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Dwukrotna zdrada Polski  
15 maj 2009      Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Zygmunt Jan Prusiński W KRAINIE CIENI - część pierwsza 
10 marzec 2021      Zygmunt Jan Prusiński
Milion dolarów nagrody za debatę o kowid 
26 styczeń 2022     
Sytuacja jest poważna, ale będzie dobrze 
6 marzec 2020     
Prawie WSZYSCY chcą "wyszczepić" Polaków 
26 styczeń 2021     
Zygmunt Jan Prusiński ZBUDZISZ WE MNIE ROZKWIT DŹWIĘKÓW - część piąta 
1 lipiec 2021      Zygmunt Jan Prusiński
Antysemityzm w nowym wcieleniu 
22 maj 2019      Artur Łoboda
15 tysięcy doświadczeń 
21 październik 2022     
Jak zabijają "na kowida" 
2 luty 2021      Artur Łoboda
Tajniki spalania wody w kotłach grzewczych i silnikach spalinowych - Jerzy Orzeł 
3 grudzień 2018      Alina
Zaawansowany stan rozkładu Państwa Polskiego 
13 wrzesień 2012      Artur Łoboda
PiS zatopi PiS  
2 kwiecień 2020      Artur Łoboda
VI Międzynarodowy Protest Przeciw Przymusowi Szczepień 
3 czerwiec 2022      stopnop
Rząd uratuje Kopalnię Soli w Wieliczce.....? 
14 październik 2018      Artur Łoboda
Młodzież nie zapłaci za Zdrojewskiego, ani Sikorskiego 
20 lipiec 2012      Artur Łoboda
W wypadku w Tatrach zginął Józef Szaniawski 
5 wrzesień 2012      PNM
Niedzielski do tej pory nie podał: kto wyizolował kowida? 
4 styczeń 2021     
Marsz Niepodległości 2014  
12 listopad 2014
Zagrożenie przyjdzie z Zachodu 
12 marzec 2012      Artur Łoboda
4 listopad 2012


Co i jak Premier Władimir Władimirowicz Putin może powiedzieć na Westerplatte?

Na Westerplatte Premier Władimir Władimirowicz Putin może wygłosić w języku niemieckim przemówienie którego transkrypt w tłumaczeniu na angielski opracowno już wcześniej.

Zamieszczam poniżej angielskojęzyczny tekst który był podstawą artykułu Zambrowskiego i o który Putin może oprzeć swoje wystąpienie. Zamieszczę również link do niego
ale odradzam korzystanie, bo serwer jest przeciążony.

Nawet osoby o umiarkowanej znajomosci języka angielskiego zachęcam do zapoznania się z jego treścią. Jest bardzo przejrzysty: podział na akapity, dużo liczb i rzeczowników własnych (nazwy geograficzne, imiona i nazwiska itp) co bardzo ułatwia zrozumienie.

OSCE insults - Russia strikes back: The case against Poland

Friday July 3 2009, the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE passed a resolution comparing Stalinism with Nazism. For Russia the distortion of history for political ends is unacceptable. This profound insult to the country that lost over 26 million souls, as it stemmed the Nazi tide, responsible for 90 per cent of Wehrmacht casualties, cannot go unanswered.

In occupied Poland the status of Volksdeutsche had many privileges but one big disadvantage: Volksdeutsche were conscripted into the German army. The Volksliste had 4 categories. No. 1 and No. 2 were considered ethnic Germans, while No. 3 and No. 4 were ethnic Poles that signed the Volksliste. No. 1 and No. 2 in the Polish areas re-annexed by Germany numbered ~1,000,000 and No. 3 and No. 4 ~1,700,000. In the General Government there were ~120,000 Volksdeutsche.

Between 1918 and 1924, Poland invaded all of its neighbors with the exception of Germany. It was an aggressor before it even became a fascist state. A military coup of 1926 made it, after Italy, Europe's 2nd fascist state. The German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact was an international treaty between Nazi Germany and the Second Polish Republic signed on January 26, 1934. German ambassador, Hans-Adolf von Moltke, Polish leader Józef Pilsudski, German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and Józef Beck, Polish Foreign minister, met in Warsaw on June 15, 1934, five months after signing the Polish-German Non-Aggression Pact.

Poland backed and allied itself with Hitler in 1937 and 1938 when the Nazis moved to invade Czechoslovakia. Hitler, in the Munich Conference of 1938, represented not only Germany's claims on the Sudetenland but also land claims of Hungary and Poland. After Poland annexed Czechoslovakia’s Tesin district, Hungary took some of Czechoslovakia’s Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia region, claiming that it had been stolen from Hungary after World War One by the 1920 Treaty of Trianon.

Abandoned by its allies and threatened with civil war, the Prague government hoped that Germany, Hungary and Poland would be satisfied with their immediate territorial demands. Instead of guaranteeing the new borders, Hitler took advantage of the country’s internal divisions. He encouraged Slovakia to declare independence, so that he could more easily take the remaining Czech region. As enticement, in March 1939, Hitler promised Slovakia that if it declared independence, he would protect it – from Hungary and Poland.

Hitler gave Slovakia a choice: "On one hand, the autonomous Slovak Government could continue to exist according to the statute granted to it in the previous autumn by the Prague Government – in which case Germany would settle accounts with the Czechs and leave the Slovaks to the mercies of Poland and Hungary. Alternatively, if Slovakia demanded immediate independence from Prague, the Reich would offer all-powerful protection to the new state, and would shield her from the territorial greed of Warsaw and Budapest."

Poland invaded Ukraine twice, first against Ukrainian nationalists and then against Soviets. It also invaded Belarus and took the western provinces from Belarus and Ukraine that were then recaptured by the Soviet Union after Poland's fall to Germany in 1939. Poland also invaded Lithuania capturing and holding its capital city, Tallinn. Then Czechoslovakia as described previously. Finally it invaded and captured several key villages around Danzig, which were in neutral League of Nations enclaves and populated entirely by ethnic Germans.

In 1939, Poland's leaders Rydz Smigly and Ignacy Moscicki claimed: "Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." And they threatened to overrun Germany in three days.

Poland was no different from the Nazi Germany in its actions prior 1939. The 1939 Danzig Massacres, for historical accuracy it should be noted, that the Poles committed an unprovoked hostile act (with British complicity), serious enough to trigger war. This act was the ambushing of a military transport by the Polish secret service, going through Poland to the German city of Danzig (Gdansk) delivering the Enigma machine. (Cypher machine).

This happened in 1939 May or June - before the war, All the German military personnel were killed, the trucks were set on fire, the Enigma machine was stolen, and a British built look-alike was put in place before the truck was set on fire. Source: "A man called Intrepid" (not a novel) by William Stevenson (1976). Therefore, it can be seen that Poland’s considerable machinations were responsible for the start of the Great Patriotic War.

During wars in Ukraine, the Poles massacred somewhere between 500,000 and 1.5 million Russian POWs that they had taken. Poland ran concentration camps for Orthodox Christians, while it burned them out of Ukrainian and Belarus provinces, solely for the reason that they refused to convert to Catholicism.

In Poland, 3 million Jews were killed, and only 40-50,000 Jews survived in Poland, the majority (about 240,000) survived in exile in Russia or in German concentration camps. This number of Jews could not have been killed in a short span of 18 months without the active help of the Polish population. The dehumanization of the Jews made them easy prey. There was a saying among the Poles under the occupation: “The Germans will throw stones at Hitler dead, because he brought about the downfall of the German people, but the Poles will bring flowers to his grave as a token of gratitude of his freeing Poland from the Jews.”

Add to this the fact that Polish nationalists ran the concentration camps in which tens of thousands of German civilians died in 1946. Poles never seem to feel guilty about their behavior prior to the war. They like to portray themselves always as victims. Poland has continuously failed to enact legislation that requires restitution or compensation for those individuals who had private property seized and confiscated.

So there you have it in the case of Poland. In the words of the OSCE Resolution: genocide, human rights violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
20 sierpień 2009






Dlaczego w Polsce jest o 30% rencistów więcej niż w państwach o podobnej historii?
październik 23, 2003
Adam Sandauer
Przewalanka w Polsce i w Rumunii, czyli paczki niespodzianki
grudzień 2, 2006
Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
Nauczyciel to nie zawod!
listopad 25, 2006
"PO chce przywrócić wolność mediom" - tak twierdzi Wirtualna Polska
kwiecień 11, 2003
Imperium Mundi - polityczna forma globalizacji
listopad 14, 2006
Tomasz Gabiś
Teraz wiadomo dlaczego USA nia chciały podpisać konwencji o międzynarodowym trybunale karnym do spraw zbrodni wojennych
kwiecień 8, 2003
"Czytelnik" ślepy jest i tyle
listopad 12, 2005
Ataki na Meczety - Wojna Domowa w Iraku?
luty 26, 2006
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Tony Blair i 25 lat od zwycięstwa Margaret Thatcher
kwiecień 3, 2007
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
"Fundusze strukturalne Unii Europejskiej"
kwiecień 26, 2003
przesłała Elżbieta
Leszek Miller zachwycony polską gospodarką
grudzień 23, 2003
Polonijna Wioska
sierpień 23, 2008
E pluribus unum
maj 18, 2004
Andrzej Kumor
Czy ryży ma prawo do wypowiedzi?
grudzień 9, 2007
Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
Swiatowa inwazja starych bezboznych lichwiarzy
lipiec 31, 2005
Wojciech Gryc
Jak usprawnić system podatkowy?
październik 24, 2006
Mirosław Naleziński
Skończyć z oszukiwaniem Narodu! Żądamy referendum w sprawie traktatu reformującego Unię Europejską
październik 15, 2007
Jerzy Rachowski
Rolnictwo Polska potrzebuje poważnej naprawy cz.5
czerwiec 12, 2008
Dariusz Kosiur
Czy Dostojewski wybił się plagiatem pamietnika Tokarzewskiego?
kwiecień 13, 2005
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Seks skandal rozpoczyna przemeblowania polskiej sceny politycznej
grudzień 7, 2006
G. Cimek,


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