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Adolf Eichmann born in Austria

„Eichmann In Jerusalem” is the title of a book contraining reports on Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem written by Hannah Arend, a Jew who fled Germany and is known as political theorist. She called Eichnann an embodiment of the “Banality of Evil.” I am sorry to say that inadvertly I
took the word and cvompetent academic regarding the birthplace of Adolf Eichmann and I should have double checked this fact. It was my mistake that the error appeared in my article. I have had no intention to missrespresent Eichman’s origins.

As far as Eichmann’s carrier is concerned he joined the NSDAP (member number 889 895) and was enlisted to the SS on April 1, 1932, in November, he became a full SS member number 45326. In 1933, when Adolf Hitler took power, joint celebrations of the Nazis and the Zionists took place. Each of them had their own reasons, to celebrate Hitler’s victory.

After Nazis came to power in 1933 Eichman served as Scharfuerer in Dachau concentration camp. In 1934 he joined Sicherheitspoloizei or Security Police, part of the Nazi terror apparatus. Then Eichmann was assigned to the headquarters of Siherheitdienst (SD) in Berlin where he was promoted to Hauptscharfuerer in 1935, and in 1937 to SS-Untersturmfuerer.

With Eichmann’s promotion came the assignment to go to the British Mandate of Palestine as an aid to Herbert Hagen, in order to evaluate massive Jewish emigration from Germany to Palestine, an idea ardently supported by the Zionists. Eichman and Hagen traveled to Haifa and then to Cairo where they met Feival Polkes, a Zionist and an agent of the Haganah, who tried to enlist their assistance, for Jewish emigration from Europe to Palestine. Haganah originated from prewar Jewish Fascist organization known as “Bejtar” in Poland.

After the Anschluss of Austria in 1938 Eichman was sent to Vienna to organize SS-Security and he was promoted to SS-Obersturmfuerer. He soon was chosen to form the Central Office for Jewish Emigration with a program to deport and expel Jews from Austria. This assignment caused Eichmann to study Judaism and Hebrew.

When Germany attacked Poland in 1939, Eichmann was promoted to SS-Hauptsturmfuerer (captian) and worked with Zionists to press Jews out of Germany. In Berlin he was assigned to Reich Central Security Office and was put in charge of Referat IV B4 for dealing with Jewish affairs with Zionist support.

When Germany attacked France in 1940 Hitler’s government tried to forcibly relocate the entire Jewish population of Europe to the French island colony of Madagascar, off the coast of Africa. It happened a little more than a year before, the event known as the “Wannsee Conference” on January 20, 1942, the briefing that proclaimed and organized the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” by Nazi civilian government and SS officials.
In May 1940 H. Himmler stated in his “Reflections on the treatment of People of Alien Races in the East” in his words: “I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large migration of all Jews to Africa…” Hitler’s victory in France seemed by then certain and therefore French colonies would be under German control. Hitler hoped to conclude a favorable peace treaty with England, which was to experience German aerial bombardment and was expected to capitulate as quickly as did the French. The Nazis hoped that the French and the British navy would be at their disposal, for use in the evacuation of all Jews from Europe.
In May 1940 H. Himmler stated in his “Reflections on the treatment of People of Alien Races in the East” in his words: “I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large migration of all Jews to Africa…” Hitler’s victory in France seemed by then certain and therefore French colonies would be under German control. Hitler hoped to conclude a favorable peace treaty with England, which was to experience German aerial bombardment and was expected to capitulate as quickly as did the French. The Nazis hoped that the French and the British navy would be at their disposal, for use in the evacuation of all Jews from Europe.
Evacuation plan was set in motion by the Jewish Department of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on June 3, 1940. However Jewish intelligentsia was to be held by the Nazis as hostage to blachmail the American government which Hitler assumed was controlled by American Jews. On August 15th, 1940, Adolf Eichman released text “Reichssicherheitshauptamt: Madagascar Projekt” according to which one million Jews per year were to be shipped from Europe to Madagascar over the period of four years.
Hans Frank, the ruler of the General Government of occupied Poland supported the project of resettlement of four million Jews to Madagascar, rather than deportation of European Jews to Poland. Deportation of Jews to Poland was stopped on July 10, 1940, as well as the construction of the Warsaw ghetto was also stopped, according to “ /Madagascar Plan.”
Nazis pretended to give autonomy to Jewish settlement on Madagascar and the Wafen SS was to control and oversee Jewish government on the island and convert it into a “super ghetto” organized as a police state. (Nazi plan for Madagascar was very similar to the present policy regarding the Gaza Strip.) By June 18, Hitler and Ribbentrop discussed the Madagascar Plan with Mussolini. Goering’s office was to oversee the administration of Jewish economics within the Madagascar Plan, also called “Four Year Plan.”
In Summer of 1940 Hitler had a feeling of victory. France was ready to capitulate and Hitler hoped that Britain after heavy bombardment would do the same. Thus, the Nazis expected that the French would turn over the Madagascar colony to Germany in the peace treaty and French and British navies were to be used for transportation of Jews from Europe to Madagascar as stated above.

Nazi failure in the Battle of Britain, in which Polish pilots played a significant role, spelled out the collapse of Hitler’s notion about the use of the British fleet for evacuation of the Jews from Europe. In November 1940 the Nazis closed the traffic in and out of the Warsaw Ghetto, by then the Madagascar Plan was abandoned by the Nazis. It slightly more than a year before the “Wannsee Conference” which served as a briefing for Nazi dignitaries about the Final Solution.”
This entire story
27 marzec 2008

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski 



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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
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