagascar as is documented on the Internet. The defeated French navy together with the defeated British navy were to transport some 4,000,000 Jew to Madagascar which the French were to give to the Germans. With German defeat in the battle of Britain the plan of evacuating the Jews to Madagascar was abandoned by Hitler in the Fall of 1940.

While Jewish population suffered mal nutrition and persecution in the ghettos the elite of the Polish nation was systematically murdered by Nazi and Soviet terror apparatus in occupied Poland. Up till the Summer of 1941 the Soviets with a massive help of leftist Jews killed a larger number of Polish citizens than the Germans did, according to professor Norma Davies of Oxford University. All told Poland lost 20% of its population of some 37,000,000 or about seven million people of which majority were Polish Catholics. Recently speaking about the Katyn tragedy professor Norman Davies explained to reporters from the Wall Street Journal that for the Poles the whole process of “beheading of the Polish nation” during WWII was their primary tragedy more important to them than the Holocaust, which is known to the Poles in greater detail than to other people. The dimension of the tragedy of the Christian population of Poland WAS OVERSHADOWED BY the FLOOD OF massive Holocaust information spread in schools and in the media.
23 kwiecień 2010

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski 





Włosi częściej czeszą swoje włochy
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Marek L.
Apel o wiernosc Polsce
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Artur Łoboda
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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Artur Łoboda
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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nie kleryk ale z wiara


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