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Jan. 13, 2003


The government of Poland headed by former communist Leszek Miller has a single minded obsession the entry of Poland into the structure of the European Community. People still remembered Miller as a young boy who was always pushing a baby carriage with a doll on the streets of his native Zyrardow with a highly determined, serious face. In a similar fashion, as a Premier of the country, he is today pushing Poland into the arms of the EU. His government has amassed great financial resources from home and the EU itself to promote this plan and anyone who is against it quickly becomes an enemy of the State. Any objective discussion about this subject is not permitted in the Polish press.

There is no doubt that the recent invitation of 10 East European countries to join the EU favors developed economies of the West. The developed countries of Western Europe, burdened with a few years of economic stagnation, need more room to grow and prosper. The easiest way out is to enter and dominate new markets, taking advantage of the existing disparities between economies of the East and West.

One disparity that is easy for all to understand is the cost of capital in terms of interest rates. While the established businesses in Western Europe can borrow money at 5%, their Eastern European competitors must pay 15 to 20%.

Apart from this issue, the idea of an expanded, borderless greater Europe is very dangerous to Poland’s sovereignty, because the western border is still being disputed by Germans even in their Constitution. The integration of Poland into the structure of the EU is seen by many Germans as a repeat of their “march on the East” policy in order to gain more “living space”. What they failed to accomplish with the military machine built by Hitler, could easily accomplished now, only because Poland is weak and Germany is strong.

So the idea of grafting a weak Poland onto the strong structure of a developed and business hungry Europe can result only in domination, exploitation and the eventual demise of the sovereignty of our nation. Those who are willing to trade the sovereignty of Poland for a chance at employment in the EU must remember the high levels of unemployment and economic stagnation in Germany, UK and France.

Many of you remember the story written by Hans Christian Andersen about the poor, homeless girl standing on a sidewalk in front of the brightly lit store, festively decorated for Christmas. This girl was watching fine things on display and warming herself with matches to keep warm. The next morning they found her frozen to death.

Although the glittery store window displays represent the irresistible magnet that draws many Poles to the EU, it is important to be realistic and start to doubt whether Fortress Europe is capable of creating employment for millions of people from the East. And those hopeful for increased levels of investment in Poland after its entry to EU must remember that even today, many years after the demise of the Berlin wall, unemployment in East Germany is still 40%.

We Poles have a proverb which says that it is better to have a smaller house but your own. This proverb must not be forgotten during the upcoming referendum in April this year, when the Poles will have to decide whether or not to join the EU.

Many good points against entry of Poland into the EU have recently been outlined by Edward Moskal, President of Polish American Congress. Since all his points are valid and good, I strongly urge the readers to see them on the internet web pages of PAC. Although Mr. Moskal’s stand is not popular with the government-controlled press in Poland, it represents the feelings of many Polish Americans who are concerned about Poland losing out again. Surely Mr. Moskal, unlike many others, will not receive the “Polonia Prostytuta” medal for his anti-government stand but this must be the least of his concerns.

I might only add that for Poland to enter the EU, our country must be reconstructed to provide for the basis of growth. This means, as outlined in my previous writings, a definite departure from a post communist, servile and close-minded mentality of the current rulers of Poland. This can only be done by a true democratic, patriotic and growth minded government, selected in a direct, not proportional elections to the Sejm and the Senate. Only such a government can stand vigil on the two true conditions for growth: protection of individual rights and lack of predation of any kind. These conditions do not exist in Poland today.

The direct election law as it exists in USA, Canada, England, Italy and France is the key for strength and the future success of Poland. On the other hand, proportional election law was imposed by the USA on the losers of the Second World War, Germany and Japan, to manipulate their democracies with influences and pressures from abroad. Only the genetic resilience and hatred of losing the war drove both nations on to the path of economic success in spite of this inferior election law.

The best example of this problem is a recent vote of the post-communist majority in the Polish Parliament, that in case of negative results of the national referendum about joining the EU, they will proceed anyway, disregarding the will of the people. Typical arrogance of former commie weasels maintained in power only by the nature of proportional election law.

I firmly believe that Poland, given the right conditions for growth can recover it’s economy and prosper. It will not happen by grafting itself on to the stronger tree of the EU but by hard work and trade with other underdeveloped countries in the world, including Russia. To do that Poland can easily buy all technology it needs from the USA with the help of you, brothers, Polish Americans.

Stan Tyminski
25 styczeń 2003




Ile wyniesie kampania wyborcza w USA. Czy wystarczy mld dolarów.
styczeń 28, 2008
Gregory Akko
listopad 26, 2004
Krzysztof Cierpisz
Co piąte dziecko głoduje w Argentynie
listopad 17, 2002
Pacjent też człowiekiem; 12 pazdziernika pikieta przed Pałacem Prezydenta RP
październik 3, 2006
Adam Sandauer
Pozorowanie etyki, czyli etyka w służbie kapitału
maj 12, 2007
Gracjan Cimek
"Arbeit macht frei" - Polska będzie wielkim obozem pracy
listopad 21, 2006
"Fundusze strukturalne Unii Europejskiej"
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przesłała Elżbieta
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Zygmunt Jan Prusiński
Polska ma, więc płaci
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Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
Miedziaki z Polskiej Miedzi
wrzesień 11, 2002
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Nasz Dziennik
"Nie gardzić własnymi pomnikami"
czerwiec 4, 2008
Artur Łoboda
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sierpień 28, 2002
Papieski dialog z Żydami
kwiecień 21, 2005
Parlament Europejski o przestrzeganiu praw człowieka na świecie
maj 21, 2008
W imię Honoru, Godności Człowieka i Sprawiedliwości
grudzień 12, 2005
Ryszard Krzysztof Chałasiński
Polska.......ale jaka
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Krzysztof Daukszewicz
Wielkie kościoły
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opowiedział Krzysztof K
Jak funkcjonują największe gangi (2)
Konwersja, czyli odzyskać gotówkę

luty 25, 2005
Jarosław Supłacz
październik 14, 2004
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