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Strona poświęcona analizie wydarzeń z 11 września 2001 |
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Dziwne odblaski wydarzeń 11 września 2001
Proszę się przypatrzyć dokładnie prawemu (patrząc od tyłu) bokowi samolotu, który ma uderzyć w drugą wieżę WTC. Według hiszpańskich specjalistów z Uniw. Escola Universitària Politècnica de Mataró, którzy badali to zdjęcie z wykorzystaniem różnych filtrów, nie tylko "coś" (co się błyszczy niesymetrycznie na zdjęciu) zostało "przytroczone" do samolotu, ale cały bok jest "pogrubiony" jakby zostały doń przytroczone jakieś cylindry. Jak twierdzą specjaliści, tak obciążony samolot pasażerski nie mógł wystartować z lotniska w Bostonie, a to wskazuje, że prawdopodobnie samoloty zostały "podmienione" w powietrzu, pogrubiające niesymetrycznie kadłub z prawej strony "cylindry" prawdopodobnie zostały wyładowane zewnętrznymi (wobec samolotu) ładunkami wybuchowymi, mającymi zwiększyć "efekt Hollywood". (Jak pamiętam, większość ujęć wbijającego się w WTC Boeinga - Hiszpanie twierdzą, że był to samolot Boeingo-podobny, wymiarami nieco mniejszy - zrobionych zostało z widokiem na jego lewą stronę, patrząc od tyłu.)
Te zdjcia badała też firma Boeinga w Seattle, ale po 10 dniach je odesłała, że nie może się wypowiedzieć, z "przyczyn bezpieczeństwa" ("for security reasons" ).
Powyższe zdjęcie, wraz z jego analizą przy użyciu rozmaitych filtrów, opublikowła znana, jedna z najstarsych w Hiszpanii gazeta "La Vanguardia", circa 2 tygodnie przed 11 marca tego roku. A to oczywiście spowodowało, że Hiszpanie niezbyt wierzą w Al Quaeda jako autora zamachu na dworcach w Madrycie. Chyba że "Al Quaeda" (arab. "baza danych", "lista") to znak rozpozanwczy, dla wtajemniczonych, organizacji pod nazwą N.O.S. - Novo Ordo Seclorum.
The Mysterious Reflections of 9/11
La Vanguardia
Comment: Please note that this article comes from one of the oldest and most highly respected newspapers in Spain.
Two and a half years after 9/11 many questions remain as to the circumstances surrounding the attacks on the Twin Towers. One of these unknowns is the nature of certain forms or marks which can be seen on the fuselage of the plane which crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center. "La Vanguardia" asked Boeing about these marks, who claimed they were unable to respond for reasons of national security and referred it to the independent commission which has been conducting an inquiry since 31 March into what happened.
In the frozen images of various film shots of the final run of United Airlines flight 175, there are three strange shapes discernible, which the aeronautical experts consulted find difficult to explain. They consist of two long shapes located underneath the fuselage, one towards the bow and the other towards the stern of the plane. There is a third, seemingly pyramidal in shape, on the underbelly, almost in the center of the plane. Boeing's department of commercial aviation, with headquarters in Seattle, examined the photographs for ten days and, having announced an explanation for the phenomenon, declined to make a statement on what it saw. Finally a spokesman stated that Boeing was unable to offer an opinion "for security reasons" and because it had not officially participated in the investigation of the attacks.
Various aeronautical engineers at official Spanish centers have found no clear explanation for the reflections or shapes which can be observed on the hijacked plane. However, a contour-detection digital analysis of the stills, carried out at the Escola Universitària Politècnica de Mataró, concludes that the "objects discerned cannot be due to shadows caused by the angle of incidence of the sun upon the plane as they always appear as the same shape and size, although their luminosity varies." This result was reached having subjected the photographs to a digital image process "which would respond to changes in luminance" which can be seen with the naked eye and which, in principle, would make no sense, given that the fuselage of commercial airplanes is cylindrical and flat, according to the cited technical report.
The author, who has had extensive professional experience in digital image processing, artificial neuronal networks and biometry, says in the report that "the same treatment" was applied to each of the photographs "using three standard digital image processing algorithms", the technical data of which are detailed at length in the dossier. Having clarified that "the images studied are taken from different angles of observation", it establishes that the "objects detected present distinct luminosity as they are in relief" and adds that "this is the only possible explanation", finally pointing out that "the objects detected can be clearly distinguished from the landing gear."
The reconstruction of the events leading up to the horrific attack on the second tower show that preparations for the United Airlines flight UA-175 from Boston to Los Angeles were routine on the morning of 11 September 2001. The aircraft, a B-767-222, registration N612UA, left the United terminal at Logan International airport at 7:58 and was in the air by 8:15. There were 56 passengers on board, including five Al Qaeda terrorists armed with box-cutters.
The captain was fifty-year-old, ex-Naval pilot, Victor Saracini.
The aircraft followed its usual route until 8:47, when, at the level of George Washington bridge, which joins the north side of Manhattan to New Jersey over the River Hudson, it changed course veering sharply left. The hijackers, having slit the throats of several stewardesses, had taken control of the cockpit. For twelve minutes the Boeing flew over the Hudson following its western shore, until it again made another tight left turn. Right before it was the south tower of the World Trade Center, into which it crashed at 9:03.
At the time live television cameras were broadcasting a fire in the north tower, caused by the impact of an American Airlines B-767 which had taken place at 8:48. Millions of viewers witnessed live the UA-115 (sic) fly into the south tower, between floors 78 and 84, causing a much greater explosion than the one caused minutes earlier by the American Airlines plane.
The official investigation by the Federal Aviation Authority determined that the Boeing crashed into the building at a velocity of 937 kilometers per hour.
Another study by the Massachusetts Technology Institute, however, established a speed of 859 kilometers per hour at the moment of impact.
Neither of the two investigations mentioned there was any strange form attached to the aircraft. Their conclusions form part of the half million documents serving as a departure point for the ten members of the national commission looking into the causes of the attacks.
The commission began its investigations at the New York Port customs building.
Its objective is to continue the investigation started by the Joint Senate-House of Representatives Intelligence Committee. Before handing over to the national commission, the committee identified several human and organizational errors which had hindered work by the intelligence services to prevent the attacks. The White House then tried to get ex-Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, to preside the commission. Having failed to achieve this, it then cut off financing and the commission has still not received the eleven million dollars budgeted for their work. The commission, which has the support of both the Democrat and Republican parties, is due to present its conclusions to Congress in May 2004. The families of the 2,798 people who died on 9/11, 1,095 of whom were in the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York, will have to wait until then for concrete answers as to how the biggest attack the United States has ever suffered was carried out.
3 kwiecień 2004
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