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Zionists Made A Deal With The Devil

Zionists Made A Deal
With The Devil
Accepting The 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'

By Henry Makow, Ph.D

Under the 1935 Nuremberg Laws, only two flags were permitted in Nazi Germany. One was the swastika. The other was the blue and white banner of Zionism.
According to Lenni Brenner's online book Zionism in the Age of Dictators (Ch.7), the Zionist party was the only other political party in Nazi Germany that enjoyed a measure of freedom, and could publish a newspaper. The reason: Zionists and Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews go to Palestine. (
History is not always what you'd expect.
There are more shocking examples in Brenner's book (Chapters 24 & 25).
For instance, in November 1942, Rabbi Michael Dov-Ber Weismandel, a Jewish activist in Slovakia approached Adoph Eichmann's representative, Dieter Wisliceny: "How much money would be needed for all the European Jews to be saved?" Wisliceny went to Berlin and returned with an answer.
For a mere $2 million they could have all the Jews in Western Europe and the Balkans. Weismandel sent a courier to the World Zionist Organization in Switzerland. His request was refused. The official, Nathan Schwalb sent enough money to save only Weismandel and his cadre. He wrote:
"About the cries coming from your country, we should know that all the Allied nations are spilling much of their blood, and if we do not sacrifice any blood, by what right shall we merit coming before the bargaining table when they divide nations and lands at the war's end? ....for only with blood shall we get the land." ( p.237)
Brenner writes that Zionism had come full turn. "Instead of Zionism being the hope of the Jews, their blood was to be the political salvation of Zionism" (p.238).
In Chapter 25, Brenner relates how Zionist leader Rezso Kasztner made a deal with Adolph Eichmann to save a few thousand hand -picked Zionists and wealthy Jews in return for deceiving and leading more than 750,000 Hungarian Jews to their doom. In 1954, when Kasztner was accused of collaborating, the Israeli government sprang to his defence.
Brenner documents how the Zionist and World Jewish leadership prevaricated and obstructed all efforts to save the Jews of Europe who apparently were worth more to them dead than alive.
I am Jewish and my family suffered from Nazi persecution. When I first heard this information, I immediately rejected it. It boggles the mind. However, as I learned more about the Illuminati's ancient plan for world domination with its satanic overtones and Masonic plan for rebuilding Solomon's Temple, I became more receptive.
I came to the conclusion that Jews must be sceptical of Zionist leaders who have used the holocaust to gain undeserved moral authority, and to bludgeon Jews and others into hysterical, unthinking conformity.
It is possible that Israel was set up for purposes that have nothing to do with the Jewish people, and that Israelis and Jews in general are being duped.
This is by way of introduction to a current controversy, which cuts to the heart of Jewish-Arab mistrust. It is over a lavishly produced 14-part television series based on the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." It will be aired nightly during the peak viewing period of the Muslim Ramadan by the state-run Egyptian station, and a private satellite channel.
For Jews, the series entitled "A Rider Without a Horse" is proof of the Arabs' inveterate anti Semitism. For Jews, the "Protocols" is an anti Semitic booklet written in 1905 by Czar Nicholas II's secret police which describes an imaginary Jewish plot to take over the world.
For Arabs, the "Protocols" are confirmation of a Jewish desire to spread materialist values, destroy Islam and colonize the Middle East.
According to Hebrew University professor Meir Litvak, "Many Arab and Muslim writers see globalization as a threat to Arab culture and identity and fear that it will increase Western control of their economies and political systems." Associating globalization with "Jewish intrigues" makes it easier for the Arabs to explain why they lag behind in economics, technology and science, says Litvak. (Haaretz, Oct. 29,2002) (
Calls from the US government to cancel the program on the grounds that it stokes hatred and bigotry were rebuffed by Cairo. So too were appeals to Arab leaders to condemn the anti-Semitism rife in the Egyptian media. A protest demonstration by Jewish organizations took place outside the Egyptian embassy in Washington Monday, November 4.
An Arab League spokesman rejected Israeli charges that the series is a violation of Cairo's commitment under the peace accord to shun anti-Israel incitement. Egyptian Information Minister Safwat el-Sherif declared that he could not see what the fuss was about. He denied that ìRiderî had any anti-Semitic content at all. ìOur media policy,î he says, ìis to respect all monotheistic religions.î
I don't know about the miniseries but I invite you to read "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" online) and decide about its authenticity and anti Semitism. (
In my opinion, the Protocols are a master plan for what already has largely taken place.
Nesta Webster (World Revolution, pp.288-298) has shown that the Protocols are typical of many other Illuminati writings. It's true that the "Protocols" identify the source as largely Jewish. This may be a false scent, an attempt to scapegoat the whole Jewish people in order to protect a few bankers, their lackeys and allies. Historically the Illuminati is an occult secret society with strong aristocratic British, Aryan German, as well as Jewish financial and revolutionary elements.
If Jews became familiar with the history of the New World Order, ( ) we would recognize that Muslims are correct that "globalization" is a mask for a bizarre plot to enshrine the rule of the superrich under the aegis of Lucifer.
Islam is one of the last bastions of genuine God worship, the last major obstacle to pagan World Religion. The attack on Iraq is another step in the plan to destroy Islam, monopolize world resources and enslave humanity.
The cry of "anti Semitism" is being used to divert the world from this diabolical plot. By accepting the role of some apostate Jews, and their dupes, God-fearing Jews could unite with Muslims (and Christians) to bring the "blood sacrifice" to an end.
Henry Makow, Ph.D. is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." ( His articles on feminism and the New World Order are archived on his web site He welcomes comments at
11 styczeń 2007

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