Open Letter to the President Barack Obama
The White House
Washington DC
Dear Mr. President:
I would like to recommend the introduction for permanent service a manned submersible unit to be operated by the Coast Guard for the purpose of inspecting and controlling leakages on the site of marine installations, especially on the bottom of the sea. The submersible unit should be equipped with jet pumps necessary to expose the defective leaking pipe for the operator to see, then grab the leaking pipe and squeeze it tight with the mechanism of a hydraulic press to stop the leakage. The submersible unit should be ready at all times to be flown to any location requiring assistance.
I am a veteran of over thirty years of planning and building marine installations for the petroleum industry in the United States and in Venezuela. I am a registered professional engineer in the state of Virginia. I was an adjunct professor of marine structures for the petroleum industry at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg Virginia. I have 49 U.S. and international patents relaying to offshore installations. For example my 200 ft bridge for connecting platforms has been the industry standard for several decades. It can be seen on a photograph at www.pogonowski.com.
Respectfully yours
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, P.E.
30 maj 2010
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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