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Milczenie jest złotem  
17 lipiec 2009      Artur Łoboda
Więzienie za spalenie podróbek? 
15 listopad 2021     
Katalonia (3) 
14 luty 2021      Baltazar
Dziennik pisarza Karola Zielińskiego z Krakowa (18.08.2011) 
4 listopad 2020      Zygmunt Jan Prusiński
3 maj 2010      Goska
Znowu z deszczu pod rynnę? A może w końcu demokracja bezpośrednia? 
6 styczeń 2013      Artur Łoboda
Wchodząc do "tej samej wody" 
19 lipiec 2016      Artur Łoboda
Brednie pana prezesa  
16 wrzesień 2016      Stanisław Michalkiewicz
Zygmunt Jan Prusiński TAJEMNE OBCOWANIE - część dwudziesta pierwsza 
5 wrzesień 2021      Zygmunt Jan Prusiński
Bankierzy i dialog USA z Islamem  
17 kwiecień 2009      Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Stalinowskie państwo podatkowe 
16 luty 2020     
Coraz więcej pewności, że Merkel zaprosiła imigrantów jako lont, który ostatecznie podpali Unię w dotychczasowym kształcie 
28 czerwiec 2016      Tomasz Domalewski
Wielki Polak - Marian Hemar 
17 luty 2011      Artur Łoboda
APEL NAUKOWCÓW I LEKARZY w sprawie szczepień na koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2 
15 maj 2022     
Prawda o rozpadzie Jugosławii 
5 październik 2017      Artur Łoboda
Wymuszone leki wszystkich obywateli 
25 marzec 2023     
A w Moskwie "biją murzynów" 
31 styczeń 2021      Artur Łoboda
Duże badanie przeprowadzone w Nowej Zelandii ujawnia wysoki odsetek uszkodzeń nerek po zastrzyku Pfizera 
29 styczeń 2023      Alex Berenson
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18 lipiec 2021      Richard Poe
Na piętach Austrii i Niemiec blokujących nieszczepionych przywódca UE wzywa do wyrzucenia kodeksu norymberskiego na rzecz przymusowego szczepienia wszystkich dysydentów 
8 grudzień 2021      Julian Conradson


Polish children kidnapped by Nazi government

Mueller writing in Culture Wars May/August 2010 spreads misinformation about the kidnapping of Polish children by the Nazi government. Mueller should know that the Nazi government in Berlin ordered kidnapping some 200,000 Polish blond children in order “to improve the German race” which among others carries the genes of Avars, Turkmen from Asia who populated the Marck of Avaria later named Bavaria. The “race improvement” was mentioned by Hitler in a memo of March 4, 1944 addressed to Himmler and reproduced in “Głos Wielkopolski”nr 330 in 1947.

Nazi specialists of political problem of the race, members of the ruling party NSDAP, Dr. Wetzl and Dr. G. Hecht wrote on November 25, 1939 that Polish children, racially of a great value should be deported to Germany and brought up in proper boarding schools or the orphanages as were the children of German soldiers killed in battle or else, those children should be adopted by German families. This program of Germanization of Polish children kidnapped from Polish families led to postwar finding of some 25,000 Polish children out of over 200,000 kidnapped as part of the criminal Nazi-German policies systematically enforced in occupied Poland. Himmler stated on November 14, 1943 that “our (German) duty is to take these children by force or through kidnapping. In this manner we will acquire for our benefit good racial blood.”

Already in 1940 Himmler promised racial selection of Polish children age 6-10 for the purpose of deportation to pre-war Germany and in a letter addressed to the Nazi governor of Poznań he wrote: “I believe that it is correct to deport racially pure Polish children while officially stating that the deportations take place as a sanitary measure for the good of these children. On June 20, 1942 the head of the Office for Race and Settlements, Fritz Sauckel estimated that some half million Polish girls would be deported to Germany. In reality over a million girls age 14 to 21 were deported from occupied Poland to Germany. The Nazis kidnapped some 250,000 children for Germanization purposes – some 220,000 from Poland, many of whom were sent to Austria. After the war only 25,000 Polish children kidnapped by the Nazis were able to return to their parents.

During the mass deportation of Poles from Zamojszczyzna, Polish children were classified by Nazi experts from the Main Office for Race and Resettlements. A file was set up for of each child with three fotos and with an expert evaluation ether positive or negative, from the racial point of view for the procreation in Germany. The children who were not acceptable were poisoned and on their death certificates pneumonia was listed as the cause of death. The poisoning was administered by the Mediznische Kinderleilanstalt department “B” in Lubiniec.

The selected children were deported to the Reich and were given to adoptive families or were sent to orphanages. Gestapo supervised some of these deportations under the command of Sturmbannfuerer Kerl Ehrlich who had in Lodz a camp for children 2 – 16 years of age. A special school was organized for children selected for Germanization and deportation to Germany. This school was named Lebensborn, SS or NSV. Some Polish children were placed in Hitlerjugend or Bund Deutscher Maedel schools. German adoptive families usually tried to destroy the documents showing the children’s Polish origin in order to keep the children permanently.

Writer Alojzy Twardecki (Alfred Hartmann) was kidnapped at the age of five together with his cousin Leon. In 1944 German family Binderberger of Koblentz adopted Alfred Harmann as a German child. His adoptive grandfather told him that the Poles started World War II. Polish Red Cross helped his mother to find him in 1954 and she could not talk to him about Nazi atrocities and mass murders in Poland because he believed the German war-time press. Twardecki remained in Poland and wrote a book under his Polish name of Alojzy Twardecki entitled “The School of Janissaries. Letters to a German friend.” Pojezierze. Olsztyn 1979.

In Lodz, there is an “Association of Polish Children Subjected to Germanization by Hitler’s Regime” that published a rapport on “The history of Polish janissaries of the XX century.” Professor Richard C.Lukas, an American historian and author published in English and in Polish “Forgotten Holocaust” – Poles under German Occupation.” Polish version was published by Jedność in 1995, English version was published by Hippocrene Books, 2nd revised edition New York 2001, ISBN 0-7818-0901.
6 sierpień 2010

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski 





Opowiastka wigilijna
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Ekologia a prawda
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przesłała Elżbieta
Whose Holocaust is it?
wrzesień 23, 2007
przysłał ICP
Miliardowe Zyski na Akcie Terroru
wrzesień 14, 2006
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Armia chce działań - wielkie fiasko
lipiec 20, 2006
Ran HaCohen
październik 1, 2006
Polski przemysł
kwiecień 16, 2003
przesłała Elzbieta
Ukrainskie zbrodnie wojenne.
kwiecień 25, 2007
Bogdan "Trzy Radla" A.K.
Prawda o powstaniu w Getcie Warszawskim. Czy Edelman kłamie?
kwiecień 22, 2006
przesłał Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Niemcy w Epoce Neo-kolonializmu
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
jedzie do Moskwy na obchody 60
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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Stanisław Michalkiewicz
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Ewa.I. Gołąb - Kosiur, Dariusz Kosiur
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