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David Icke w LondonReal TV 
Podczas bezpośredniej transmisji na YouTube (6 kwietnia 2020 r.) obejrzało 65 tysięcy osób. Zaraz potem został on usunięty ze wszystkich kanałów YouTubea, Vimeo i Facebooka. Wywiad - zwłaszcza od ok. 50 min. - polecamy polskim władzom, ekspertom, dziennikarzom, policji i wojsku oraz wszystkim tym, którzy czują, że w niedalekiej przyszłości mogą przyczynić się do zachowania godności i wolności przez człowieka.  
Ceremonia otwarcia tunelu drogowego św. Gotarda 
Zapowiedź tego - co mamy dzisiaj 
Ameryka: Od Wolności do faszyzmu 
Amerykanie zaczynają rozumieć - co się dzieje z ich krajem. O tym mówi film pod wskazanym linkiem. 
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski 
Notka wikipedii dotycząca osoby prof. Iwo Cypriana Pogonowskiego 
Nakaz aresztowania byłego Ministra Zdrowia Łukasza Szumowskiego 
Strona Krzysztofa Wyszkowskiego 
Strona domowa Krzystofa Wyszkowskiego 
Jesteśmy okłamywani i zmuszani do działań mogących pogarszać zdrowie 
Dr Zbigniew Martyka, kierownik oddziału zakaźnego w Dąbrowie Górniczej napisał dwa tygodnie temu wpis, w którym ocenił, że "jesteśmy okłamywani i zmuszani do działań mogących pogarszać nasz stan zdrowia" pod pretekstem koronawirusa. Wówczas wprowadzano nowe restrykcje i podział na powiaty "żółte" oraz "czerwone". 
Komuszy dogmat «Zielonej Energii» zamroził Teksas 
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Deklaracja Wielkiej Barrington  
Po atakach, oto wypowiedź profesora Sucharita Bhakdi. 
Szczepionka covid zacznie zabijać w sezonie zimowym 
Lekarze dla prawdy: „W okresie jesienno-zimowym 2021 r. Co najmniej 20-30% zaszczepionych przeciwko COVID umrze z powodu szczepionki,i przypiszą to nowemu szczepowi wirusa. 
Skazany za pestki moreli, B17  
Faszyzm w barwach demokracji 
Veto dla Funduszu Zadłużenia! 
Konferencja Konfederacji:Veto dla Funduszu Zadłużenia! Apel do prezydenta Dudy - 7 maja 2021 r. 
Jak tlenek grafenu reaguje w organizmie  
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Polscy "nacjonaliści" o żydach 
Po prostu zobaczcie 
Ljubljana - protesty przeciwko szczepieniom 
29 września 2020 roku po incydencie na obwodnicy Lublany trwa na Placu Republiki protest przeciwko szczepieniom Covid-19
Izrael. Historia Palestyny w XX wieku. 
Kto zmasakrował ludność Buczy?  
Różni niezależni analitycy wskazywali na rażące dziury i niespójności w dominującej narracji. Wszystkie siły rosyjskie opuściły Bucza w środę 30 marca, zauważa Lauria, powołując się na zgodę wszystkich stron:
rosyjskich i ukraińskich urzędników oraz zachodnich obserwatorów mediów. 
Piosenka Lecha Makowieckiego 
Dr. Jeff Barke przerywa milczenie o COVID19 
Brytyjska modelka zabita zastrzykiem? 
Trzy tygodnie po szczepieniu zmarła - po wystąpieniu wielu komplikacji - w tym białaczki.  
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I am a Zionist

The hatred of a 14-year old Israeli (or a radical Jewish agent of intimidation):

"I am a Jew, I am an Israeli, I am a Zionist, and I am both racially and intellectually superior to you, the non-Jew. For your lies, your pathetic stupidity, and your anti-Semitism, your people will suffer under the punishment of the world's future super-power, Israel. Jews are superior to dirty-blooded non-Jews like you. While your ancestors were sleeping with the swine in the forests of Europe, my ancestors were building the city of Jerusalem. I am a Jew, you are not. I have the privilege of having god by my side, as well as the world's supreme nation. Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your kind, in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian War, from which my kind will arise victorious. I am only 14 years old, but I have enough wisdom to see that you are nothing but a piece of gentile filth. No matter, perhaps god will find it suitable that a terrorist attack will end your misery. I shall personally pray for it to be so."


Those Who dare to lecture Us

by Mark Glenn, Coorespondent, American Free Press Newspaper

April 16, 2007
'You're the ugly one, you sicialian wop whore. You're people are related to Arabs. Hell you married an Arab. What is Marc Glenns REAL last name. You're a papist whore. Go back to North Africa and take your swarthy southern italian mafia with you'

Such was a comment left on my 14 year old daughter's blog recently by an individual who is only known by his or her email address which, for interested persons, happens to be And lest the readers think I am making this up, be rest assured that I am not. But then, it is highly unlikely that anyone who has been following the way that these people do business would doubt for a moment that this was genuine, as these people verbally defecate like this on a daily basis.

I know what you are saying–'Big deal. It's just another foul-mouthed, backwards, bigoted, haughty Jewish supremacist who can't spell straight.' You're right, and for that reason maybe I should have just let it go without commenting on it. One thing though that I do think deserves mentioning is the hypocrisy of it all. These are the very same people who lecture us everyday on things such as bigotry, racism, hate, ugliness, etc, etc, etc. Everytime one of us DARES to mention what has been done to the Arabs of Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, and elsewhere as a result of pure Judaic racism, we are called onto the carpet. These same people go on and on misquoting the Koran, calling it a 'book of hate' and all the other nonsense that we have been hearing now for the last 5 years, but then when one of THEIR OWN quotes from the vile Talmud and we MERELY REPEAT what it was that so-and-so said about Gentiles 'being inferior' and how 'a million Arabs aren't worth one Jewish fingernail'–well then we must suffer a barrage of moralizing and a bunch of 'how-dare-you's from the likes of these, whether such are this illiterate, uneducated idiot who left the comment on my daughter's blog or whether it is Abe Foxman, Deborah Lipstadt, Daniel Pipes or Alan Dershowitz.

Other gems I have personally received from some of God's chosen people, such as this one from a 'nice Jewish boy' named Ori who lives in Israel and who can be reached at–

"I am a Jew, I am an Israeli, I am a Zionist, and I am both racially and intellectually superior to you, the non-Jew. For your lies, your pathetic stupidity, and your anti-Semitism, your people will suffer under the punishment of the world's future super-power, Israel. Jews are superior to dirty-blooded non-Jews like you. While your ancestors were sleeping with the swine in the forests of Europe, my ancestors were building the city of Jerusalem. I am a Jew, you are not. I have the privilege of having god by my side, as well as the world's supreme nation. Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your kind, in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian War, from which my kind will arise victorious. I am only 14 years old, but I have enough wisdom to see that you are nothing but a piece of gentile filth. No matter, perhaps god will find it suitable that a terrorist attack will end your misery. I shall personally pray for it to be so."

Or from someone whose call-sign on the net is the 'Bacon-eating Atheist Jew' and who can be reached at either

'You really are a stupid freak. You are a common retard. You have no argument. Nothing but an imbecile. You have an inferior complex, maybe because you are an Arab, I don't know. Fuck off and die. You have kids. Hopefully they didn't inherit your self loathing and inferiority and low IQ. If they did they did and think like you, they should have been aborted. You are a sad sad twerp'

Also left on my daughter's blogs were the following– 'You're a sick twisted little shit. Just know that there are people out here watching you. You won't get off that easy.'

'One day you will figure out what a piece of shit your dad is' Again, from the now infamous 'Bacon-eating Atheist Jew who can also be reached at

Unfortunately, there are thousands more just like these that I have received and that most likely others (who dare to call a spade a spade when it comes to the diseased, corrupted Judaic mindset) have experienced personally some time or another themselves.

Just remember one thing folks–these are the animals who write our laws and presume to tell us what is right and wrong. Is it not interesting as well to note that when Jesus predicted the arrival of the ultimate evil agenda towards the end of time that the descriptions he used mirror perfectly the situation today with regards to the Jews and the agenda they are imposing upon the world?

And yet, they remain, according to the best of sources, 'God's chosen people', and those of us who fail to recognize this will have hell to pay, just as Jesus himself did.

Coorespondent, American Free Press Newspaper
19 kwiecień 2007

2007 Mark Glenn 



Przewodniczący gminy żydowskiej popełnił samobójstwo
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Cwaniacy w sieci
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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Renata Rudecka-Kalinowska
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Artur Łoboda
Przewlekłość względna
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Witold Filipowicz
Kuty na cztery nogi
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Tomasz Piwowarski
7 mld zł deficytu Funduszu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych
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