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Ludobójstwo COVID- konferencja w Wiedniu 23 październik 2020 
Znieść wolności obywatelskich,
Zniszczyć gospodarki,
Zamknąć małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa,
Oddzielić, izolować i terroryzować członków rodziny,
Zubożyć ludzi, w tym zniszczyć miejsca pracy,
Usunąć dzieci z ich rodzin,
Internować dysydentów do obozach koncentracyjnych,
Udzielać immunitetu urzędnikom rządowym do popełnienia przestępstw: zabójstwo, gwałtu i tortur (Wielka Brytania),
Wykorzystać policję, wojsko i najemników do kontroli populacji,
Zmusić populacje do szczepień niemedyczną szczepionką zawierającą mechanizmy kontroli populacji bez ich świadomej zgody  
Czy wirus istnieje? Czy SARS-CoV-2 został wyizolowany?  
Wywiad z Christine Massey. Czy wirus istnieje? Odpowiedzi na te prośby potwierdzają, że nie ma zapisów o izolacji / oczyszczeniu SARS-CoV-2 „wykonanej przez kogokolwiek, gdziekolwiek i kiedykolwiek”.  
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Przestępcy z Izby Lekarskiej pozostawili dowody na przyszły proces przeciwko nim 
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The last time this happened, Germany was picked to take the fall, and World War Two began. America has been picked to take the "fall" this time as the Global Elite Sets the Stage for World War Three

Elite Sets the Stage for World War Three

Americans to take the "fall" this time

By Henry Makow, Ph.D.

Something very worrisome is happening. Some of Rockefeller's best toadies oppose the Iraq war. But Rockefeller and his ilk are responsible for this war. What gives?

It appears the global elite is dividing its minions into two "house teams" again. The last time this happened we had the Fascist-Communist slugfest called World War Two. The same satanic cabal controlled both sides and picked Germany to take the fall.

This time, the U.S., Britain and the "coalition of the willing" are on one side. On the other are France, Germany, Russia and China. The centre of global power is moving to China, Europe and Russia. I see a world war over Korea, or more likely Iran and control of Middle East oil. The U.S., overextended from Kuwait to Korea, will come up short.

My guess is that the US will find itself increasingly isolated and vilified as a result of the Iraq war. I suspect the hidden agenda is to bring down the world's last superpower; to replace the UN with a new instrument of "world government"; to kill a lot of people, and to wean Americans off democracy and their high standard of living.


Jimmy Carter, Nelson Mandela, George Soros, Mikail Gorbachev and Walter Cronkite are all globalist elder statesmen-for-hire. Curiously, they all oppose the Iraq war.

Jimmy Carter, a creation of Rockefeller's "Trilateral Commission" publicly supported more UN inspections. Mikhail Gorbachev said the war is a big mistake. Nelson Mandela called it a "tragedy" and warned Bush was plunging "the world into a holocaust."

Financial maven George Soros said:" The Bush doctrine is grounded in power; legality and legitimacy are decorations." Finally, Walter
Cronkite, who is linked to ( Rockefeller's CFR) warned:

"We are going to be in such a fix when this war is over, or before this war is over. Our grandchildren's grandchildren are going to be paying for this war. I look at our future as, I'm sorry, being very dark."

The leaders of Russia, France, Germany and China also voiced opposition with uncharacteristic bluntness. They must have the OK of the global money masters. "Military action ... is a big mistake," Vladimir Putin said. " Iraq has presented no danger..." China urged the US and Britain to halt their military actions.

France, Russia and Germany all refused a U.S. request to close their Iraqi embassies. North Korea apparently is preparing for war.

Even in England, major newspapers like "The Mirror" have been scathing in their criticism of Tony Blair. British newspapers belong to the same clan. I suspect England will defect to Europe's side before this fiasco is over.


Before World War Two, a faction of the British elite built up Hitler.
This was known as the "policy of appeasement." After Hitler fell into the trap of attacking Poland, they did a "sleight of hand" and replaced the accommodating Chamberlain with the defiant Churchill.

Iraq is a similar trap. The United States has squandered the sympathy and good will it earned on Sept 11. The images of the World Trade Centre have been replaced in the world's mind by the spectacular explosions in Baghdad.

The US comes across as a bully too cowardly to pick on anyone its own side. Notch this victory up beside its thrashings of Grenada, Panama and Serbia. The gloating by US TV commentators is particularly distasteful to the outside world

The damage to America's moral authority is incalculable. After this war, who will have sympathy for Americans if Chinese atomic bombs rain down on Los Angeles and New York? The devil degrades his victims before he destroys them.


For almost 100 years, the American leadership class has belonged to an international cabal that is determined to dissolve all human loyalties, including the nation state, and establish a global tyranny. George Bush, who is part of this cabal, has led the American people into a trap. Who in their right mind would deliberately alienate 1.3 billion Muslims? Of course Hussein is a bad man but this is not the motive. The U.S. is acting as gofer for the Zionists and the oil cartels, two leading parts of the cabal. They will come out ahead while Americans will foot the bill and take the brunt of Muslim indignation.

Can the U.S. even count on Israel? At his trial, Israeli Spy Jonathon Pollard was called "the greatest traitor in the history of the United States" (Gordon Thomas, Seeds of Fire, p.31-32). In the words of CIA Director George Tenet, Pollard, an American Jew, stole "every worthwhile intelligence secret we have." In the year prior to his arrest in Nov. 1986, Pollard transmitted "over 360 cubic feet of top secret paper to
Israel," his trial was told.

According to Thomas, Israel's Mossad routinely trades information and technology with China's Secret Intelligence Service. (482) Pollard's information could have commanded a pretty price. Thomas says the theft from Los Alamos of the last 50 years of US nuclear research was also a joint Mossad-Chinese operation (33). He says an Israeli team inspected the American EP-3 spy plane the Chinese forced down in April 2001. (487)

But Israeli espionage must be seen in the context of the treachery of the American political elite in general. During the Clinton Administration, there was massive transfer of critical military technology to China. For example, in late 1994 the Chinese bought and dismantled a McDonnell Douglas plant in Columbus OH that allowed them to produce ultra-modern airplanes and silkworm cruise missiles.

This technology transfer is continuing under the Bush Administration.
Consider the recent sale to China of a GM plant in Valparaiso IN, laying off hundreds of workers and moving sophisticated equipment used for making smart bombs. This transfer of nuclear and other technology to China is reminiscent of what took place after World War Two when secrets of the atom bomb were provided to Russia. (See George Jordan USAF (ret) From Major Jordan's Diaries 1952.)

Can you see the pattern? Russia and China belong the cabal and are being used to subjugate the United States. China is to be the new hub because its people are already used to tyranny. In another parallel with the past, American industry is relocating to China and other low-cost countries. At least 3.3 million US white-collar jobs and $136 billion in wages will shift there by 2015. (See The New American magazine, March 10, 2003). Similarly, Wall Street invested heavily in Nazi Germany in the 1930's. Standard Oil (through subsidiary I.G. Farben), General Motors, Ford, ITT and IBM were mainstays of the Nazi war machine.

In conclusion, while Americans are distracted by jingoism and jiggle, they are being set up for a nasty fall. The leadership class has already "left the building" as it were. The end of the Iraq war will find the United States isolated and reviled. As the Bush cabal tries to push its advantage, it will come into conflict with China and other nuclear powers. A major confrontation will ensue and an overextended US will be humbled. Americans will take a greatly reduced place in a new world order.

Americans should direct their anger not at their country but against their political and cultural elite, which is corrupt, cowardly, and traitorous.
27 marzec 2003




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