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Open Letter to Mr. Brattman, Editor@Isurvived.org
Open Letter to Mr. Brattman, Editor@Isurvived.org
Cc: Polish Consul in Los Angeles, consulplla@consulplla.org
Mr. Brattman,
The authorities should scrutinize your schmaltzy sociopathy. The Polish Government should sue you and the organisations behind you. Polish mothers should spell your name to their children, to imprint in them a fear of a Zionist monster.
You suggest "monstrous deeds of the overwhelming great majority of Poles", and emphasize the "collective character" of the supposed crimes: “...in terms of its bestiality, hatred and willing persecution against Jews, Poland was very close to the Nazi's regime and, the association of Poland with the direct and willful participation in the Nazi's Holocaust is beyond dispute.” (http://isurvived.org/InTheNews/Hungary-holo_Memorial.html)
You cite glaringly distorted cases in support of your moronic opinion: If the Polish behaviour was even remotely similar to Nazi barbarity, there would be plentiful evidence shortly after WWII. The press material on apologies by the Polish President constitutes no evidence, either. Historians advised him that they did not find proof for the allegations. Someone desperately needed the “admission” at the time of Israel’s offensive on Palestinians.
There is ample evidence of the great help Poles gave to Jews. As most Jews of Polish ancestry are well aware, most of the Polish Jew survivors of the Nazis owe their lives to non-Jewish Poles. Poles were so successful in saving Jews that the Israeli memorial honouring those who did so, list more Poles than any other nation.
A few Poles may have acted badly, but a nation has an obligation to defend itself from genocide. A lot of Polish Jews helped the Soviets in their atrocities until Hitler turned against the Jews when he broke his anti-Polish pact with the Soviets. Nazi-Soviet plan exterminated 80 percent of Polish intelligentsia. Jewish crimes against Poles continued when Jews formed a large part of post-war Poland’s Communist government.
You are whitewashing the Jewish crimes, while pointing the finger at Poles. Even if Poles committed atrocities on Communist Jews in 50 out of thousands of villages, this could not possibly be a "great majority" in a nation of 35 million (less 3 to 4 million of minorities, mostly Jews). Your range of possibilities of Polish behaviour is as objectionable: "at best [Poles] remained indifferent and at worst committed atrocities beyond any human dimension." This is an evident demonisation.
Role Reversal
All your premises are clearly erroneous and provocative. You give out an indication of sponsors and purpose, by endorsing a press article written to Zionist-German revisionist specifications. These circles liberally use "Polish", but seldom "German” in reference to Nazi crimes. By manipulating information on the tragedy of Jews, you provoke anti-Polish attitudes. Anti-Polish sentiments are also on an increase in the Polish Zionist-controlled media, under the guise of combating anti-semitism.
Instead of hatred invented for current political needs of the Zionists, the Jewish community should express indebtedness forever to the Polish majority, Your absurd campaign bears stamps of the “Holocaust industry” all over it. While the USA, Israel, Germany, and the “international community” plunge headfirst into fascism, your audience should probe manifestations of deeper connections:
1. Similarity to present German campaign of whitewashing Nazi WWII crimes. German revisionists would love to spread the Nazi guilt on others, if not exonerate themselves from crimes. The Holocaust industry would be a natural partner to whitewash their own crimes before their Drang nach Osten in the European Union. You look to the Polish nation for a scapegoat to draw attention away from Communist Jew crimes on Poles.
2. Suspected co-operation of Zionists with the US administration. There are serious questions as to the complicity of Mossad and FBI in the 9/11 tragedy. I read with disbelief about the Global Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2004, introduced to the US Congress on April 28, 2004: “To authorize the establishment within the Department of State of an Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, to require inclusion in annual Department of State reports of information concerning acts of anti-Semitism around the world, and for other purposes.” The act will pre-empty any investigations. No wonder that you threaten your polite opponents with FBI.
Based on the value of human life in present German public safety planning, Germans owe us not billions, but tens of trillions of Euros for our biological, cultural and material losses. We could settle for partial payment in form of Germanized Slav lands between Odra and Elbe rivers, but even the balance would send the German nation into perpetual poverty. Aware of this tremendous liability to their impoverished, biologically damaged neighbours to the East, the German government poses for reconciliatory pictures, while fully supporting the revisionists.
We have a saying in Poland: “Let’s love one another like brothers, but settle accounts like Jews”. We could prepare a bill for saving hundreds of thousands of Jews by Poles, and for biological losses caused by the Communist Jews. Zionist claims for Jewish real estate in Poland would be a laughable fraction of the amount.
If you are seeking a reconciliation, Mr. Brattman, start from de-bunking own propaganda. Your actions reinforce Polish and international resentment of Zionists and revisionists.
You wonder: "How a country can show so little respect and regard for its own 6 million citizens that perished during the Holocaust is beyond human comprehension." Half of the total 12 thousand Nazi establishments of extermination were on the territory of Poland. The great majority of them are there to be seen, marked by facsimile of the highest Polish medal awarded to all the victims, both foreigners and Polish citizens, including Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
You want a bigger, all-victim memorial? Collect the money. We will build it, partly on the land that the Zionists claimed as Jewish property in Poland. That is, if Zionists will LET us build a common memorial. They ordered us around at the Auschwitz site.
The Question
From your moronic commentaries and the original emails you quote (and those you do not), I conclude that you are a propagandist and a liar. You amply demonstrated lack of good will and an open mind. You attribute to your opponents what you do yourself: “shouting”, bullying, manipulating information, intimidating. Honest Jews, and foreigners familiar with Polish history, condemn your presentation.
Whom do you work for and what is the objective of your handlers?
In repentance for supposed WWII atrocities of their grandparents, should young Poles uncritically accept Zionist Israel's crimes? Your misrepresentations may create hatred of younger Poles towards the Jews, and of international youth towards Poles. Is this the goal of your website?
You may post this letter intact, but I do not agree that you abbreviate or quote from it, under any pretext, because you severely distorted the meaning of emails received. You also refused to remove e-mail addresses and emails from the website, used belittling and condescending tone against your opponents, intimidated and threatened them.
You breached cyber-code and law concerning spreading of misinformation towards demonization and inter-ethnic hatred. Demonization is done prior to an offensive on a nation. A Holocaust survivor should understand this.
Dr. Piotr Bein, PEng
Author and publicist, specialist in de-bunking propaganda
Vancouver, Canada, and Szczecin, Poland |
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