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Logika krytyków Polski w sześćdziesiątą rocznicę września 1939 
17 sierpień 2009      Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Anioł Stróż Portugalii przybywa 
12 październik 2017      Paweł Ziółkowski
Darmowe poddanie się inwigilacji 
30 styczeń 2021     
Wykupują Polskę 
12 luty 2018     
Porzućcie bryczki! Wezwanie do Polaków 
18 listopad 2011      Artur Łoboda
Zadluzenie w demokracji 
19 sierpień 2010      Goska
Ryży oszust bezczelnym kłamcą 
26 sierpień 2014      Artur Łoboda
Prezydent Krakowa Jacek Majchrowski współdziałał w fałszerstwie map geodezyjnych 
8 luty 2023     
Czego moglibysmy chciec gdybysmy rozwazali historie Polski w perspektywie przynajmniej wiekowej 
16 marzec 2014      Beyondrubikon
Brytole zrobieni w dupę ? 
16 maj 2010      Goska
Moje przywołania 
21 styczeń 2017      Artur Łoboda
Jak się będą ciebie bali 
11 marzec 2017     
Kodeks norymberski 
22 sierpień 2020     
Przeszedłem infekcję koronawirusa 
22 październik 2020     
Anty epitafium dla Paradowskiej 
29 czerwiec 2016      Artur Łoboda
Oto Mateusz Morawiecki! 
18 grudzień 2020     
Przygotowuję oskarżenia karne wobec Rządu PiS 
5 kwiecień 2020     
27 czerwiec 2020      Alina
Renta neokolonialna, czyli ile jeszcze Polak zapłaci 
21 grudzień 2014
Negowanie komunizmu było kiedyś "zbrodnią" zagrożoną zsyłką do gułagu.
Dzisiaj zbrodnią jest negowanie "epidemii" SARS CoV-2, a zagrożone jest pozbawieniem praw wykonywania zawodu.
8 sierpień 2020     


Why are we really fighting this war in Central Asia?


Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:7

For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, who art as black
as hell, as dark as night.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832)

Nine years ago this week Larry Silverstein and his partner, the former
[?] Israeli terrorist Frank Lowy, closed the deal on the 99-year lease
of the World Trade Center. Silverstein and Lowy, devoted agents of
the state of Israel and its Zionist fund-raising organizations in New
York, immediately had their leased WTC property and future rental
earnings insured against a terror attack exactly like that which
occurred only seven weeks later. Having obtained the lease with
borrowed funds, Silverstein promptly raised rents forty percent.

Unlike the Twin Towers, Larry Silverstein actually owned WTC 7, the
47-story building that fell straight down into it's footprint at about
5:25 p.m. on 9-11, in what was clearly a controlled demolition. All
three towers demolished on 9-11 were under Silverstein's control and
although he openly admitted on camera that he had decided to "pull"
WTC 7, his revealing comments have never been investigated by the
authorities of New York City or the federal government. Whoever
placed the super-thermite and other explosive charges in the Twin
Towers probably did so during the seven weeks before 9-11, when
Silverstein completely controlled access to the towers. Apart from
all the other questions, Silverstein has never been held to account
for the fact that the escape doors to the roof of both towers had been
locked. Why were rooftop evacuations not attempted?

Larry Silverstein had control of all three towers that were demolished
on 9-11. The explosive demolition of his three buildings made him a
billionaire. Under the Rothschild Zionist crimocracy that controls
New York City and the United States, Silverstein has been richly
rewarded for his role in terrorism and mass murder - rather than
investigated and punished.

In the following video Silverstein comments on his decision to "pull" WTC 7:

In the following video 9-11 truth activists shame Silverstein. This
is what Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert, and every other criminal involved in
the 9-11 cover-up should get from the public.

While Larry Silverstein is certainly one of the key players in the
false-flag terrorism of 9-11, it is unlikely that he is one of the
high-level architects of the master plan behind the terror atrocity.
He is more likely to be a simple sayan, a devoted Zionist Jew and
"useful idiot", who carried out an essential function in a large and
complex operation. The master plan behind the "false-flag" terrorism
of 9-11 was to deceive the U.S. government and western nations into
occupying Afghanistan and waging an open-ended "War on Terror" against
those Middle Eastern nations that resist the hegemony of the
Rothschild-funded Zionist state of Israel. Ehud Barak, the current
defense minister of Israel, was the first person to call for a U.S.
invasion of Afghanistan, which he did on the Rothschild-controlled BBC
World television network only minutes after the towers were

"There is a much larger group behind these [9/11 attacks] which is the
international banking cartel which controls trillions of dollars and
which has an interest in controlling countries in the Middle East
which are not under their control."
- Professor Steven E. Jones on KUER (Salt Lake City's NPR affiliate),
September 5, 2006

I have been reading many articles on the 9-11 atrocity and other major
world events. I am a 46-year-old Ashkenazi Jew from London, England.
I believe the Rothschilds and the banking conspiracy are behind
EVERYTHING. When I bring the subject up with my peers and family, I am
told it is anti-Semitic nonsense, probably paid for by the Saudi
- Letter to, April 2010

The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is more than 1 trillion
U.S. dollars.
See -

The war in Afghanistan has already cost U.S. taxpayers more than 286
thousand million (billion) dollars, while the war in Iraq has burned
up some 736 thousand million (billion) dollars. One out of five
children in the USA live in poverty and tens of millions are unable to
afford health care. The debt of the United States has more than
doubled since 2001 and is now so large that all the money taken in by
the collection of income tax is not enough to pay the interest on that
debt. All of the federal debt and the immense sums that have been
wasted on the disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are "borrowed"
funds, i.e. money created by commercial banks like those owned by the
house of Rothschild, which has a two-hundred year history of
instigating war for profit.

22 wrzesień 2010

przysłał ICP 





Ekonomia państwa narodowego
kwiecień 12, 2003
Roman Kafel
Głupi, bierny ale wierny"
listopad 29, 2006
za PAP
Nowy kierunek strategiczny?
sierpień 26, 2008
Ignacy Nowopolski
listopad 14, 2007
przesłała Gośka
Kiedy kurator działa inaczej
marzec 15, 2006
Marek Olżyński
Światu grozi zagłada
listopad 3, 2004
Artur Łoboda
Fiasko Podbojów Pól Ropy Naftowej
czerwiec 18, 2008
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Why the West Hates Islam...
czerwiec 24, 2007
przysłał Marduk
Polonia nigdy nie wybaczy !
maj 2, 2003
Andrzej Kumor
Budowanie moralności w przyszłym Państwie Polskim
czerwiec 19, 2004
Towarzystwo ochrony ormowców
styczeń 7, 2003
Artur Łoboda
Wojskowa współpraca dwóch agresorów
kwiecień 11, 2005
Kongres Polski Suwerennej żyje!
grudzień 24, 2008
Paweł Ziemiński
Irak, Wielka Nafta i Turcja
luty 15, 2008
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Fundacja urzędnika NFZ reprezentuje polskich pacjentów w organizacjach międzynarodowych
listopad 26, 2007
Adam Sandauer
Polacy w oczach Żydów na przestrzeni wieków
luty 29, 2008
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Polski Front Narodowy
czerwiec 17, 2005
4 mld zł z budżetu - 30% podwyżki płac w Służbie Zdrowia.
luty 24, 2006
Adam Sandauer
Abp Józef Życiński powiedział
luty 11, 2003 - przyjaciele Adama Chmielowskiego
Jaka jest subwersja Izraela w USA?
kwiecień 9, 2006
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski


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