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David Icke w LondonReal TV 
Podczas bezpośredniej transmisji na YouTube (6 kwietnia 2020 r.) obejrzało 65 tysięcy osób. Zaraz potem został on usunięty ze wszystkich kanałów YouTubea, Vimeo i Facebooka. Wywiad - zwłaszcza od ok. 50 min. - polecamy polskim władzom, ekspertom, dziennikarzom, policji i wojsku oraz wszystkim tym, którzy czują, że w niedalekiej przyszłości mogą przyczynić się do zachowania godności i wolności przez człowieka.  
Dyrektorzy Moderny i AstraZeneca obwiniają Rządy za niebezpieczne szczepionki 
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Charlie Sheen & Alex Jones on 9/11 
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„Nie bój się wirusa. To nie jest tak niebezpieczne, jak ci wmówiono.

„Bójcie się swoich Rządów - lub organów, które panują ponad tymi Rządami”. 
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W przemówieniu Baracj Obama opisuje Chrześcijaństwo odwołaniami do Judaizmu.  
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Dr. Zelenko przed sądem rabinicznym o zbrodni szczepień przeciw Covid 
Dr. Zelenko opracował słynny „Protokół Zelenki” dotyczący wczesnego leczenia ambulatoryjnego COVID, za pomocą którego z powodzeniem wyleczył 6000 pacjentów i który obejmuje m. in. hydroksychlorochinę i cynk. Bez owijania w bawełnę wyjaśnia, dlaczego szczepienie przeciwko COVID jest prawdopodobnie najniebezpieczniejszą naukową herezją w historii ludzkości i ostrzega przed potencjalnym ludobójstwem na planecie 
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Zionists, Psychopaths and 9/11

The strong Zionist involvement in 9/11 has been well documented for years. More recently, it has become increasingly apparent that thermate was used to demolish the World Trade Center, and that our so-called "democracies" are actually pathocracies - regimes in which a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people. A complete description of the events of 9/11 should reconcile the evidence for Zionist complicity with the theory that psychopaths will rise to positions of power.
Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy took over the World Trade Center lease and made damn sure the buildings were insured for $billions against terrorist attacks, a mere six weeks prior to 9/11. On the morning of 9/11, Silverstein had a "dermatologist's appointment"; consequently he did not take breakfast at the Windows on the World restaurant and so avoided the tragic fate of nearly 3,000 WTC occupants. His two children who worked for Silverstein Properties, were also spared. That same morning, Benjamin Netanyahu, a close friend of Silverstein, was in New York City along with some of his employees. Netanyahu was in London on the morning of the 7/7 attacks, along with Rudy Giuliani who received advance warning of the WTC2 collapse - and being the first Tower to collapse, such an event was completely unprecedented at the time of the warning. Benjamin's father Benzion was secretary to Ze'ev (Vladimir) "Wolf" Jabotinsky, the father of Jewish terrorism which proceeded to conduct attacks such as the King David hotel bombing, the Lavon Affair, the attack on the USS Liberty, etc. A common feature of these terror attacks is that attempts are made to pin the blame on a third party such as "militant Muslims" or Egypt. Jewish extremists are the masters of false-flag terrorist attacks. Several sons of these Zionist terrorists, e.g. Rahm Emanuel, stalk the corridors of power in the US Congress. Rabbi Dov Zakheim's SPC Corporation provided the Flight Termination System and Command Transmitter System with which to take over the 9/11 planes and crash them into the Towers, following a successful test in October 1999 with the downing of EgyptAir 990, a Boeing 767. The EgyptAir operation also provided Israel with an opportunity to murder 33 Egyptian army officers.
The Israeli company Odigo provided two hours' advance warning to people on a "buddy" list, the Tokyo office of Goldman Sachs had over 24 hours' warning of an attack (an internal memo was sent the previous working day, and the time zone difference is 14 hours), the Zim American-Israeli Shipping Company moved out of the WTC at the beginning of September 2001 - incurring a $50,000 penalty for breaking its lease - and then moved back to New York when the coast was clear. As early as 1991, Israeli security officials had inspected the garage of Zim Shipping in the World Trade Center, and concluded that the WTC garage was vulnerable to a car bomb, two years before such a bombing did in fact occur. The "dancing Israelis", at least several of whom were Mossad agents, made sure they parked in a prime position across the Hudson River and had their cameras handy in plenty of time to train them on the burning Towers as they celebrated the 9/11 attacks with high-fives and cries of joy and mockery. Within weeks of the attacks, Ariel Sharon boasted, "We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." The list of contributors to the PNAC document Rebuilding America's Defenses compiled in 2000, which called for a "new Pearl Harbor": Roger Barnett, U.S. Naval War College, Alvin Bernstein, National Defense University, Stephen Cambone, National Defense University, Eliot Cohen, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Devon Gaffney Cross, Donors' Forum for International Affairs, Thomas Donnelly, Project for the New American Century, David Epstein, Office of Secretary of Defense, Net Assessment, David Fautua, Lt. Col., U.S. Army, Dan Goure, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Donald Kagan, Yale University, Fred Kagan, U. S. Military Academy at West Point, Robert Kagan, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Robert Killebrew, Col., USA (Ret.), William Kristol, The Weekly Standard, Mark Lagon, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, James Lasswell, GAMA Corporation, I. Lewis Libby, Dechert Price & Rhoads, Robert Martinage, Center for Strategic and Budgetary, Assessment, Phil Meilinger, U.S. Naval War College, Mackubin Owens, U.S. Naval War College, Steve Rosen, Harvard University, Gary Schmitt, Project for the New American Century, Abram Shulsky, The RAND Corporation, Michael Vickers, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessment, Barry Watts, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Paul Wolfowitz, Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, and Dov Zakheim, System Planning Corporation, includes a relatively high proportion of Jewish names. There are many more individuals associated with PNAC.
In order to promote the WTC demolitions as "fire-induced collapses" due to "suicide pilots" - and avoid the problem of premature detonation of high explosives being set off by the fires or the plane impacts - thermate-TH3 would be installed inside 3-story long hollow sections of perimeter column at the impact zone, pumped in through the access hatches under the guise of "fireproofing upgrades" or "measurements". The side to be struck by the plane would probably be omitted, since half the columns would be severed by the impact. Thermite is an iron oxide/aluminum powder mixture; thermate-TH3 is thermite with added barium nitrate, sulfur and a binder, which provides a lower ignition temperature and enhanced thermal effect. There are several thermite-based destructive devices patented by the US government, and one such US Army patent describes a starter mixture comprising a powdered mixture of potassium nitrate, titanium, silicon, aluminum, and binder which is added to a nitrocellulose/acetone solution. But the WTC demolition operatives probably opted for potassium permanganate and glycerine to ignite the thermate, commands being transmitted from WTC7 across to cellphones wired to ignition devices. The perimeter column splices were staggered mid-floor, such that the access hatches for two 3-story sections of one-third of the columns could be accessed from a single floor, and three floors would permit likewise access to all columns. By also targeting a number of the core box columns in the basement, floor slabs would sag and "inward bowing of perimeter columns" (albeit weakened by thermate as opposed to an office compartment fire) would be observed shortly before collapse.
However, the mistake the criminals made with WTC2 is that they did not bother to ignite from the top of every 3-story section. Fuji Bank only extended over 4 floors, and the agents appear to have targeted two adjacent 3-story lengths of some perimeter columns but sloppily fed the ignition device through the access hole at the bottom of the upper 3-story section of column, with the result that too much molten iron collected at the bottom (around floor 81). It melted through the 1/4 thick steel too quickly and was filmed pouring out the side in the minutes prior to collapse. The fireproofing "upgraders" who installed the thermate would have had access to the entire building. If the agents who installed the ignition devices only had access to Marsh's 8 floors at WTC1 and Fuji Bank's 4 floors at WTC2 and the thermate installers had treated 6-story lengths of perimeter column in WTC2, then two-thirds of the upper 3-story section of column could have been accessed only via the lower access hatch. In addition, there was no way the perpetrators could eliminate the tell-tale evidence of hundreds of tons of molten elemental iron and structural steel, partly evaporated and heavily sulfidated steel members, although they would have agents such as Giuliani restrict access, ban photography and destroy the evidence as quickly as possible. And pre-2001 studies found that the Towers would survive a 600 mph impact from a jetliner, and predicted that the buildings would remain standing even if all of the jet fuel had been dumped inside and ignited a horrendous fire that killed many people. The crooks had to promote fake accounts suggesting that the designers were all too stupid to consider the effects of jet fuel-ignited fires, or that they were too dull to imagine the possibility that mechanical failure might result in a plane impacting at a much greater velocity than an aircraft that had merely got lost in fog as it was coming in to land.
It is not Judaism per se that has led to such evil. The other topic worthy of research is the concept of "political ponerology". The basic idea is that an ever-strengthening network of psychopathic and related individuals gradually starts to dominate, overshadowing the others. This rapidly devolves into a pathocracy of a system wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people. The chilling feature is that these madmen present as 'normal' individuals, but in reality they are utterly devoid of a conscience and empathy for the suffering of others. They get away with their crimes because most of us are too naive to imagine that our own compatriots - especially when they have risen to positions of power - could be so evil, and conclude that the culprits must be the "other" tribe. In this way, the crooks profit handsomely by playing one side off against another. Psychopaths are partly shaped by a genetic component, whereas sociopaths are said to have been conditioned by their environment. From the evidence of their actions, it is apparent that a high preponderance of psychopaths are found amongst Ashkenazi Jews, descendants of the Turkic Khazar tribe which converted to Judaism around 1,200 years ago. The etiology is unknown, but could include harsh winters selecting for a ruthlessness trait along with some feature of the flora of ancient Khazaria leading to a paranoid schizophrenia, together with the tribe's extreme hedonism and practices such as incest. Hence, the strong Zionist connection to 9/11 and other major crimes. The psychos work with non-Khazar sociopaths, e.g. Condoleezza Rice, Tony Blair and John Howard. Within this system of pathocracy posing as "democracy", the common man is blamed for not having been born a psychopath, and is considered good for nothing except hard work, fighting and dying to protect a system of government he can neither sufficiently comprehend nor ever consider to be his own.
Zionism included the program to annex Palestine and then exploit the Israeli power base in order to bring about a global fascist dictatorship. Israel is a tool that enabled the psychos to seize massive political power and hang on to it; it provided them with a base for nuclear weapons with which to blackmail the leaders of "Western democracies", and for terrorist training camps. The "terrorists" are Mossad agents who have been fooled into believing the fiction that they must carry out these false-flag terror atrocities in order to "save Jews" because everyone else hates them, in the same way that "Coalition" soldiers were conned into attacking Afghanistan and Iraq under the pretext that it was supposed to protect the US, UK, Spain, Australia, etc, from the terrorist threat and from states possessing "WMDs". The reality being that Afghanistan was invaded to restore CIA / Mossad opium trafficking profits that had been curtailed by the Taliban, and Iraq was attacked and neutered as it was perceived as a threat to Israel. The $8.8 billion swindled from the Oil-for-Food fund was just a bonus, scraps to be tossed to the fawning minions. 9/11 was a multi-trillion-dollar crime. Since Israeli leaders are particularly psychopathic, Israel carries out all manner of atrocities that it expects to get away with, from using a bulldozer to kill a peace protester to shelling a picnicking family on a beach in order to manufacture a pretext for an invasion to warning civilians to flee after blowing up bridges to render that impossible so it can target them like sitting ducks.
The vast majority of those of us who warn of the perils of Zionist terrorism, and Zionism's threat to liberty across the globe and even to the very survival of humankind, do not "hate" Jews in general or wish them harm. There are many admirable Jews such as Einstein, Feynman, Bohr, Born, Gell-Man, David Deutsch and many others in science, and Ludwig von Mises and the Friedmans - David and Milton - in economics (the problem with anarcho- or free market capitalism being the prevalence and power attained by the psychopaths). Jews' taste in music is not always ideal, but is still rather more modern than that of Hitler. But we certainly do dislike criminals, psychopaths, swindlers, warmongers, liars, etc. And since the mental condition of many of these crooks leaves them with a diminished responsibility, they should be put to sleep relatively painlessly as in the case of a rabid dog. To leave them in a secure institution for the criminally insane would be the height of folly, akin to leaving phials of the smallpox virus on the sidewalks.
So the 9/11 perpetrators were a combination of psychopaths (the Zionist "outside job" element) working with sociopaths ("inside job", e.g. Giuliani, Cheney and Rumsfeld). And many of the Zionists held dual citizenship, so could be considered internal or external. Hence, both descriptions "inside job" and "outside job" are apt. But they would not have been able to get away with a crime as grave as 9/11 even for 5 or 6 years, were it not for the fact that control of the mass media has been a cornerstone of their program.
Amongst the armed forces of the US, UK, Italy, Australia, Germany, France, etc, there are surely many decent, honorable, normal folk with a sense of right and wrong. Their responsibility is to their compatriots and to themselves, not some demented clique of genocidal treasonous soulless misfits who happen to have assumed control. It is now their duty to arrest the psychopaths who pose as 'leaders' in our governments, and to bring them to trial for crimes against humanity. Why should our soldiers continue to sacrifice their lives or health and wellbeing merely to enrich and empower a network of nutcases? Why should vast tracts of land be poisoned with radioactive waste with a half-life of 4.5 billion years just because a leader is too patriotic to prostrate himself before the Zionist Mafia? Why should trillions of dollars continue to be misdirected into ethnic cleansing and encouraging a holocaust in Mesopotamia? Once the villains have been taken off the streets, we can then proceed to forge constitutions that are dedicated to truth, justice, tolerance and liberty. These must ensure that the world can never again become the equivalent of a giant lunatic asylum, with the honest, decent majority of all races and faiths being terrorised and exploited by a psychopathic minority.
Charlie Sheen and Rosie O'Donnell must be commended for sticking their necks out and refusing to cover for the insanely evil perpetrators of 9/11.

10 kwiecień 2007

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