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Wojna o cywilizacje - dr Piotr Bein

Operation Danish Cartoons - a Battle in the War of Civilizations

by Piotr Bein

March 10, 2008


Leads point to the complicity of the Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC), a global web of Judeocentric power brokers, in the "Danish cartoons" affair two years ago. The riots on the second anniversary are likely of the same authorship. Neither the ZPC persons nor the Danish Islamist perpetrators of the original operation have borne legal consequences. The leads remain suppressed in the mainstream media who emphasize the offensiveness of the images to majority of Muslims, rather than to radicals. Concerted re-publications aggravated the crisis, triggering waves of violence for the second time since 2006. Faced with the backlash of US-Israeli policies in the Middle East, and strong criticisms of the US Israel Lobby, ZPC allegedly strives to win Western public opinion for continuing genocide in Palestine and (likely nuclear) wars with Iraq and Syria.

Danish secret services have been collaborating with Mossad, making it possible to harbour Islamist terrorists and radicals, tied to international Jihad, as a Trojan Horse in civilizational war against the Western and Muslim worlds – from false-flag attacks for Israeli causes, through 9/11 and "war on terror" (WOT), to immigrant riots. Some neocons and Mossad co-established secret NATO army, Gladio, and later Jihad as an ally in ZPC pursuit of the New World Order. The editor responsible for the publication of the twelve cartoons is tied to the US neocons, the mainstay of the ZPC. ZPC-controlled media assured a succes of Operation Danish Cartoons, but their version doesn't fit some details which have received publicity in alternative sources. I highlight in bold the text that is at odds with the politically correct version, for example, in Wikipedia.[1]

Islamism and its protection in Europe gained, as a result of ZPC tending to the Trojan Horse. Holocaustianism with its "anti-Semitism" whip was strenghtened, too. Christianity stands as a net loser. Should the theory of the ZPC conspiracy turn true, the Western public would need to re-evaluate the list of enemies of peace and stability in the world.

Key words: anti-Polonism, Christianity, clash of civilizations, Danish cartoons, Islam, Israel Lobby, Feliks Koneczny, Mossad, neoconservatism, universalism, Wikipedia, Zionist Power Configuration.

When Kaare Bluitgen couldn't find a daring artist to illustrate his book for children about the Prophet, a main Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten (JP) called for cartoon submissions from around forty illustrators to publicize the tabu. The daily published (30.9.2005) twelve responses with a commentary, provocatively titled Mohammed's face[2] even though the pictures didn't show the Prophet. Only some of the cartoons ("bomb-in-the turban", "reception-of-terrorists-in-heaven") might offend some Muslims, but Wikipedia[3] sees the Prophet even in an depiction of a man with a donkey. In 2003, JP has refused to run lampoons of Jesus, because they were "offensive".[4] The media maintains that depiction of Mohammed's face is prohibited. But even before the cartoon controversy broke out, Danish imams Fatih Alev and Abdul Wahid Pedersen concurred that any possible prohibition wouldn't apply to non-Muslims. Dr. Joergen Baek Simonsen, leader of the Danish Institute for Culture in Damascus and author of a book on Islam, reacted: "The postulated prohibition against images has never been a general rule for the Islamic world as a whole [‌] has never been enforced with the rigor that is being contended [...I]t is also moderately hysterical when Danish artists state this as a reason for not wanting to illustrate a book".[5]

The twelve cartoonists[6] and others, received death threats, allegedly from extremists. Except for verifiable statements and actions, there is no proof that phone and email threats came from Islamists. Alleged SMS messages by Western extremists to incite burning of Koran wouldn't be iadmissible evidence in courts, either. False flag stunts have been employed in many conflicts to discredit the adversary. The cartoon publications gave an ample opportunity to stir up the conflict. Muslim religious leaders classed the cartoons as "an aggressive act that has violated the highest sanctities of the Muslim people. Moreover it is devastating to the ideal of convivial dialogue between peoples".[7] The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) appealed (28.1.2006) to the Muslims to "stay calm and peaceful in the wake of sacrilegious depiction of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which has deeply hurt their feelings [...] Islam being the religion of tolerance, mercy and peace teaches them to defend their faith through democratic and legal means."

Not all Muslims blamed the West totally. Al-Ittihad in the United Arab Emirates argued: "The world has come to believe that Islam is what is practiced by Bin Laden, Zawahiri, Zarqawi, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafis, and others who have presented a distorted image of Islam. We must be honest with ourselves and admit that we are the reason for these drawings."[8] Iraq's top Shiite, grand mufti al-Sistani, too, suggested that militant Muslims were partly guilty of distorting Islam's image: "Enemies have exploited this [...] to spread their poison and revive their old hatreds".[9] An inter-civilizational theorist, Iran's former president Khatami also blamed Muslims: "we only keep saying offensive things about liberalism, democracy and modernism".[10] He deplored violence and extremism in parts of the Islamic world that stemmed, in his opinion, from Muslim backwardness and a feeling of humiliation, making understanding and compromise difficult.[11]

After the February 2008 re-printing of the cartoons, Yemen Times pointed out to Muslims that when "the offense comes from a non-Muslim, the measure stipulated in Sharia law is to ignore and let go [...] what’s precious and sacred to us doesn’t necessarily hold the same significance for them". Lack of Muslim piety "has created misunderstandings among non-Muslims as to the essence of Islam and its position against violence".[12] The Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) urged Muslims to patiently "confront this malicious campaign, in a civilized way that embodies the tolerance of Islam and its lenience in dealing with people."[13]

Danish Muslims

According to JP journalist Ammitzboell and terrorism analyst Vidino (A&V),[14] Muslim immigrants settled in the suburb of Denmark's city Aarhus since the late 1960s. Thirty years on, few Danes remained in “the ghetto”. The Muslims suffered lower income, poorer education rates, and a higher crime rate, but debates over the immigration and integration issues were discouraged as racism and Islamophobia. By 2001, new immigration laws precipitated a debate after Anders Fogh Rasmussen's center-right Liberal Party, in coalition with the nationalist People's Party, had ended prolonged left-of-center Social Democratic rule. Despite the nationalists’ extreme tone, the press and politicians focused constructively on criminal activities and welfare benefit abuse by Muslim immigrants, and on the radical imams in Denmark.

JP participated in the debate, winning a EU award in 2005. Then JP began to "run a series of stories on radical imams in Aarhus". A socialist author spoils A&V's nice picture of JP, whose editor-in-chief has resigned in 2005 after the newspaper alleged during an election campaign, against his will, the systematic abuse of welfare rights by asylum-seekers. JP ran a hoax about a Muslim death-list of Jews and a smear titled Islam is the Most Belligerent, shortly before the 2005, cartoon publication. To Sueddeutsche Zeitung, JP was "a newspaper with an almost missionary zeal, boasting that it has been successful in breaking the ideological and political grip of left-wing liberals over Danish society", becoming "fellow combatants" of the People’s Party. Frankfurter Rundschau called JP "the most right-wing of the Danish newspapers, which normally thrashes anyone who dares to advance a different point of view."[15]

Director of Freedom of Musical Expression, Marie Korpe noticed the media focused "on the responses from ultra-conservative Muslims", but WOT coincided with harsher Danish immigration laws, which further marginalised the Muslim minority. The cartoon affair became "a brutal intellectual and emotional attack on the hearts of already marginalised Danish Muslims. Ultra-conservative Muslims around the world used this incident to promote their own agendas."[16] "It will radicalize even the moderate Muslims", in the Middle East and Europe, Iraqi national security adviser Mouwaffaq al-Rubaie told a conference on Iraq in Copenhagen.[17]

The JP series focused on two Lebanese imams: Raed Hlayhel and Ahmed Akkari. Hlayhel moved to Denmark on humanitarian grounds to get medical care for his son but didn’t learn Danish and began to preach his Wahhabi interpretation of Islam at a mosque in "the ghetto". He made JP headlines with decrees that Muslim women should cover themselves from head to toe and would disqualify themselves from paradise for caring for physical beauty. Hlayhel teamed up with 28-year old Akkari whom in 2001 a Danish court convicted of assault after he almost ripped off the ear of a boy who had removed Akkari sister's veil. Danish Muslims' peaceful reaction to JP cartoon publication wasn't enough, and with Akkari's help, Hlayhel summoned Danish imams to press for an apology and concessions from JP and the Danish government. His "you-are-either-with-me-or-against-Islam" ultimatum forced the imams to comply and get negative publicity or be accused of insufficient will to defend Islam.

A Palestinian self-described as moderate, imam Ahmed Abu Laban was frequently seen on Danish TV and in meetings with government officials. To defend the Prophet's honour, Laban and Hlayhel created a committee. Hlayhel's press release about it was a veiled threat demanding JP apology on behalf of the whole Muslim community, even though JP (16.1.2006) wrote about 49 Danish Muslims who distanced themselves from the demand. Many of the committee's 27 member organizations were empty fronts or groups with no more than ten members. Screening of fake signatories left only a few organizations, representing around 15,000 members, instead of hundreds of thousands claimed by the Muslim representatives. At least one bogus Danish Muslim organisation collected Danish grants.[18]

The imams sought the assistance of Muslim countries' ambassadors, but prime minister Rasmussen refused to meet the diplomats because he had "no power whatsoever to limit the press". The imams decided to internationalize the issue.[19] Helped by the ambassadors, Laban put together two delegations to Muslim countries (3-11.12.2005 and 17-31.12.2005). Akkari and Laban prepared a dossier[20] for the delegations. It contained the cartoons and lied that Muslims didn’t have the right to build mosques and were subjected to racism. Arab media interviewed some of the imams, who reiterated their lies and claimed that the Danish government was planning to censor the Koran.[21]

The delegation to Egypt (3-11.12.2005) met the general secretary of the Arab League, Egypt's grand mufti, the sheik of Cairo's Al-Azhar university and an advisor to Egypt's foreign minister. The meeting was arranged by Egypt's ambassador to Denmark, Mona Omar Attia, whom the Danish foreign ministry later removed from her Copenhagen post for alleging that Islam wasn't officially recognized in Denmark.[22] After the meeting the Egyptian press alleged Danish sacrileges: press campaign against Islam, plans for a state-censored version of the Koran, a film "to show how horrible Islam is", and not 12 but 120 cartoons. JP (1.1.2006) called this "absurd diplomacy". Hadi Kahn, chairman of the Organization of Pakistani Students in Denmark, assured that the Danish imams didn't represent all Muslims in Denmark.[23]

Rasmussen was shocked: "those people, whom we have given the right to live in Denmark and where they freely have chosen to stay, are now touring Arab countries and inciting antipathy towards Denmark and the Danish people." The government only asked Danish embassies to correct the misinformation. Previously, Rasmussen had urged the imams to do it themselves, but they pointed at the "international press" as the source of the deception.[24] This indicated the imams' hostile attitude. The Danish leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammed Fouad al-Barazi tearfully described on al Jazeera (31.1.2006) some Danish plans to burn the Koran, causing worldwide outrage.[25] On the same day, Laben who demanded an economic boycott of his host country and lied in the dossier, expressed his surprise that the worldwide uproar went so far. Danish websites were hacked, and Islamists posted on-line threats of attacks against the country.[26]

In December 2005, rumours circulated in the Arab world that Danes would burn the Koran.[27] As evidence, Wikipedia cites a report that SMS has told people to buy and burn Koran at a demonstration on 4.2.2006.[28] Indeed, some 40 right-wingers have demonstrated, but without burning Koran. Danes proved the imams' accusations of racism wrong; there was not a single anti-Muslim attack in Denmark throughout the crisis. A Syrian-born Danish parliamentarian, Naser Khader had to do with it. This political science graduate launched a political career on the integration issue, and criticised the attitude of those Muslim immigrants who refused to embrace Danish values. He aimed at uniting moderate Danish Muslims in the Democratic Muslim Network, which led to a dispute with Laban.[29] In March 2006, French journalist Mohammed Sifaoui covertly taped. Akkari's comment: "If [Khader] becomes minister [...], wouldn't there be two guys sent over to blow up him and his ministry?"[30] Unknown as a jester, Akkari apologised for his "bad joke".

Khader questioned why the imams didn't go before a Danish court, instead of travelling to Egypt. He outlined the division of Salafists. Wahabbi Salafists, including Al-Qaeda, espouse direct violence, whereas Muslim Brotherhood Salafists are obliging to society, but covertly spread their faith, educate and influence young people to embrace their ideology.[31] Akkari and Laban are Salafists in the Muslim Brotherhood. Khader alluded to double-tongue of the Salafists, which allows them to lie for their cause. Muslims were afraid to support Khader openly, as some supporters have received threats and others feared the radical imams' label of being anti-Islam. After the cartoon affair, Hlayhel embarked on the construction of a large new mosque inside "the ghetto", a project he had previously opposed. Attracted by Hlayhel's new notoriety, Saudi businessmen have funded the construction. Moderate Muslim organisations receive city funding, attracting accusations of being government puppets.

The bomb explodes

The imams added to the dossier three, obscene images that had never been published (except for an image from a pig squelling competition in France[32] [33] that wasn't related to Islam), thus out-blaspheming the Danes.[34] The dossier included unfunny clippings from the satire page of WeekendAvisen. Not one depicted the Prophet. An abstract drawing, captioned "Mother with prophet" after an old Danish joke that if one can't figure out an abstract painting it is "Mother with child", stirred controversy: "The imams have reproduced this cartoon and distributed it all over the Middle East to ensure that 1.3 billion Muslims would get sufficiently offended – except that their translation is wrong. The Arabic caption reads "make fun, amuse yourself and play with the prophet"."[35] According to the dossier, WeekendAvisen "brought images that were more powerful and worse" than JP's. Several newspapers repeated this blunder, citing Kasem Ahmad, a spokesman for the Danish Islamic Society. Another leading imam, Fativ Alev, didn't mind the WeekendAvisen satire.[36] Western media hasn't presented the variety of perceptions, giving an impression of a uniform, radical Islamic bloc.

A major Egyptian Muslim paper El Fagr had published seven of the twelve cartoons during Ramadan (17.10.2005), as a "continuing insult" and a "racist bomb".[37] No outrage has erupted.[38] When the Muslim riots started four months after JP publication, it was a different game. Jordanian Al-Shihan (2.2.2006) published the drawings and the editor was sacked and ordered to apologise. Earlier, Swedish (7.1.2006) and Norwegian (10.1.2006) press had re-published the touchy cartoons. In a letter to their ambassadors in the Middle East, the Norwegian ministry of foreign affairs regretted Magazinet's disrespectful action but re-asserted freedom of speech. By the beginning of February 2006, it was an all-out media war without regrets. The spiteful re-publication of the cartoons swept European press, escalating the riots and threats, and hardening up the Western public.

Several Islamic states condemned the cartoons, severed diplomatic relations with Denmark and threatened to cut off oil supply. Muslim consumers began boycotts of Danish products. Islamists in several regions prompted Scandinavians to leave, stormed EU offices, called for terror against Nordic targets including troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, and demanded that Denmark punish JP and the cartoonists. Muslims in Western countries demonstrated, while in the Islamic world they stormed and torched Western, Israeli and Chilean diplomatic posts, and desecrated their flags. Desecrating Swiss, British and Scandinavian flags could be anti-Christian, as they incorporate a cross.

On the eve of the re-publication, Clinton and Putin (31.1.2006) condemned the original publication and the unrestrained freedom of speech rationale. Numerous Western governments (including the USA), the Russian Orthodox Church, the Mufiat in Russia (1.2.2006), and the Chechen leader Basayev (31.2.2006) disapproved of the re-publication. Vatican stated (5.2.2006): "The right to freedom of thought and expression [...] cannot imply the right to offend the religious sentiment of believers [...] violent actions of protest are equally deplorable."[39] The Conference of European Rabbis stated (5.2.2006) the publications of the cartoons "humiliate and disparage the feelings of Muslims", and compared them to anti-Semitic caricatures.[40] The European Parliament condemned (16.2.2006) all violence related to the cartoons, and expressed solidarity with all affected countries. It asserted the freedom of speech and Muslims' right to protest peacefully.

Shortly after torching of the Danish embassy (4.2.2006), Syria's grand mufti said that out of 10,000 demonstrators in Damascus, only 10-15 were responsible for the torching. Hoping to restore the relationship with Denmark "as soon as possible", he promised to rebuild the embassy and gave the Danish people a gold plate with Koran citations when Danish TV 2 visited him. Syria officially apologised for not protecting the embassy well enough,[41] yet Condi Rice charged the Syrian government for instigating the riots.

Media and freedom of speech

BBC out-performed the European re-publications. On BBC TV (1.2.2006), Danish imam Abu Bashar showed the three false drawings to Arabic League representatives. The voice-over added that JP had apologized for these drawings – a lie suggestive that JP had published the three images. After a lengthy discussion on a blog, BBC wrote (6.2.2006) in an obscure place of their website: "The BBC was caught out and for a time showed film of this in Gaza without realizing it was not one of the 12."[42] BBC posting (7.2.2007) still didn't make the "mistake" good.[43] Mainstream media became accomplices by not clarifying BBC "mistake",[44] but reported that the three cartoons were examples of hate mail that some Danish Muslims had received in internet discussions on the twelve cartoons. The imams refused to divulge the identities of the Muslims recipient of the hate emails, making it impossible to identify the senders. The lettering on one of the three cartoons suggested that the original language of the author might not use the Roman alphabet.[45]

Showing the BBC footage in Gaza was incidentary, as the most militant events of the upheaval were taking place there. Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement gave Danes, Norwegians, and Swedes 48 hours, and Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades gaves Danes and Swedes 72 hours to leave the Gaza Strip (29.1.2006). Next day, the Al-Aqsa stormed the EU office in Gaza and threatened to kidnap the workers unless the EU officially apologized for the cartoons.[46]

A "moratorium" to publish the cartoons made it difficult for the US public to form opinions. World's largest news broker, AP suppressed the cartoons. With the exception of Fox News, networks haven't aired them, joining the leading papers in the blackout. Californian Daily Press editor, Don Holland objected: "AP fancies itself to be the guardian of good taste for thousands of American newspapers rather than letting individual newspapers make that decision." Michelle Malkin "observed a seeming double-standard with the Muhammad cartoons compared to the photos of U.S. soldiers harshly handling prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq"[47] – photos that had shocked Muslims and Christians alike.

NYT covered [48] the crisis with a delay, repeating the mantra of Islamophobic Danes vs. Denmark's 200,000 Muslims radicalised by anti-immigrant sentiments. From Miami, his hideout from death threats, Flemming Rose, JP editor responsible for publishing the cartoons, said: "freedom of speech, even if it was a provocation, that does not make our right to do it any less legitimate before the law". NYT quoted Laban, "a leader among Denmark's Muslims", who believed the cartoons had been calculated to incite. NYT emphasized the radicalization: "Danish counterterrorism officials say more young Danish Muslims are being drawn to Hizb ut-Tahrir [...] which seeks the unification of all Muslim countries under one leader and Shariah, the Islamic legal code. The group [...] is banned in most of the Muslim world, as well as in Russia and Germany [...] The State Prosecutor's Office investigated the group in spring 2004 and decided not to ban it because it had not broken the law."

Hizb ut-Tahrir made headlines during the cartoon debate when Laban's son, Taim, radicalized after recruitment by Hizb ut-Tahrir, was expelled from school for calling for the destruction of Israel and assailing Danish democracy, reported NYT. The imam said he opposed Taim's sermons and had told his defiant son to leave the house, but criticized the outcome of Tim's behaviour – a committee of mostly Christian rectors banned Friday Prayer at public schools. Taim's school head said his Friday prayer sermons would raise tensions among the school's moderate Muslims.

According to the public prosecutor (6.1.2006), JP's cartoon publication wasn't an offence under the Danish Criminal Code, neither under section 140 (publicly ridiculing or insulting dogmas of worship of any lawfully existing religious community in Denmark) nor section 266b (dissemination of information by which a group of people are threatened, insulted or degraded on account of their religion).[49] The Director of Public Prosecution decided[50] on appeals: "The religious writings of Islam cannot be said to contain a general and absolute prohibition against drawing the Prophet Muhammed [...] The drawings in question [...] are not [...] merely a depiction of the Prophet Muhammed, but a caricature of him."

On the "bomb-in-the-turban" caricature, the director ruled that it expressed "criticism of Islamic groups who commit terrorist acts in the name of religion [...W]hile propagating their religion, [the Prophet] and his followers were involved in violent conflicts and armed clashes with persons and population groups that did not join Islam, and that both many Muslims and others lost their lives [thereby...] Prophet Muhammed as a violent person must be considered an incorrect depiction if it is with a bomb as a weapon [...but] may with good reason be understood as an affront and insult to the Prophet [...] However, such a depiction is not an expression of mockery or ridicule, and hardly scorn within the meaning of section 140 of the Danish Criminal Code."

Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights protects freedom of expression, including "expressions that may shock, offend or disturb", "subject to restrictions and penalties as prescribed by law and which are [...] proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued." The director concluded that the European Court of Human Rights "leaves a wider margin of appreciation to the individual State, because in this area the national authorities also act to safeguard freedom of religion, another fundamental principle of the Convention [...P]ersons who exercise the freedom to manifest their religion [...] must tolerate and accept the denial by others of their religious beliefs and even the propagation by others of doctrines hostile to their faith." The director was unable to infer "a certain state of law regarding how the Court would weigh the regard for freedom of expression in relation to expressions that can offend religious feelings."

Rose wrote in the JP article accompanying the 12 cartoons: "Some Muslims reject modern, secular society. They demand a special position, insisting on special consideration of their own religious feelings. It is incompatible with secular democracy and freedom of expression, where [one] has to be ready to put up with scorn, mockery and ridicule."[51] The director noted that Rose' statement conflicted with the limits on the freedom of expression.

The Danish government strove at a dialogue with the local Muslims, and responded to a 24.11.2005 letter of the UN Special Rapporteurs that it was "focusing strongly on ensuring a society with mutual respect and shared democratic values." Rasmussen (1.1.2006) had condemned "any expression, action or indication that attempts to demonise groups of people on the basis of their religion or ethnic background". He pointed out that "the general situation in Denmark" had been "much more quiet and peaceful than in many other countries". He qualified the use of humour and satire as a freedom-of-speech approach to authorities, without intention to incite to hatred or cause community fragmentation. The minister of foreign affairs warned against disrespect of religions (4.1.2006): "The objective is not to blame through intolerance all Muslims for supporting al-Qaeda, but [...] to contribute to the development and reform that the Muslim world is actually engaged in".[52]

Already on 19.12.2005, former Danish ambassadors criticized Danish prime minister Rasmussen's refusal to meet ambassadors of Muslim states, which might indicate Rasmussen's unilateral action against Danish state interests. The Council of Europe criticized the Danish government for inaction under the "freedom of speech" rationale. The Arab League followed (29.12.2005) in the steps of concerns from the OIC summit (6.12.2005), and from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (7.12.2005). The OIC stated (28.1.2006) that the Danish government should had condemned the cartoons immediately. JP apologized (30.1.2006) for offending the Muslims (rather than for the publication), but al Jazeera didn't translate it in an interview with Rose (31.1.2006).

Zionist agenda

Wikipedia proposes[53] that the West has used the controversy "to show Muslims and Islam in a bad light, thus influencing public opinion in the West in aid of various political projects, for example, to support further military intervention in the Middle East". Wikipedia, like the Islamists, don't distinguish the media from the Western public that has been largely opposing the wars in Iraq and Palestine. It does not clarify, either, that "Western" involvement in the Middle East is a Zionist imposition. Justin Raimondo, whom Wikipedia cites as reference for the "Western" agenda,[54] points at "U.S. neoconservatives". Congressman Ron Paul described the neocons: "They unconditionally support Israel and have a close alliance with the [Israeli] Likud Party."[55] Professor Kevin MacDonald[56] found the neocons "a complex interlocking professional and family network centered around Jewish publicists and organizers flexibly deployed to recruit the sympathies of both Jews and non-Jews in harnessing the wealth and power of the United States in the service of Israel [...] a semicovert branch of the massive and highly effective pro-Israel lobby". To broaden the base, the neocons manipulate US Judeo-Christians (the Christian Right or Christian Zionists) who believe in Israel as a sign of Jesus's "second coming". The neocons can thus pose as "Western".

Raimondo found links with the neocons in Rose's biography on Wikipedia, but the present version lacks it. According to Raimondo, Rose "authored an entirely uncritical profile" published in JP, of neocon Daniel Pipes, "the controversial anti-Arabist" appointed by Bush to the US Institute of Peace. Pipes had founded Campus Watch, an organisation "fanatically hostile to Islam, Arabs" and any opponent of his extreme Israeli nationalism. Pipes compiles blacklists of professors who "refuse to spout the pro-Israel party line, and encourages students "to spy on their teachers and report miscreants". Rose has mentioned none of this in his essay on Pipe's view of "militant Islam" as a Communist- and fascist-like threat. Raimondo charged that the publication of the twelve cartoons was to "mold mass attitudes and whip up entire populations into a state of hysteria [‌] the hate propaganda emanating from certain quarters in Europe and the U.S. amounts to preparations for war".

Concurrently with Raimondo, but ignored by Wikipedia, Christopher Bollyn (American Free Press) postulated that the Zionists try to drive a "clash of civilizations" wedge between the West and the Muslim world.[57] Bollyn asked Rose and JP editors: "would you publish cartoons making fun of the Jewish Holocaust? [...] do you at least support the right of newspapers and individuals to raise historical questions about the Holocaust?" Bollyn didn't get an answer and concluded: "The fact that the editors behind the anti-Islamic images claim to be exercising free speech while refusing to address Europe's strict censorship laws regarding discussion of the Holocaust and the ongoing imprisonment of historical revisionists reveals the existence of a more sinister agenda behind the provocative cartoons." He cited University of Copenhagen professor Mikael Rothstein who told BBC that "agents of certain persuasion" were behind the anti-Muslim provocation. To Bollyn, Rose was the key "agent", tied to the neocons behind WOT.

International Herald Tribune (1.1.2006) noted that Rose's liberalism bypassed Zionist leaders and their crimes, as Rose said "he would not publish a cartoon of Israel's Ariel Sharon strangling a Palestinian baby, since that could be construed as 'racist.'" Bollyn remarked that Rose penned the essay about Pipes ("the neocon ideologue who says the only path to Middle East peace will come through a total Israeli military victory") after visiting him in October 2004, in the wake of Pipe's nomination (April 2003) by president Bush to the board of the United States Institute of Peace, a congressionally sponsored think tank dedicated to "the peaceful resolution of international conflicts".

Bollyn observed that the February 2006, re-publication of the cartoons accross Europe must have been "coordinated by a hidden hand". Against condemnations from leading political and religious organizations world-wide, Robert Ménard, secretary general of Reporters without Borders, a Paris-based media monitor, supported the 2006 re-publication. However, Bollyn argued, media monitors like Ménard accept without question the government-imposed censorship laws and imprisonment of Holocaust revisionists: "At least 4 well known historians are currently in prison in Germany and Austria for writing and speaking about the Holocaust." During "the last decade, there have been several thousand people fined and hundreds put in European prisons for having written or spoken about the Holocaust or Jewish related affairs in a manner deemed illegal".

Bollyn alleged foul play: "The hard-line position taken by Rasmussen", a WOT ally, "has more to do with advancing the "clash of civilizations" than defending free speech in Europe". Bollyn elaborated: "Rasmussen [...a] frequent Bilderberg attendee [...] has refused to issue a formal apology, which would cost Denmark nothing but could save the nation from further losses to its exporting business and national prestige [...] Danish lives are also clearly endangered. Rasmussen's refusal to apologize, however, suggests that the "calculated offense," which has led to increased tension between Europeans and the Muslim world, was intentional." Acording to Bollyn, Merete Eldrup, the managing director of the parent company that owns JP, is married to Anders Eldrup, chairman of Danish Oil and Natural Gas and a Bilderberg attendee.

CNN chose Pipes to explain the cause of angry Muslim reaction to the cartoons. Pipes blamed radical imams, instead of Rose, for circulation of the offensive pictures: "extremists" had used the offensive cartoons "to rally their people and become more agitatedly anti‑Western". Although violent protests erupted in too many Islamic countries, US secretary of state Rice blamed only Syria and Iran, coincidentally the next targets of Israel's WOT. Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni concurred with Rice. As violence raged, Pipes' article Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism shaped public opinion: "Westerners will either retain their civilization, including the right to insult and blaspheme, or not." Bollyn concluded: "Framing the cartoon scandal in this way and forcing a false choice between defending the "free press" or the Muslim protesters, Pipes reveals his hidden hand behind the publication of the cartoons, which now appears to be a well‑laid trap into which a number of newspapers and populist parties have fallen."

From Russia with hate

Yury Samodurov, "a well known human rights activist", said on Russian TV (2.2.2006) that, in the name of freedom of expression, his Sakharov Museum would show the cartoons, and Satanic Verses would be illustrated with them.[58] He had been convicted for organizing an art show, in which participants had used items of the Orthodox Christian religion only, to incite religious strife in Russia. A supporter of the cartoon exhibition, lawyer Yury Shmidt had invited "a prominent figure of French liberalism Andre Glucksmann and a notorious writer Michel Houellebecq (the author of the controversial novel The Elementary Particles)" to lecture on Islamic fundamentalism at the opening. They were the initiators of a Russian re-publication of Satanic Verses. Russian Muslim and Orthodox clergy stopped a 1998 publication of Rushdie's novel. Sponsors of the Sakharov museum include billioner Boris Berezovsky, media baron Vadimir Gusinsky, the Soros Fund, John and Catherine McArthur Foundation and Henry Jackson Foundation. Glucksmann and Houellebecq were to write comments for the cartoon exhibition catalogue for Russia-wide distribution.

The above VIPs have questionable record, like George Soros and his foundations and NGOs have. A reviewer wrote that if Houellebecq's book was "representative of 21st century literature, I'm glad I won't be around to read the books printed in the 22nd century."[59] With other Jewish French philosophers Gluksman developed "the right of humanitarian intervention" for US-NATO interventionism in the Balkan wars.[60] Russians constitute 86% majority in their country, and there are only 1% Jews. Yet, Jewish oligarchs control the media, way over a percent of ministers are Jews, and extreme Jews disseminate hate literature, while Russians can't even talk about the predominance of Jews among the Bolsheviks who have destroyed the Russian Orthodox culture along with millions murdered in the Jewish-run Gulag.

A petition of 5000 Russian intellectuals[61] described how Jewish oligarchs acquired 50% of that nation's assets. The first chairman of the Russian Jewish Congress. Gusinsky listed the reasons for the "Jewish luck": "toughness," "fewer rules, more rules of force, more rules of aggression". Gusinsky, while heading the RJC, was accused of financial crimes, after which he disappeared with the stolen moneys to Israel. His successor Nevzlin went into hiding to Israel, after he was accused of complicity in murder of his competitors. "And these people were chosen by the Jewry to be their leaders, while the international Jewry protected them from a trial in every way by crying about "state anti-Semitism!"" For the first time since Jews had settled in Russia a millenium ago, "we obtained real power in this country", stated Jewish journalist Topol, in Open letter to Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Smolensky, Khodorkovsky and other oligarchs. Topol and other sensitive Jews underscore the fact that "destructive and selfish polity of Jewish oligarchs, humiliating the Russian people, provokes animosity of the Russian people to the Jews", contended the Russian petition.

According to Institute of the Middle East president Yevgeny Satanovsky, the cartoons had stirred the countries under the strongest influence of Iran: "the apex of the conflict coincided precisely with the discussion of the Iranian nuclear dossier at the IAEA". Scientific Council of the Moscow Carnegie Centre member, Alexei Malashenko proposed that the cartoon uproar had provided a pretext for showing Muslim coherencet when "the Muslim world has no concerted position either on the Iranian nuclear program or Hamas, whose ideology is opposed by moderate Islamic regimes".[62] Considering that the US administration has finally admitted lack of proof of Iran's nuclear military capability and Hamas is Mossad-manipulated, the insinuations are pro-Israeli. The Russian petition confirmed a pro-Israeli agenda of Satanovsky's institute. RJC had announced it "conducts acts of solidarity with the people of Israel and political lobbying of Israel's interests" [...] This goal is also being pursued by the State Institute for Israel and Near-East Studies", whose leader, Satanovsky, headed the RJC.[63]

Perhaps sensing Jewish elites' anti-social agenda, Iranian Hamshahri announced (6.2.2006) a competition for Holocaust cartoons to "test out how committed Europeans were to the concept freedom of expression". Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had criticised European hypocrisy: "If your newspapers are free why do not they publish anything about the innocence of the Palestinians and protest against the crimes committed by the Zionists?"[64] Rose told CNN: "My newspaper is trying to establish a contact with [Hamshahri], and we would run the cartoons the same day as they publish them". JP's editor-in-chief refused to publish the Holocaust cartoons. Hamshahri launched the competition (13.2.2006), and the next day an Israeli artist Amitai Sandy started an anti-Semitic cartoon contest to be drawn by Jews: "No Iranian will beat us on our home turf!" The Israeli challenge looked more like mocking of the Iranian cartoon initiative.

Agenda implemented

Wikipedia placed Raimondo's article under "Western" agenda instead of "Alleged Zionist agenda", where only Ayatollah Khamenei's blame on "Zionist conspiracy", and a Palestinian envoy's to Washington allegations against the Israeli Likud party for the publication and distribution of the cartoons, found place. As "Islamist or Middle East regime agendas", Wikipedia listed unsuccessful widening of "the split between the USA and Europe" by Islamists "jockeying for influence both in Europe and the Islamic [World]". Middle Eastern regimes "have been accused of taking advantage of the controversy, and adding to it, in order to demonstrate their Islamic credentials, distracting from their failures by setting up an external enemy", with the cartoons "as a way of showing that the expansion of freedom and democracy in their countries would lead inevitably to the denigration of Islam."" In their efforts to falsify facts, Wikipedia purveys Zionist propaganda, and gives clues to the design behind the cartoon provocation.

Naming JP, Denmark, the Islamic Society in Denmark and the Muslim world as the primary parties, Wikipedia failed to refer to James Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya (P&EA).[65] P&EA explained why, "after the bombing of Baghdad, the tortures of Abu Ghariab, the massacres in Fallujah and the utter destitution of the entire Iraqi and Afghan people‌would Moslems turn their anger at symbols of Denmark". Apologists of the US Israel Lobby charge critics that not the Lobby but the Big Biz drives US imperialism. P&E submitted: "There is no evidence that the major US oil corporations pressured Congress or promoted the war in Iraq or the current confrontation with Iran. There is plenty of evidence that they are very uneasy about the losses that may result from an Israeli attack on Iran." Another author argued: "The Big Corporations would be far, far better off if the US switched sides completely, and supported the Palestinians to the hilt [...] Israel does not [...] help the US control the oil."[66]

Given the failures of Middle East policies, and global resistance to a preemptive attack on Iran for its non-existent nuclear weapons, Israel needed a "clash of civilizations" campaign to justify attacks on Iran and Syria. Hamas' electoral victory, hopeless war in Iraq after the WMD hoax was exposed, Iran's defiance, Bush's loss of public support for pro-Israeli policies, and criminal investigation of AIPAC, Israel's main political tool in the US, have jeopardized Israel's strategy of having America fight its wars. AP&EA postulated that the post-9/11 tensions needed revival to Israel's advantage; "hence the 'Flemming Rose' provocation [...] the coordinated, wide promotion of the act [...] the free speech agitation [...] the predictable explosion of protest [...] the 'recreation' of Mid-East tension‌and the advances of Israel's agenda."

According to P&EA, the clash would originate in Denmark, an ally in the invasion and destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, whose "national intelligence apparatus would be eager to serve Israel's interest". P&EA cite former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky's book By Way of Deception (St. Martin's Press, 1990): "The relationship between the Mossad and Danish intelligence is so intimate as to be indecent." A Mossad agent monitors "all Arabic and Palestinian-related messages" among Denmark's Arab community coming into the Danish Civil Security Service headquarters, "an extraordinary arrangement for a foreign intelligence service". For their servility, every three years Danish intelligence officials go to Israel for a Mossad seminar which generates useful contacts "while perpetuating the notion that no organization deals with terrorism better than [Mossad]."

Officially, Rose challenged the growing "political correctness" of restraints in criticism of Islam and Muslims. His staff illustrated some of the twelve cartoons, including the bomb-in-the-turban one. Subsequently, Mossad attempted to "further heighten East-West tension": Rose "publicly offered to publish any Iranian cartoons which would mock the Holocaust in 'his' paper. The senior editor of JP, apparently belatedly caught on to 'Flemming Rose' hidden agenda and vetoed the 'offer' and asked Rose to take a leave of absence". JP has published the cartoons as Israeli and US Zionists have escalated the war propaganda against Iran, P&EA believe. Allegedly, Danish intelligence has advised Rasmussen "not to give way by refusing to apologize" on demand of the pro-Western Arab regimes, and "even refusing a request for a meeting with a group of Denmark-based diplomats from Arab and Moslem countries".

According to P&EA, by early January 2006, after the Danish imams' travels, Mossad activated sayanim (volunteer Jewish collaborators outside of Israel) throughout European media to re-publish on 1-2.2.2006: "Almost all the Western media condemned the initial moderate Muslim protests and rapidly provoked the subsequent massive escalation, doubtlessly aided by covert Mossad operatives among Arab populations." Thus P&EA has answered Raimondo's bewilderment about the coincidence.[67] On top of it, A&V reveal that the Danish security and intelligence service, PET has been exploiting the imams' radicalism.

PET has known the imams' goals and activities, but for fear of "alienating them", still engages with the radical imams and "sometimes praises them" for things like calming down the Muslim community during the cartoon crisis. PET's treatment elevates the imams' status as the Muslim community's defenders: "the imams manipulate the relationship, becoming necessary mediators in any contact between authorities and the Muslim community [‌] If keeping order within the Muslim community is subcontracted to the imams, the state relinquishes part of its authority on its own soil to the benefit of megalomaniacal imams disloyal to Denmark and its democracy."[68] A&V cite "other reasons to be sceptical about PET's benign attitude". Hlayhel's sermon in the aftermath of the cartoon affair had classed Danish society: good (PET and Arla – the Aarhus food company that condemned the cartoons fearing economic sanctions) and bad (JP, Danish government, and People's Party). To Hlayhel, PET and Arla were good "tribes" with whom a revocable covenant could be made. The Prophet formed similar alliances with adversaries.

Judeocentric power

Wikipedia's "Western" and "Islamic" agendas would fit Zionist goals of antagonizing the Western and Islamic worlds, and weakenimg each of them from within. The power of Jewish identity and its terror are observable in the activities of the "Zionist Power Configuration" (ZPC)[69] that includes the US neoconservatives[70] and penetrates key power centres. It comprises "interrelated formal and informal groupings, operating at the international, national, regional, and local levels". ZPC suppresses any unsupportive or critical media reporting on Israel, and can finish careers of dissident politicians, while journalists and academics are banished for stepping out of line. This way, US supports Israel's goals of Middle East hegemony, including its wars, colonization and oppression. No other US lobby including Big Business and Irish separatists, has ever comparably influenced US politics. The ZPC has created a "tyranny of Israel over the US" with consequences grave enough to threaten world peace and stability, the global economy, and the very future of democracy."

Some observers have noted that the super secret National Security Agency (NSA) risks infiltration by the Lobby: "with pro-Israeli neocons now engrained within the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, State Department, and National Security Council, NSA is ripe for penetration by Israeli intelligence. With outside contractors now permeating NSA and a major Israeli espionage operation being discovered inside the Pentagon, once again there is a fear within NSA that foreign intelligence services such as the Mossad could make another attempt to penetrate [NSA]."[71]

US public dissent against pro-Israeli Middle East policy, and against decline of democracy and civil liberties, has weakened the support by Christian Zionists who begin to realize that the neocons have manipulated Christian sectarian belief in the Second Coming of Christ. Universalism (advocating loyalty to and concern for others without regard to national or other allegiances)[72] has contributed to social and political change that marginalizes Christian values. A British case,[73] similar to older ones in Sweden, underscores a problem with Islamic immigration, ostensibly the root of the cartoon controversy:

"Islamic extremists have created "no-go" areas across Britain where it is too dangerous for non-Muslims to enter [...A]ttempts are being made to give Britain an increasingly Islamic character by introducing the call to prayer and wider use of sharia law, a legal system based on the Koran. In an attack on the Government's response to immigration and the influx of "people of other faiths to these shores", [Pakistani-born bishop Nazir-Ali] blames its "novel philosophy of multiculturalism" for allowing society to become deeply divided, and accuses ministers of lacking a "moral and spiritual vision"."

Islamist in-roads rely on influx, terror and demographic conquest (e.g. Serbian Kosovo, Christian Middle East). Without immigration and multi-cultural incubation, Islamists wouldn't thrive in the West. A University of California psychology professor Kevin MacDonald posits that universalist movements, established and led to advance Jewish particularism, have harmed Western societies,[74] causing anti-Semitism.[75] 20th century universalist intellectual warfare has embraced Marxism (and its derivatives Bolshevism and Communism), Freudian psychoanalysis, the Frankfurt school of sociology, Franz Boas's school of anthropology, multi-culturalism and Third World immigration, with social and cultural diversity as a common thread. MacDonald's The Culture of Critique charges dishonesty of the Jewish intellectual movements; while dissolving the ethnic identification of gentiles via universalism, "Jews have maintained precisely the kind of intense group solidarity they decry as immoral in others": patriotism, racial loyalty, social structures and Christian morality, including sexual restraint.[76]

MacDonald's thesis explains why in less than half a century Western whites as a race have become apologetic, ashamed and unsure of their history and of their claim to ancestral lands –"there has been something more than natural change." By not emulating the Judeocentric model, Europeans throughout the Western world "place themselves in a position of enormous vulnerability in which their destinies will be determined by other peoples, many of whom hold deep historically conditioned hatreds toward them. Europeans' promotion of their own displacement is the ultimate foolishness—an historical mistake of catastrophic proportions."[77] A Russian Jew, who became University of California at Berkeley professor of history, Yuri Slezkine observed that the most important factor in the 20th century history had been the rise of the Jews in the West and the Middle East, and their rise and decline in Russia.[78] MacDonald added: "Jews not only became an elite in all these areas, they became a hostile elite—hostile to the traditional people and cultures of all three areas they came to dominate."[79]

The idea warfare has led to horrendous consequences to gentile and Jew. Judeocentric ideas of Bolshevism and Communism, implemented largely by the most extreme of Jews who have orchestrated the Soviet regime and dominated its terror apparatus,[80] have eclipsed the Nazi genocide of Slavs, Jews and more than twenty other groups. The top Nazis were Jewish.[81] They were aided by the banker Jewry,[82] a repetition of aiding Bolsheviks,[83] most of whom were extreme Jews.[84] Zionist elites colaborated with the Nazis,[85] and colluded in extermination of millions of Jews unwanted in Palestine.[86]

Post-modern warfare, too, utilizes ideas (humanitarian intervention, WOT, regions in place of nation-states) together with infowar, military, diplomacy, economic sanctions, and financial, legalistic (EU constitution, international tribunals for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda) and so-called non-governmental organization (NGO) instruments, in order to subjugate sovereign nations. Jews led immigration advocacy in the USA, England, France, Australia and Canada, and strongly opposed Quebec independence, according to MacDonald. The majority of Boasians were "all Jews with strong Jewish identities" who pursued "perceived Jewish interests, for example, cultural pluralism as a model for Western societies". By 1926, Boasians headed major US university anthropology departments, providing intellectual support for open immigration, integration, and racial cross-marriage. They argued that the disadvantages of non-whites due to white oppression could be eliminated by changing the racial environment.

Jews have launched the desegregation movement. Boasian views dominate US policy dogma that immigrants bring qualities that whites lack. MacDonald quotes an American Jewish Congress lawyer: "many of these [civil rights] laws were actually written in the offices of Jewish agencies by Jewish staff people, introduced by Jewish legislators and pressured into being by Jewish voters." According to MacDonald, Jews of every political faction favored high immigration, even when they disagreed on other issues. The Boasians glorified "ethnographies of idyllic [Third World] cultures that were free of the negatively perceived traits that were attributed to Western culture". The Boasians critiqued American culture as "overly homogeneous, hypocritical, emotionally and aesthetically repressive (especially with regard to sexuality)".

French-Jewish deconstructionist Jacques Derrida later supported the same idea of civilizational strife: "to deconstruct the workings of strong nation-states with powerful immigration policies [‌] the rhetoric of nationalism, the politics of place, the metaphysics of native land and native tongue [...] to disarm the bombs [...] of identity that nation-states build to defend themselves against the stranger, against Jews and Arabs and immigrants". The Frankfurt School exalted nonconformist lifestyle and sexuality that blossomed in the 1960s countercultural revolution: "rebellion against parents, low-investment sexual relationships, and scorn for upward social mobility, social status, family pride, the Christian religion, and patriotism."

While being silent on the Judeocentricity of immigration, multi-culturalism and discourse control, a researcher notes that the EU "Jihad-enabling traitor class" has made "multiculturalism and effectively open-ended Third World (overwhelmingly Muslim) immigration" into "two inviolable Euro-dogmas". The dogmas are served to Europeans, in order to "self-annihilate as people with a historical memory and a cultural identity, and to make room for the monistic Utopia spearheaded by the Jihadist fifth column". EU and its "post-national subsidiaries" are unable to defend Europe from Jihad: "Cynically defeatist, self-absorbed and unaccountable to anyone but their own corrupt class, the Eurocrats are just as bad as jihad’s fellow-travelers; they are its active abettors and facilitators."[87]

Using Islamists

Denmark became a refuge for Islamists, for the strong presence of Mossad and the co-operation with Danish security and intelligence agencies that guaranteed effective control of the militants in subversive and terrorist operations in the West. The same infrastructure and expertise could have been used in inciting the radical imams to action against the cartoons internationally, leading to proliferation of the conflict. Since Mossad has had unrestricted access to surveillance of Muslim radicals in Denmark, this theory is credible. Manipulation of the radical imams with anonymous cartoons, phone and email death threats, or SMS "from Danish neo-Nazis" would be easy. Because of a network of collaborators in the Muslim world, the delayed, violent reactions of radical Muslims might have been manipulated by Mossad, too.

Future imam Laban came to Denmark after expulsions from Egypt and Kuwait for activities in the Muslim Brotherhood. He "became the right-hand man of Abu Talal al-Qassimy, a top leader of the Egyptian terrorist group Gama'a Islamiya who had received asylum in Denmark after fighting in Afghanistan alongside bin Laden and other future founders of Al-Qaeda. Many other Gama'a members passed through Copenhagen, including Al-Qaeda's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri." Laban translated for and distributed a Gama'a magazine that "glorified the killing of Western tourists in Egypt and urged the annihilation of Jews in Israel".[88] The leader of Gama'a, the "Blind Sheikh" Omar Abdul-Rahman, and nine others were convicted of planning the WTC 1993 bombings. In July 1990, he was able to travel to and from the US, despite being on a watch list for three years. In December 1990, he left the US again to attend an Islamic conference in Copenhagen. He returned nine days later, despite not having a US visa. In 1995, NYT commented that the link between Abdul-Rahman and the CIA "is a tie that remains muddy."[89]

Abdul-Rahman's Gama’a dominated a mosque of the Islamic Cultural Institute in Milan, Italy. The mosque's imam, Anwar Shaaban led mujahedin in Bosnia. Shaaban was a close friend of Talaat Fouad Qassem, also a Gama’a leader and one of the highest ranking leaders of the mujahedin in Bosnia, who directed the flow of volunteers to Bosnia while on political asylum in Denmark.[90] In April 1994, seven Arabs living in Denmark, including Qassem, were arrested. US prosecutors later claimed that fingerprints on documents and videotapes seized from them matched fingerprints on bomb manuals that Ahmad Ajaj was carrying when he entered the US with Ramzi Yousef, both alleged Palestinian perpetrators of the WTC 1993 bombing. Despite evidence, no one was charged. Danish police later said none of the seized documents indicated that the Arabs personally took part in the attack. Ironically, two of them got political asylum as members of Gama’a, a persecuted group according to Danish law.[91] The US government later called the Islamic Cultural Institute Al-Qaeda’s main logistical base in Europe and some evidence linked figures connected to it with 9/11.

Ajaj was arrested and allegedly masterminded the WTC bombing from his prison cell. An Israeli paper reported that Ajaj may have been a mole for Mossad, and Village Voice suggested that Ajaj may have had "advance knowledge of the World Trade Center bombing, which he shared with Mossad, and that Mossad, for whatever reason, kept the secret to itself."[92] In another episode, an Iraqi-born oil industry consultant with strong ties to OPEC and Western oil industries, interviewed potential successors to Saddam Hussein on behalf of the Bush administration. Among others, he considered gen. Nizar Khazrahi, who was under house arrest in Denmark awaiting trial for war crimes.[93]

ZPC's use of Islamist militants has a history. The "father of the Israeli State", David Ben-Gurion authored the July 1954, false-flag bombing attacks in Egypt that blamed Egyptian Islamists, Muslim Brotherhood, in order to damage Egypt-West relations.[94] In March 2005, Israel officially honoured the nine Egyptian Jews involved in the bombings.[95] Approval of Syria’s secular constitution in 1973 created a backlash of violent Islamism. Beginning in 1976, the Muslim Brotherhood carried out hundreds of attacks to bring down the Syrian government with Israel’s and Jordan’s support. In 1982, the Syrian army massacred thousands of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters in the city of Hama, ending the wave of violence.

In 1967, Israel took over the administration of the West Bank and Gaza. Egyptian president Nasser had been tough on Islamist militants, but Israel freed Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, an Islamist jailed in Nasser’s 1965 crackdown. Former NYT reporter David Shipler recounted the military governor of the Gaza Strip gen. Yitzhak Segev tell him that Israeli government had financed the Islamists to couter the PLO and the Communists. In 1973-1978, Israeli military and Saudi businessmen supported Yassin's Islamist organizations in the West Bank and Gaza. The organizations controlled hundreds of mosques, charities, and schools – recruiting centres for militant Islamists. In 1978, Israeli government licensed one of Yassin’s groups, the Islamic Association, over the objections of moderate Palestinians.

In 1987, with Mossad’s support, Yassin formed Hamas as Islamic Association’s military arm. According to Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies, Anthony Cordesman, former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Charles Freeman, and an unnamed former senior CIA official, Israel supported Hamas to counterbalance the PLO by using a competing religious alternative. An unnamed US government official added that the right-wing Israeli establishment believed that "Hamas and the other groups, if they gained control, would refuse to have anything to do with the peace process and would torpedo any agreements". A state department counterterrorism official, Larry Johnson stated: "The Israelis are their own worst enemies when it comes to fighting terrorism [‌] They do more to incite and sustain terrorism than curb it."[96]

In a journal for Judaism and Zionism (Kivunim Feb. 1982), Oded Yinon’s Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties advocated exploitation of Arab states’ internal tensions instead of striving for peace: "Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon." This strategy remains a core of Israels’ policy, the difference since 1992 being that US-NATO would become part of it, and nuclear weapons would be used.[97]

ZPC idea of using Muslim militants to further Zionism in Palestine was applied to the USSR in 1977, when Carter’s National Security advisor, geostrategist Zbigniew Brzezinski formed the Nationalities Working Group (NWG). The father of Daniel Pipes, Richard Pipes led NWG since 1981. He thought that Soviet Muslims would "explode into genocidal fury", if encouraged. According to Richard Cottam a former CIA official and advisor to Carter administration, after the fall of Iran’s Shah in 1978, Brzezinski favored a "de facto alliance with the forces of Islamic resurgence, and with the Republic of Iran."[98] First, the Islamists helped defeat the USSR, then they replaced the Cold War threat of Communism with a new propagandist target for continuing war and conquest. The story of the US statesman, Robert Strausz-Hupe, illustrates it.

Since 1957, Strausz-Hupe advocated New World Order (NWO) against the USSR and "its" Communism[99] – actually a derivative of Judeocentric Marxism and Bolshevism. A democratic world would follow the demise of Communism, was the US willing to lead. Daniel Pipes, the director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI), a Strausz-Hupe’s creation, distributed a virulent version of this concept in FPRI’s Orbis (December 1991), concurrently with a classified report for the Director of US Nuclear Targeting. "Communist threat" having tumbled with the Berlin Wall, Pipes shifted to ''political emergence of the Asian peoples'' and their acquisition of WMD. To make the monstrous idea palatable to Westerners, Pipes coated it in motherhood phrases (as Judeocentric guru, Leo Strauss had taught): the NWO idea was needed ''to assure the survival of Western culture and of mankind''. Extreme Jews had invented Communism, an ostensible solution to the exploitation of masses by "capitalists". Extreme Judeocentrists, too, replaced Communism with NWO concept ostensibly to guard humankind against "Asian" threats.

Strausz-Hupe, a valued member of the Council on Foreign Relations, aimed at orchestrating global power by control of elite thought, the seat of civilisation's power. Against his condemnation of nationalism, he saw Jewish nationalism (Zionism) and revived Islam (state-religion chauvinism) as potential allies in building NWO. As Pipes' Orbis editorial (Winter 1991-1992) stated, "the same forward strategy used successfully against Moscow [may] now be used elsewhere", closing the circle of far-seeing Judeocentric enablement of Jihad. Consequently, US House speaker Newt Gingrich coined "Islamic totalitarianism" (8.2.1995). Who controls public discourse language, wins the war of ideas for policy control. Totalitarianism was 20th century threat to Western civilization. The Judeocentric control of the media had assured that Bolshevik, Nazi and Communist totalitarianism would be associated with Jews as victims, only.

Associating totalitarianism with Islam won minds for escalating WOT to the ideological-strategic level of ZPC conquests. The neocons and their German and British colleagues were eagerly supporting Islamists in the Balkans, proving Gingrich’s was merely a ZPC rhetoric. Judeocentrists' "Islamic totalitarianism" has turned a billion moderate Muslims into a global, inexorable and mortal enemy, also within the European immigrants by agitation of the radical elements. Operational doctrine and military plans no longer needed any knowledge base, as phony accusations of harbouring Al-Qaeda, WMD and nuclear capability of Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan proved. A process of self-fulfilling prophecy triggered a confrontational spiral of chaos and hate – Judeocentrists’ favourite, in Palestine and globally, from Bolshevik revolution to date. Post-9/11 WOT implemented this "philosophy", while inventing the evidence and maintaining the "Asian threat" and WMD motive. Jihadist militancy supported by Western and Israeli intelligence was exploited in each WOT case, and in the Balkan conflicts.[100] [101] [102]

ZPC profited from arming the Islamists. In 1983, congressman Charlie Wilson (Democrat) met with Zvi Rafiah and other officials in Israel, then on behalf of the Israelis traveled to Egypt and on to Pakistan where he secretly negotiated a major weapons deal (including T-55 tanks) with Pakistan in support of the Jihadists fighting Soviets. Between 1984 and 1989, Mossad’s Ari Ben Menashe ran an Israeli arms network, supplying weapons to the Iranian Islamist regime for the Iran-Iraq war. Menashe later wrote in Profits of War (1992) that "no less than $160 million was funneled to Shamir’s [Likud] faction" and the money also had helped finance Mossad-controlled Palestinian terrorists "who would commit crimes in the name of the Palestinian revolution but were actually pulling them off, usually unwittingly, as part of the Israeli propaganda machine". In 1992-1995, Wilson continued to purvey Israeli weapons at secret meetings between Israel and Pakistan arranged by Turkish ambassador to Washington.[103]

Civilisations at war

The Frankfurt School and deconstructionists contradict Polish scholar Feliks Koneczny (1862-1949) who has studied civilisations according to eight pairs of opposites: personalism vs. collectivism; family vs. clan; empirical vs. theoretical solutions; historical consciousness vs. negation of the past to demand uniformity; tolerance of diversity vs. commanded uniformity; organic vs. planned organisations; both private and public law vs. monism of either private or public law; and, self-government vs. totalitarianism. Koneczny focused on the Latin (Western), Jewish, Byzantine and two Islamic (Arab and Turanian) civilisations. The Islamic and Jewish civilisations are of interest to the cartoon affair, since Koneczny found civilisations confronted each other in "wars of ideas". To survive, a civilisation must defend and promote itself through education of the young. When a civilisation gives up its identity and treats other civilisations as equals, the one wins which is the most demanding of its members.

Against this empirical conclusion, Western (Latin civilization) demagogues force mixed society through the universalist policies. Samuel Huntington proposes in The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (Simon and Schuster, 1996) that conflict would most frequently and violently occur because of cultural differences between major civilisations. Unlike Koneczny, Huntington defines a civilization by religion, language, ethnicity and race. He posits that cultural differences between civilizations result mainly from religion, giving rise to conflicts. According to Huntington, not the state but culture is the locus of wars. Since it could be used to explain WOT and the occupation of Palestine, while absolving the responsibility of a state, this concept would be attractive to the ZPC, more so that the Jewish civilization is not in Huntington's picture.

Huntington's work is inferior to Koneczny's in addressing immigration and European integration. Out of these concerns, a booklet[104] by professor Maciej Giertych, a Polish member of the European Parliament, drew attention to Koneczny. A watchdog labelled it anti-Semitic: "Giertych describes the Jews as belonging to a civilization "of programmed separateness, of programmed differentiation from the surrounding communities... By their own will, they [the Jews] prefer to live a separate life, in apartheid from the surrounding communities... They form the ghettos themselves." It was only Hitler's Germany that created the concept of 'forced separation', he continued, claiming that "Jews are not pioneers" but migrate from poorer communities to settle among other civilizations "preferably among the rich"."[105]

Jewish encyclopedias confirm that the separateness led to expulsion of Jews in Europe, except from Poland where Jews had found a haven, even though most of the Jewry had separated themselves from other nationalities, still living in enclaves in towns and villages of pre-WWII Poland. Throughout their Polish history, the unassimilated Jews have opposed Polish independence struggles – in unison with the international Jewry. A recent analysis[106] and critiques of the ZPC indicate a similar phenomenon in the US: political apartheid of the American and Israeli Jewry against US national interests.

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) reserved the right to prosecute Giertych, the author "of this antisemitic text which reeks of medieval hate and 19th century racial stereotyping," and which "contains the same pre-war theories that led to the Holocaust". By using the religious notion of the "chosen nation" in politics, it is the Jews who became racist, i.e. prejudiced, discriminatory, or antagonistic. The Judeocentric hateful anti-Polonism in every existing media form should be prosecuted rather than Koneczny's messenger. Regarding EJC's slander on "pre-war theories", theories lead nowhere, unless conceived on criminal demand and implemented. The Balkan conflicts and the WOT have exploited Huntington's theory, yet he is not blamed. The ZPC has used his theory, from the PNAC blueprint for "wars without end", to the Danish cartoons affair. Does Koneczny's theory threaten the ZPC because it undermines universalism and illuminates the perils of Judeocentrism? Should not the ZPC focus on Jewish French philosophers who have advocated the theory of humanitarian intervention for US-NATO wars?

Based on Koneczny, Giertych's brochure claimed: "Integration, middle ground and the 'melting pot' are not possible." The watchdog lamented that Giertych also advocated Europe "should adhere to 'the Latin civilization,' as opposed to Jewish, Islamic or other traditions." No fatwa on Poland or Giertych has ensued. He has exercised his parliamentarian freedom of speech, but, in contrast to the cartoons affair, without infringing on the rights of others. In descriptions of the Byzantine part of their culture Germans could have found "medieval hate" ("When religious wars ravaged Germany, in Poland we had a state without witch-hunts and stakes") and "racial stereotyping" ("Germans have a habit of calling those rulers "great" who were successful [...but] unethical in their political actions"; "the German intention of regulating everything from above"), and German anti-racist laws could have been harnessed, but they haven't.

German leader of the Socialist parliamentary group, Martin Schulz called for an investigation into funding of Giertych's booklet, because EU logo appeared on it (in accord with procedures for claiming refund for MEP activities). French socialist MEP Martine Roure have disapproved of the booklet as contradicting EU values. The European Commission spokesman said the EU executive "rejects and condemns any manifestations of anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia". The European Parliament president Hans-Gert Poettering was "deeply troubled" – no wonder, Giertych advocated against European Union "values": "The overregulation so prevalent in the European Union is obviously of Byzantine and not of Latin origin [...] a growing tendency in the European Union and also in many countries traditionally of Latin civilisation, to accept the Byzantine readiness to conduct politics without ethics. Giertych addressed the promotion of Europe's adversaries, the Judeocentric and Islamic-Turanian civilisations:

"A state never makes a nation [...] There will also never be a European nation [...] It often happens in all Latin civilisation countries that immigrants integrate and accept the nationality of the adopted state as their own [...] In the Turanian civilisation, nations in the European sense do not form [...] Abandoning this desire [to act ethically, responsibly and in conformity with what one believes to be proper] in the field of politics is the main danger that lies for the Latin civilisation in its contact with the Byzantine one [...] Both our position and the Jewish position make sense, but only within the context of our respective civilisations [...] no middle ground is possible on issues differentiating civilisations [...I]n dealing with Islamic terrorism, it is important to distinguish Islamic fanaticism born within the Turanian civilisation [...from] the religious fidelity to the Koran present within the Arab civilisation [...] The educational system must [...] hold onto the principles of one civilisation. In most of Europe, this should be the Latin civilisation".

While admitting his bias as Koneczny had done, Giertych was far from being uncritical: "not everything promoted in the third world by the West is worthy [...] we also tend to export our own evils, such as wars or supplies for wars, socialism and other materialistic ideologies, population control, sexual promiscuity, family instability, hedonistic life-styles". He was also clear about the education factor: "We would be much more effective in promoting the Latin civilisation if we would take care to protect it at home."

Even though democracy and freedom of speech momentarily lost to anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia slanders, Giertych focused on European values[107] that he had allegedly violated. According to Poettering, Giertych had committed a "serious breach of fundamental rights, and in particular the dignity of human beings" and the booklet contained "several allegations of a xenophobic nature". Poettering officially reprimanded the Polish MEP, on a rule that "Members' conduct shall be characterised by mutual respect, be based on the values and principles laid down in the basic texts on which the European Union is founded". Poettering failed to substantiate, adding that "the whole brochure, including its title, was interspersed with allegations insulting and harming the value of human dignity in general" and "it would be easy to cite examples of what would be a long list of allegations of a xenophobic nature" but failed to quote any.

Giertych noted: "It is noteworthy that the President did not accuse me of racism or anti-Semitism of which I was accused by the media, because my book does not supply any substance to such accusations." Only two months earlier, European Commission spokesman had stated that the EU executive "rejects and condemns any manifestations of anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia" allegedly present in Giertych's booklet. Giertych commented in the new booklet: "I have not been told which particular values or principles I have violated. In fact the values and principles appear to be quite vague. I always assumed that freedom of speech was one such value, at least in the civilisation I was brought up in. However, I was shown that this is not the case in the European Parliament. My views were proclaimed unacceptable."[108]

In an interview with Rose, prime minister Rasmussen recently the gains of the 2006 cartoon affair: "it was very encouraging to see a great majority of Danes with Muslim background supporting fundamental democratic principles [...N]ot long ago the World Bank named Denmark World Champion of democracy referring to our fight for free speech and defense of a free press."[109] European Parliament let Giertych down on freedom of speech, but asserted it for the cartoon affair. The World Bank didn't object, thereby legitimising mendacious reporting and "racist, anti-Semite" slanders that both suit the ZPC.

Anti-Semitism and anti-Polonism

Wikipedia misrepresents Koneczny's work and underscores negativities about him: "Koneczny authored extensive monographs of Byzantine and Jewish civilisations, which he considered to be less developed than the Latin civilisation of catholic Europe."[110] Koneczny didn't denigrate any of the civilizations and wasn't concerned with the material development. He ranked societies according to scientific criteria. A prominent scholar, Koneczny has condemned racism and violent anti-Semitism, but Wikipedia paints him as a "dedicated antisemite, who looked for Jewish conspiracies wherever he could [2]. Koneczny was one of the chief proponents of a theory that Jewish civilization threatened entire Latin-Christian world [3]. In his publication Hitleryzm zażydzony (The Judaized Hitlerism) Koneczny claimed that Nazism was a product of Jewish civilization. [3]"

Reference [2] contains one unsubstantiated sentence similar to Wikipedia's. Zionists created Nazism, so reference [3] is a smear[111] by Joanna Michlic, known for whitewashing Jewish contribution to anti-Semitism in Poland, while pointing her finger at Poles. She dedicates her book to Jacek Kuron (Icek Kordblum), member of the Jew-dominated Committee for Defence of Workers (KOR) who have betrayed the Poles by sharing power and national assets with the Communists. A quest for scrutiny of former Polish secret service has maneouvered around KOR members' records. Michlic points out that Wilno University has dismissed Koneczny, but she doesn't say why: he has critiqued the government of Marshal Pilsudski who had been much influenced by the Turanian mentality. Five Polish liberal MEPs issued a statement opposing Giertych's booklet because it was based on "the aberrant theory of civilizations". Liberals are known for aversion to facts, and they don't represent Poles. One of the MEPs,Bronislaw Geremek (Berele Lewartow), had subverted Solidarnosc with Kuron and other Jews and Freemasons.

Michlic supports J.T. Gross's Neighbours and Fear. Both books reverse the role of WWII victim, Polish nation, whom Michlic has impressed[112] to collectively take responsibility for a WWII pogrom by the Germans in Poland. Michlic and Gross, both sickly anti-Polish Jews, ignore the Jewish villainy in the totalitarian structures of the Soviet and Nazi aggressors, and in the post-WWII Communist regime in Poland. These three destroyers have jointly murdered most of Polish intelligentsia and leaders, deported over a million Polish citizens to the Gulag, and exterminated still uncounted millions of pre-WWII citizens of multi-national Poland. Some 1.5 million Poles perished of hunger and murder during the Ukrainian, 1930s famine. Since the end of WWI, the Soviets murdered 1.25 to 1.5 million Poles living in the USSR . From 1939 to mid-1941, the Soviets murdered more Polish citizens than did the Nazis.[113]

Michlic can't provide an objective assessment of the Jewish civilization's threat. Koneczny at least has made predictions that come true, from the USA to Christian Russia,[114] where ZPC power is taking an ever stronger hold. Zionist distortion of truth instigates hatred, contradicting Michlic and Jewish pronouncements. It's an obvious manipulation of education in inter-civilizational strife. The Europarliament-Wikipedia-Michlic episode proves that there is a war of ideas between the Jewish and Latin civilisations, of which Poland is the member most smeared. Judeocentrists teams up with Germans, in order to de-Nazify Germans and Zionists, brace the Holocaust Religion, and claim WWII illegitimate restitutions fom Poland and possibly prepare for re-settlement of Judeopolonia.

Judeopolonia in Eastern Europe, a concept of a Jewish state under German protectorate, has been alive since the birth of Zionism in 19th century Poland.[115] An official German expansionist concept sees the Germans as "settlers and bearers of culture outside the present German-speaking areas".[116] By eliminating national boundaries in EU, Germany can revert to the power of ethnic Germans. Less than a century ago Zionist lobbying in Germany also emphasized that Jews, the speakers of a German dialect, Yiddish, could bear German culture Judeopolonia. Return of Jews to their own "region" might happen, thanks to EU regionalism and economic centralism that undermine nation states, and bureaucratic centralism that overrides national parliaments – principles that Germany has pushed in EU. Case Kosovo establishes a model for Judeopolonia – ethnic cleansing of an integral part of a sovereign state, to make room for an alien group, under combined terror of the "international community" and the group's extremists.

ZPC's anti-Polonism suits Stalinist- and Communist-Jewish heirs, too. The Nazification of Poles as irreformable "anti-Semites" distracts from the Jewish crimes. Stalin's Jew-dominated NKVD – responsible for "Soviet" genocide of Poles, staged pogroms in Eastern Europe to show that the "anti-Semitic, Nazi-like" region should be left in the Soviet bloc. The "pogroms" also supplied intimidated Jews to Israel, and diverted Western attention from the WWII NKVD genocide on Poles and brutal Sovietization and election frauds for Communist Jewish rule. Poles would fight Soviet domination, so the Soviets staffed Polish regime with Jews to make the opposition appear anti-Semitic, which implied "fascists" guilty of WWII collaboration with the Nazis, justifying Jew-Communist crimes on Polish patriots. Because the Soviets didn't trust the "fascist" Poles, the Communist Jews were tasked with liquidations of post-war resistance , and with running the country.[117]

The Nazification of Poles preconditons ducking moral responsibility and multi-trillion euro reparations still due to Poles and other victims of the Nazis, Stalin's willing executioners, and post-WWII Jewish Communists. White-washing of German Nazis gives Germany a clean slate for EU policy and expansion, including Judeopolonia. Reversal of the villain role onto their victims gives German war criminals and expelees a moral right for WWII restitutions against victim nations. Same goes for the heirs of Jewish Nazis, Stalinists and Jewish Communists. German restituiton organizations have filed cases against Poland before the European tribunal of human rights in December 2006. At about the time of Giertych's booklet affair, a delegation of international Jewish organizations came to Warsaw to advance their multi-billion dollar claim (27.2.2007) – an "extraordinary scandal" absent in the official media.[118]

If the Jewish and German claims against Poland prove successful, small groups of outsiders may control a significant part of the Polish economy and public life. Meanwhile, the German and Zionist negative revisionist campaigns distort history. Misleading of the international public opinion on Nazi and radical Zionists' WWII crimes may threaten European stability, as Germany, cleansed of its WWII liabilities and posing as WWII victim, leads the EU and presses eastwards. When the countries become wealthy enough to prey on, international radical Zionists could approach Byelorussia, Ukraine, Russia and Lithuania with fraudulent restitutionism. Similarly, the heirs of atrocious Jews in the Nazi, Soviet and Communist terror apparata can pose as benevolent proponents of mankind's peace and happiness, and defenders of Israel's right to exist at the expense of Palestinians.[119]

Second anniversary

Anti-Muslim provocations were on-going on the second anniversary of the 2005-2006 cartoon affair. At least 17 Danish newspapers re-published (13.2.2008) the cartoons, in vow for freedom of expression, a day after Danish police said it had foiled an alleged murder plot against Kurt Westergaard, one of the cartoonists. As in 2006, it signalled equally immature massive re-printing. Although Germany denied it, their interior minister Wolfgang Schaeuble had urged: "all European newspapers should now print these caricatures, with the explanation: We also find them lousy, but the exercise of press freedom is no reason to practice violence." Referring to "hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide" who regard the cartoons "an outrage", Arab News found Schaeuble's position "irresponsible and dangerous": "He knows the massive damage to Germany that can result from what he said [...] No German paper is allowed to question the Holocaust. And, what if freedom of the press stirs up violence? [...] He has sown division between Germany’s Muslims and non-Muslims and stirred up the potential for discord and disorder."[120]

OIC secretary general, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu said the re-printing was "a blatant act of incitement to hatred" and offensive to the world's 1.3 billion Muslims. He directed Danish Muslims to legal, democratic protests. OIC would condemn the plotters once their crime was established.[121] But in Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Abu Abir of the Popular Resistance Committees, a militants' umbrella group, said: "Blow up the Danish embassies and kill the ambassadors", and "slaughter" those who drew, printed and published the cartoons, "immediately".[122] Egypt banned editions of four Western papers for the re-printing. One of them, the Wall Street Journal, deviated from the 2006, US moratorium on Prophet cartoon publications in the ZPC media, proving that the tactcs had changed since. In the name of free speech, WSJ featured Rose and other castigators of Muslims. The Mecca-based Muslim World League urged Muslims everywhere to maintain calm. Qataris wanted a ban on import of Danish products in the Islamic world.[123] Jordanian media recommended severing of diplomatic ties with Denmark and boycotting Danish goods, in response to the reprinting that aims "to fan up conflicts among faiths and civilizations."[124]

Minority leaders at a Karachi convention demanded the International Court of Justice (ICJ) try the Danes responsible.[125] Some Yemeni MPs demanded cutting off friendship and trade with Denmark, while others called on tempering the reactions. MP Al-Qadhi called to establish "communication between Muslims and Danish people", and reminded that Danish parliament supported Palestinians. Yemeni Sheikh Abdul-Rahman Qahtan said that the Danish re-publication was meant to cover Israeli "holocaust" in Gaza, both being "Zionist-Christian plot against Muslims".[126] Toger Seidenfaden, executive editor-in-chief of Danish Politiken was more objective: "there are politicians who are trying to use these issues to their political advantage, 'creating an enemy' and mobilising people against it", but violent Muslim demonstrations in 2006 hadn't helped, either.[127]

An upcoming Dutch film Fitna by far-right Dutch MP, Wilders, was also incidentary. Known for his anti-immigration stance, Wilders wanted to ban Koran and compared it to Hitler's texts. The European Commission warned its offices about the release of Fitna. Afghan MPs staged a protest against Fitna and the cartoon re-publication. NATO's de Hoop Scheffer feared risk to troops in Afghanistan. Several Muslim countries condemned Fitna, including Iran and Pakistan, and Iran and Egypt considered an economic boycott over the film. Wilders was aware he might be killed like Dutch film director van Gogh, murdered by a Jihadist in 2004, after he made a film critical of Islam.[128] Dutch prime minister Balkenende asked French president Sarkozy for solidarity in case of a backlash over Fitna. Balkenende said that Dutch citizens and businesses risked attack, and called on Wilders to be accountable. A spokesman said Sarkozy had suggested setting up a EU fund for protection of people whose lives were threatened over freedom of speech issues.[129]

While Turkey's government voiced concern about the film, Turkish gurus called on the Turkish population to refrain from violence or protests. Professor Saim Yeprem advised against any "stance that might justify the film's content [...T]his film is a product of a planned attack against our religion". Professor Hakki Oenal said: "Such publications and broadcasts are a part of a war being waged against Islam [...W]e will not gain anything from violent acts."[130]

Invoking previous cases of suppressed free speeech, Rose insisted on the right to it.[131] He blundered when citing a dissident for basic human rights Lech Walesa (a.k.a Lejba Kone, ironically a hero in the West), who was a Communist secret agent co-ordinated by the CIA to subvert grassroots Solidarnosc. Rose's presumption of planned murder of Westergaard was as spurious. A Dane of Moroccan descent and two Tunisians were arrested for allegedly plotting the murder. The Moroccan was released but faced charges. The Tunisians were to be deported, even though there was no proof of their guilt, but in accord with post-9/11 Denmark's anti-terrorism laws on expulsion of foreign citizens without a full legal review.[132] PET chief stressed that the operation was a "preventive measure" and was based on surveillance carried out over a period of time.[133] PET claimed it moved on suspicion. Despite lack of evidence and a court verdict, the Danish media raced to re-print the cartoons.

Danish Institute for Human Rights lawyers and a councel of the Tunisians raised concerns. Franz Wenzel told Danish TV that the Danish citizen had ben released for lack of evidence, but the Tunisians would be expelled "without knowing the reason why or giving them the chance to defend themselves before a judge".[134] Rose had no regrets, either, that his 2005 publication led to more than 100 deaths and perhaps well over a billion dollars in material damage and loss of business to Danish firms. Rasmussen stated (19.2.2008) that the expulsions were necessary to protect Denmark from terrorists, even though no one has been charged with such a crime. President Bush hosted (29.2.2008) Rasmussen, reportedly to discuss the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which Denmark backed with troops despite Danish and EU opposition. The invitation to Bush's ranch showed the close ties between the two.[135]

Frank Kaufmann of the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace objected that even if the press waited for a guilty verdict, it would be an infantile provocation. Given the adverse effects of the 2006 affair, "a coordinated effort among 15 newspapers in what is generally regarded as a modern nation" was "beyond reproach".[136] The re-publication took place amidst rioting that started on February 10, also pointing to an opportunistic provocation.

In Beirut, rioting looked planned (17.2.2008). Bus- and minivanloads of young men began to arrive from all over Lebanon. They wore headbands and carried identical flags with calligraphic, Arabic inscriptions. Soon, the crowd grew to 20,000 men who chanted condemnation of the cartoons. They walked into a Christian area not far from the Danish embassy, their target. The police waited with barriers, fences and fire trucks. A day earlier, a furious mob had torched the Danish and Norwegian embassies in Damascus, propagating the violence that had spread from Gaza. In Beirut, the police and army fired tear gas at the crowd, who threw stones in response. Sunni clerics tried to calm the young men down but were ignored or met with stones and insults. Imam Ibrahim Ibrahim said they were hooligans. When the police withdrew under the fury, the crowd smashed their way into the Danish embassy and lit it. Dozens of people had been wounded or arrested and at least one protester was killed, caught up in the fire.

A Sunni politician Saiad Hariri observed: "It is the work of infiltrators [...] They are harming Muslims." The rioters chased the police up into the Christian quarter, smashing cars and tossing bricks through boutique and hair salon windows. They overturned two police cars and threw rocks through the windows of the St. Maron church. Justice minister and a Christian, Charles Rizk asked: "What is the guilt of the [Christian] citizens for caricatures published in Denmark? This sabotage should stop." Asad Harmoush, a leader of Gama'a Islamiya, the conservative Sunni group that had helped organize the protest, tried to deflect the blame. "We can't control tens of thousands of people. We tried to limit the harm and we extend our excuses to our brothers in Achrafieh and to the security forces. There has to be an investigation. Obviously there were infiltrators." The riots suddenly ended in the afternoon, when the leaders told the mob to leave.[137]

Quo bono?

The Danish affair and its 2008 re-run have radicalized Muslims whom the West now perceives as more intolerant, unrestrained and fanatical. The West earned an even deeper contempt from Muslims. The "Danish cartoons" provocations exploited religious symbols and extremists, for conflict. War- and hatemongers have done it on a grand scale in the recent Balkan wars.[138] The West re-asserted "freedom of speech" on Islamic and Christian symbols while upholding Holocaust taboos. David Irving has been sentenced for hate speech that had a potential of inciting violence. Rose and JP initiated hate that had caused the loss of some 140 lives and substantil material and moral damage on both sides – violence the media made sure we saw on TV.

After the affair, the Islamic states have pushed through a UN resolution (30.3.2007) that "prohibits the defamation of religion". Since its inception, the Human Rights Council has issued eight resolutions concerning Israel, and none concerning any other country.[139] The loser seems to be Christianity. Freedom of speech exists, but not regarding Holocaustianity that may get added protection: Germany has proposed a EU law against denial of mass crimes. The draft refers to crimes of the last 20 years, including war crimes and alleged genocides in Yugoslavia and Rwanda, and extends the idea of Holocaust denial to "gross minimisation of genocide out of racist and xenophobic motives".[140] A client of the EU genocide denial law would be Muslims, too. They claim, against the ICJ ruling[141] that Milosevic and Serbs have commited genocide in Bosnia. Western support to radical Muslims in the Balkan wars has led to declarations of Srebrenica "genocide" as Europe's largest mass crime after WWII, against evidence[142] and demonstrably to justify the "humanitarian" interventionism. Like Shoah has been harnessed in Holocaustianity, alleged genocide in Bosnia underlines the Muslim Religion of Victimhood.

Unfounded references to anti-Semitism, neo-Nazism and nationalism put a question mark over European efforts to establish and beef up anti-Semitic police and laws, pointing instead to the ZPC as an initiator of this legalistic warfare against goyim. Meantime, hundreds of Wahabbi-funded mosques arose on Serbian lands taken by Bosnian and Albanian Muslim extremists. In Kosovo, the mosques have replaced 150 Christian churches that Albanian extremists have furiously and hatefully levelled, destroyed, torched or severely damaged under UN and NATO eyes. The Christian Orthodox religion is the greatest loser in the conflicts. It's also the only one not yet manipulated by the ZPC, and the religion of ZPC’ pre-declared enemy – Russia. ZPC's neocons have made Russophobia the vanguard of their 1992 Defense Planning Guidelines, and it has been reverberating throughout the neocons' rhetoric for Kosovo secession in violation of UN resolution 1244 and the international law.

The same mainstream media that have been promoting Slavophobia are free to blaspheme Christian symbols, but not Jewish, Holocaustian or Muslim ones. Partly as result of this campaign, Polish Catholic Church has been devastated and Serbian Christian craddle given away to hateful aliens, while the pope says he will continue to heed the "international community" who are behind the devastation in Poland, Kosovo and the rest of Serbia and former Yugoslavia. In Warsaw archbishop Wielgus' case, internationalized by NYT, the Polish state, dominated by Judeocentrists and masons, has violated the sovereignty of the Catholic Church. Mainstream media and polls have played a significant role in the curtailment of Catholic media and elimination of parties representing Poland's Catholic majority in the 2007 parliamentary elections.

EU member states translate Brussel's list of "measures to combat intolerance and discrimination against Muslims" into national legislation, while "the instances of 'Islamophobia' [...] are being tracked by the Vienna-based European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. The Centre routinely refers to 'institutional Islamophobia' as an inherent social and cultural sickness of most European societies that needs to be rooted out by education, re-education, and legislation. Pressure to re-educate "Islamophobic" Europeans grows with Islamist riots or terrorist acts by Islamists, "resulting in calls for more understanding of the 'underlying causes' of terrorism (racism, Iraq, poverty, 'fear,' discrimination, etc, etc etc.) and the insistence on greater inclusiveness and more stringent anti-Islamophobic legislation."[143]

The ZPC incapacitates the critics of "Islamophobia" dogmas in a way similar to the "anti-Semitism" pillory. The ZPC divides and conquers Europe with the "Islamophobia" sword, protected by the "anti-Semitism" shield. The strategy of undermining the Western civilization would fit a theory of the ZPC connection to the recent Balkan conflicts, through the US neocons and Zionists in Germany (f.ex. Fischer, Cohn-Bendit), France (Kouchner, Lévy, Glucksmann), Poland (Mazowiecki, Edelman)... Support to Balkan Islamists while ostensibly fighting them elsewhere, in effect weakens European nations with the Jihadist Fifth Column. The immigration and multi-culturalism provide another wedge, justifying the anti-Islamophobic equivalent of the "anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia" legislation that is invoked each time the ZPC agenda encounters opposition.


Piotr Bein is an independent author and researcher who travels in various cultural regions. The International Comparative Genocide Research project at the Hiroshima City University has commissioned two research papers from him: one on Polish-Jewish relations and another on the Balkan conflict. He has committed two books on the latter topic.





[4]Guardian 6.2.2006,


[6]Times 4.2.2006,,,3-2024306,00.html

[7]Declaration on behalf of Muslim Religious Leaders, undated,

[8]Daniel Kimmage, Something's Rotten in the State of Denmark, in: Slate 3.2.2006,

[9]Fox News 3.2.2006,,2933,183686,00.html

[10] citation accessed 8.2.2008: ISNA (in Persian) 15.2.2006,

[11]BBC News 11.2.2006,

[12]Yemen Times 25.2.2008,

[13]KUNA 23.2.2008,

[14]Unless noted, all information in this section is from: Pernille Ammitzboell and Lorenzo Vidino, After the Danish Cartoon Controversy, in: Middle East Quarterly, Winter 2007,

[15]Peter Schwarz, Denmark and Jyllands-Posten 10.2.2006,


[17]Associated Press 19.2.2008,

[18]Fup-kampagnen, in: Ekstra Bladet 28.1.2006.

[19]IslamOnline, 18.11.2005.

[20] ;

[21]Ammitzboell and Vidino cite as an example Laban's Al-Jazeera TV interview shown on Danish state TV DR1 3.2.2006.

[22]After Wikipedia, who cite Trossamfund angriber Muhammed-satire..., in: Politiken, undated

[23]Danish Muslims Divided over Cartoon Affair 8.1.2006,

[24]Danish Prime Minister Shocked at Lies 11.1.2006,

[25]Anna Reimann in: Der Spiegel 9.2.2006,,1518,400019,00.html

[26]BBC News 8.2.2006.

[27]Politi: Ingen afbraendinger af Koranen, in: Politiken 21.12.2005, after Wikipedia.

[28]SMS: Braend koranen af paa Raadhuspladsen, in: Politiken 1.2.2006, after Wikipedia.

[29]Wall Street Journal 13.2.2006.

[30]TV-DR1, 25.3.2006.

[31]Interview with Naser Khader 2.4.2006,

[32]Danish imams busted!

[33]MSNBC 15.8.2005,




[37]Muslim cartoon row timeline 19.2.2006,


[39]Vatican Press Office, Statement on Offending Religious Sentiments 5.2.2006,

[40]Conference of European Rabbis press release 5.2.2006, after Wikipedia.

[41]Unreferenced information in Wikipedia timeline 6.2.2006.


[43]Q&A: The Muhammad cartoons row 7.2.2007,

[44]Wall Street Journal mentioned two of the three images, without pointing out BBC mistake: 4.2.2006,

[45]Jim Lindgren, A Second Look at the Second Extra Cartoon 11.2.2006, and comments,


[47]Associated Press thrashed for suppressing cartoons 8.2.2006,

[48]Dan Bilevsky, Denmark Is Unlikely Front in Islam-West Culture War, in: NYT 8.1.2006,

[49]Response by the Danish Government... 23.1.2006,

[50]The Director of Public Prosecutions, File No. RA-2006-41-0151, 15.3.2006,

[51]Cited in op cit.

[52]Response by the Danish Government..., op cit.


[54]Justin Raimondo, Rotten in Denmark 8.2.2006,

[55]Hon. Ron Paul of Texas in the House of Representatives 10.7.2003,

[56]Kevin MacDonald, Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement,; Understanding Jewish Influence, Washington Summit Publishers, 2004. Essays published in Occidental Quarterly, 3(2) Summer 2003, 3(3) Fall 2003, and 4(2) Summer 2004, with the Introduction by Samuel Francis.

[57]7.2.2006, ; 20.2.2006,

[58]Pravda 2.2.2006,


[60]David Peterson 7.4.2005,

[61]A petition to the Attorney General, undated,

[62]ITAR-TASS, 6.2.2006, after Wikipedia.

[63]A petition..., op cit.

[64]Times 6.2.2006,,,251-2027749,00.html

[65]James Petras and Robin Eastman-Abaya, The Caricatures in Middle East Politics 19.2.2006,

[66]Michael Neumann, A Study in Dogma 18.11.2005,

[67]Raimondo, op cit.

[68]Ammitzboell and Vidino, op cit.

[69]James Petras, The Power of Israel in the United States, Clarity Books, 2006. Review by Stephen Lendman, 29.10.2006,

[70]John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, The Israel Lobby, in: London Review of Books 21.3.2006,

[71]Wayne Madsen, The neocon power grab at NSA and an attempt to stifle the press 24.5.2005,

[72]Apple Inc. Dictionary, Version 2.0 (51). Wikipedia has an entry only on a religious, politically less significant meaning.

[73]Jonathan Wynne-Jones, Bishop warns of no-go zones for non-Muslims, in: The Telegraph 7.1.2008,;jsessionid=2VQGHWJHOUC5DQFIQMGSFFOAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2008/01/06/nislam106.xml

[74]Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique, Praeger, 1998.

[75]Kevin MacDonald, Separation and its Discontents, Praeger, 1998.

[76]Stanley Hornbeck, review of The Culture of Critique, in: American Renaissance, June 1999, No. 54,

[77]Kevin MacDonald, Can the Jewish Model Help the West Survive? A speech at the acceptance of the Jack London Literary Prize, 31.10.2004,

[78]Yuri Slezkine, The Jewish Century, Princeton University Press, 2004.

[79]Kevin MacDonald, "Stalin's Willing Executioners"? 5.11.2005,

[80]Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, Random House, 1976; Dennis Fahey, The Rulers of Russia, 1960;

[81]Dietrich Bronder, Before Hitler Came, 1964.

[82]Antony Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler,

[83]Antony Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution,

[84]Slezkine, op cit; Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, Random House, 1976; Dennis Fahey, The Rulers of Russia, 1960.

[85]Lenni Brenner, 51 Documents, Barricade Books, 2002; Mark Weber, Zionism And The Third Reich, 8.2.2003, ; Nazi Support of Zionism, ;

[86]Moshe Shonfeld, The Holocaust Victims Accuse, Neturei Karta: New York, 1977, victims accuse.pdf ; Michael Ber Weissmandl, Min Hametzar, New York, 1961, in Hebrew.

[87]Srdja Trifkovic, A Glimmer of Hope for Europe, Feb. 2008,

[88]Ammitzboell and Vidino, op cit.

[89]Washington Post 13.7.1993; NYT 2.10.1995.

[90]Evan Kohlman, Al-Qaida's Jihad in Europe, Berg Publishers, 2004, p 25.

[91]Associated Press 28.6.1995.

[92]Los Angeles Times 14.10.2001; NYT 14.1.2001; Village Voice 3.8.1993.

[93]BBC Newsnight 17.3.2005.

[94]NYT 11.12.1954, 30.3.1975; David Hirst The Gun and the Olive Branch; The Lavon Affair,

[95]Reuters 30.3.2005

[96]Robert Dreyfuss, Devil's Game, Metropolitan Books, 2005, p 191, 208; Counterpunch 18.1.2003; UPI 24.2.2001.

[97]Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, NATO and Israel: Instruments of America's Wars in the Middle East 29.1.2008,

[98]Dreyfuss, op cit, p 241, 251-256.

[99]Richard Perle in: FPRI Wire, Vol 7, No 11, Sep. 1999,;

[100]Michel Chossudovsky, Al Qaeda and the "War on Terrorism" 20.1.2008,

[101]Peter Chamberlin, Neoconservatism - Fascist Zionism 19.8.2007,

[102]Peter Chamberlin, Unraveling the Myth of Al Qaida 13.1.2008,

[103]George Crile, Charlie Wilson's War, Atlantic Monthly Press, p 141; Ha'aretz 18.2.2005.

[104]Maciej Giertych, Civilisations at war in Europe,


[106]James Petras, American Jews on War and Peace 15.12.2007,

[107]Maciej Giertych, European values 15.4.2007,



[110] ; accessed 14.1.2008.

[111]Joanna Michlic, Poland's Threatening Other, U of Nebraska Press, 2006, p 179.

[112]Joanna Michlic, Coming to Terms with the "Dark Past",

[113]Andrzej Krzesinski, Poland's Right to Justice, Devi-Adair: New York, 1946.

[114]A petition to the Attorney General, op cit.

[115]Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, Jews in Poland, Hippocrene Books, 1997, p 19; Andrzej Leszek Szczesniak, Judeopolonia, in: Encyklopedia Bialych Plam, Polskie Wydawnictwo Encyklopedyczne; Jerzy Robert Nowak, Prawda o Judeo-Polonii, ; a map:

[116]22.12.2006,; a map:

[117]Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, Jews in Poland, Hippocrene Books: New York, 1997, p 410-413, 416, 419, 421; Michael Chęciński, Poland, Communism, Nationalism, Anti-Semitism, Karz-Cohl: New York, 1982, p 71.

[118]Nasz Dziennik 17-18.2.2007, Nr 41 (2754),

[119]Piotr Bein and Stefan Pagowski, Revisionism, Role Reversal and Restitutions, International Comparative Genocide Research, Hiroshima City University, March 2008.

[120]IranMania 8.3.2008; Arab News 1.3.2008,§ion=0&article=107358&d=1&m=3&y=2008


[122]Reuters 18.2.2008,

[123] ; The Peninsula 25.2.2008.



[126]20.2.2008, ;4.3.2008,

[127]Al-Arabiya 3.3.2008,

[128]AKI 5.3.2008,

[129]Reuters 5.3.2008.

[130]Today's Zaman 8.3.2008,

[131]Wall Street Journal, 15.2.2008,



[134]Both quotes in: Jordan Shilton, Denmark’s media mount a provocation by reprinting Mohammed cartoons 28.2.2008,



[137]Guardian 19.2.2008,

[138]Piotr Bein, Mass Deception on Mass Violence, International Comparative Genocide Research, Hiroshima City University, 2007.

[139]After Wikipedia, which cites a wrong reference.

[140]Telegraph 2.2.2007, ; International Herald Tribune 19.4.2007, ;

[141]ICJ, Press Release 2007/8, 26.2.2007,

[142]Srebrenica and the Politics of War Crimes 11.7.2005,

[143]Trifkovic, op cit.

12 marzec 2008

przesłała Elzbieta Gawlas 



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