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Eksplozja nowotworów, zawałów i chorób po zastrzykach na Covid.
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Powszechny nakaz maskowania nadal jest bezprawny 
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Dr Roger Hodkinson, - Pandemia to oszustwo 
Dr Roger Hodkinson - lekarz patolog (wirusolog), Cambridge University, były przewodniczący sekcji patologii stowarzyszenia lekarzy, były wykładowca na wydziale medycznym, wykładowca akademicki, egzaminator w Royal Colledge physicians w Północnej Karolinie, Prezes firmy biotechnologicznej sprzedającej testy na COVID19.
Pandemia to oszustwo.
Maseczki nieskuteczne.
Lockdown nie ma naukowego uzasadnienia.
Pozytywny wynik PCR nie potwierdza infekcji klinicznej.
Polityka udaje medycynę.  
Dr Mike Yeadon rozmawia z dr Reinerem Fuellmichem o kłamstwach dotyczących COVID  
„Nie bój się wirusa. To nie jest tak niebezpieczne, jak ci wmówiono.

„Bójcie się swoich Rządów - lub organów, które panują ponad tymi Rządami”. 
Historia kontroli bankowej w USA 
Dyktatura banków i ich system zadłużający, nie są ograniczone do jednego kraju, ale istnieją w każdym kraju na świecie.  
Polscy "nacjonaliści" o żydach 
Po prostu zobaczcie 
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The infection

Destruction of America
way ahead of schedule

By John Kaminski

... the Holocaust has become a device for exempting Jews from normal human obligations. It has authorized them to bully and blackmail, to extort and oppress. This is all quite irrational, because even if six million Jews were murdered during World War II, the survivors are not entitled to commit the slightest injustice. If your father was stabbed in the street, that's a pity, but it's not an excuse for picking someone else's pocket.
— Joe Sobran

American freedom has been lost for want of understanding shadows. The motivational underpinnings of our own societies. For want of comprehending the essential mechanics of our own reality. If you dare, contemplate honestly the new American Gulag Machine, a decidedly private operation that buys and controls governments, and squanders human lives like so many expendable bugs.

Your vote simply doesn't count anymore! The computers are rigged, and the media is bought off. They do the corporate tabulations, and they don't let you audit their calculations. If you challenge them, they'll put you in jail.

As we speak, our own army is being destroyed by poisons invented by the same people who sent them to war. Our citizenry is being poisoned by the very medicine supposed to lead them toward health. And our minds are being poisoned by a sweet melange of alluring technological distractions as the ground we walk on oozes the very poisons we have put into it.

We are poisoning ourselves.

The demented snigger of soulless profit swaggers through the twisted smile of U.S President George W. Bush as he giddily pronounces death sentences on hundreds of thousands of people with rationales that wouldn't fool a 12-year-old. The U.S. has killed nearly 2.5 million Iraqis in the last 20 years, all of them innocent of any real crime. Iraq was never a threat to the United States.

But many millions of Bush's robotized constituents salivate at the ego-boosting prospects of the mass death of innocent strangers in faraway places, and the puss-filled profits it will bring them. Their focus on their own personal fortunes prevents them from seeing the very point of life. Along with those other souls they squander, they squander their own.

This is the new American personality, glued to a fantasy du jour, ignoring the sour smell of poisoned corpses, and sucking in pain their preferred poison through the anesthetic aphasia of the most luxurious medicine money can buy. Medicine is what they call it, but anesthesia is what it really is. It keeps us from knowing what is really going on in our bodies and in the world.

America is not yet learning as a country that as you sow, so shall you reap, and all Americans better get ready for the profound travail that is about to occur in our world, directly as a result of American hubris,

To be honest? Better call it semiconscious, soulless and murderous meanness. Lord of the Flies acted out, perhaps.

What has happened in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan is about to happen here, and you ought to be concerned about it. They're turning the world into a Wal-mart parking lot, ringed by razor wire. Is that what you prefer?

All Americans are now at risk from justified and righteous reprisals from decent people all over the world who are fed up with United States Tyranny, and the pain we have caused everyone by letting pathological money manipulators destroy the social fabric of the human community.

But the more pressing danger is our own government, which is so blatantly manipulated by the corporate puppeteers who ultimately control the minds of everyone on Earth, and fleece the people of the world through their slimy sublieutenants, local heroes like Saddam Hussein who took the bribe knowing he would eventually become the designated patsy and media spectacle.

No matter what religion, everyone on Earth who isn't part of this deliberate destruction for profit — this controlled demolition of human society — everybody who can look at somebody they love in the eye and get that sparkle back — knows in their deepest heart that it simply doesn't have to be this way.

As we speak, a seriously unconstitutional clampdown on freedom is under way in the United States. Tanks have been spotted massing in national parks for deployment for some unknown purpose. Their movements tonight (10/22/06) in Ocala (Florida) National Forest have set aware residents on edge.

With the nation whispering about sudden notices of planned troop deployments to the Persian Gulf — sparking fears of a U.S. war for Israel against Iran — and Congressional passage of new draconian laws nullifying the personal protections of confronting the evidence against you, it is now appropriate to regard the regulation of citizens' freedoms in USA 2007 at a level that actually exceeds anything imposed by the former and deranged Soviet Union, some of whose operators have been subsequently hired (Primakov) as expert functionaries by this amoral American Gulag Machine.

Fact is, you can be arrested and tortured at any time with no legal recourse. This is what American democracy has come to.

But these interesting historical tidbits won't mean much when the tanks roll into town, and anybody who says anything wrong — remember now, the President can say who's right and who's wrong, and you can now be put in jail without the right to defend yourself — all in the name of the corporate war on terror ... when these tanks roll into town, it will be too late to do anything, and everyone without the requisite amount of money or connections will be, as you might have guessed, shaken out of the tree.

Don't think about organizing a voter drive or public protest. Those are deliberately induced bread and circuses, inevitably subverted by those assigned to such tasks, made-for-TV dramas to demonstrate the power of the fascist headcrackers.

Don't think about collaring your local Senator, either. It takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to ever get him to look at you.

Don't think about taking these things to court. The judges are all paid to fleece you and expedite the great consolidation of America into a more streamlined money machine, full of strip-mined national parks and humanoid robots medicated into the properly functioning attitude.

And what attitude is that?

Don't question anything, or we'll kill you.

That's the new American way. Only maybe not so new.

Why can't everyone see that corporate criminals are running our world right off the edge of a cliff?

And the thing is ... we know who they are. They're the ones that reluctantly give us our paychecks, and squeeze the last ounce of life out of our souls. We're hooked into the system that promotes this crap, and are terrified that if we speak out against the madness, our lives will go even further and faster into the crapper.

This is the attitude that got the Germans into so much trouble. They let it happen to themselves a little at a time. And by the time they noticed, it was too late to do anything about it.

Sixty years after the fact, the spin machine still tells us how stupid they were. And we're behaving just like them.

Not taking the threat seriously. That's what got us into trouble to begin with.

The Kennedy Assassination. The mechanics behind it were Israeli, acting as the paid assassins for the international bankers who are exclusively Jewish. America's fortunes have skidded south into demented Jewish porno ever since.

Since Jesus' time, this remains the great unspoken fear of the intelligent world. For fear of the Jews, we free human beings are not able to live our lives as nobly and honestly as we would like. And for this effrontery, we non-Jewish citizens of the world are being systematically exterminated, like the Jews falsely claim they were being exterminated all those long years ago in Poland. Those in the know know it was the American bombing that caused most of the deaths from starvation and typhus.

As Nicola Tesla, arguably the greatest inventor in human history, once said to his secretary after his tower burned down in mysterious circumstances:

"Never trust a Jew."

Ever hear the term "Jewish lightning?"

Think of it happening to the world, because it is.

Kindly note that all those objecting to the content of these remarks cannot do so substantively, or on the basis of actual historical fact, but only by aspersion, by ad hominem assertions that have no basis in consensual reality and only pertain to the distracting purposes by which they hope to obfuscate and camouflage by slander and stratagem the essential message of this analysis, which I consider of primary importance if the human species hopes to continue to survive and maintain its universal goal of individual freedom.

We may not hope to do this without focusing on the true criminals of human history, who have dogged us down through time, a sinister gang of moral thugs who have scourged their way out of Egypt into Persia, which it perverted and destroyed; and it where it festered for a thousand years, before always grabbing control of the money and the religious upper hand and subverting empire after empire: Rome, Venice, Spain, Holland, England (Bank of England established by Dutch bankers, 1694), the Bolshevik Revolution and Marxism were wholly Jewish creations, Germany (where Jews were taken in and allowed to prosper), and worst and foremost, the United States.

It should be clear to all that the United States and its puppeteer Israel are currently executing a plan that will lead to the end of individual freedom on this planet.

Everyone must ask this question of everyone else, and those who are preventing it must be held accountable.

This is the way the world should be.

A 2,000-year-old infection, ever festering in more putrid fashion, is preventing that, Without radical intervention by those who value love and forthrightness, individual human freedom will be lost.

And your high praise for the phony government you think represents you will be exactly the reason your own blood is needlessly spilled. This is the prognosis for the infection that is killing us all.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida who has been banned by hundreds of websites around the world. While his early work on 9/11 issues was widely acclaimed, his later essays have created a panic among shills who pretend to support free speech but are corrupted by Jewish financial pressure. His numerous essays have been collected into several anthologies, available at
24 październik 2006




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