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The Iraqi National Resistance

Rutgers University NJ January 19, 2008

The US President and his advisers have no knowledge or even a slight understanding of the Iraqi people, and for this reason they dragged us into a costly war. They claimed that the Iraqis would receive the Americans as "Liberators" and welcome them "with flowers and candy". But the Resistance to the occupation was born long before March 2003 and the invaders were greeted with bombs and bullets. The American war against Iraq did not start on March 2003. It started on January 16, 1991 and since then the Iraqis were fighting and are still fighting against Washington and its allies with stamina, courage and determination. Can the American People endure so much? Can they endure genocidal sanctions and wars for many years? Definitely not. Even they cannot endure electric failure for only few hours, let alone days or weeks at a time.

The occupation of Baghdad by U.S. forces and Bush's declaration of "victory" in April 2003 marked the beginning of the Ba’ath led Iraqi Resistance. Saddam Hussein and other Ba'ath leaders, in consultation with people in Baghdad, dispersed throughout Iraq and began to fight a protracted War of national liberation in resistance to the occupiers.

The Iraqi National Resistance is made of two wings, a Political one which is known as the Patriotic, Nationalist and Islamic Front which was established in 2005, and the military wing, which is known as The Jihad and Liberation Front.

The Political wing is made of several political parties who believe in the liberation of Iraq, and of various union organizations. This Front works diligently to support the Resistance at all levels: financially, politically and educationally.

These two wings have a very clear program, the political and strategic program of the Iraqi Resistance which was announced by the Baath and its Resistance on September 2003. This Program was followed by (The Program of Liberation and Independence) on October 2006 which led to the unification of 22 resistance groups and electing the Jihad and Liberation Command. Later on the Front expanded and it is still expanding to include more groups. Now more than 80% of the Iraqi Resistance is unified. The Rest of the groups will follow according to the Resistance sources.

The US Government and the News Media do not tell you that the Iraqi Resistance is not made of Al Qaeda; the Resistance has nothing to do with this sectarian organization, which was established by the CIA, and financed by the Saudi family to fight against the Russians in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda, the creation of the CIA came to Iraq behind the occupation tanks. Al Qaeda and Bin Laden do not harbor love to the Baath and to the Martyr Saddam Hussein but hatred and hostility. The Baath in the view of Bin Laden and his organization is Kafir; Baathists are unbelievers, and all secularists or Islamists fall in this category.

The Resistance is not strictly Baathists, or totally Islamist but for sure the Baath and its resistance organizations form an important factor in the body of the resistance. The Resistance is made of All the Iraqi fabrics, It has Muslims, of course they are the majority, and the majority of the Baathists are Muslims, it has Christians, atheists, Arabs ,Kurds, Chaldeans, Turkmen, Yazidis, Sabaeans and others of the Iraqi fabric. They are all in agreement to rescue and liberate Iraq.

Of course, the Army, The Republican Guards, Fidayee Saddam, the Security Forces, the Baath Party Organizations, the Popular Army, The Islamist Patriotic and Nationalist groups, Arab fighters from Arab countries and others with various names are the backbone of the National Resistance.

Izzat Ibrahim Al Douri was elected as the Supreme Commander. Later on, the Supreme Command convened its own meeting at which a General Staff was created. Lieutenant General Amir Muhammad Amin was named Deputy Supreme Commander for military affairs, while Shaykh 'Ali Abdallah al-Ubaydi' was chosen to head a religious consultative body. A national security board was formed to be headed by General Khalid Sulayman Khalaf. A board for administrative and financial affairs was created under the command of Lieutenant General Muhammad Salih Alwan and an information and mobilization bureau set up under the command of General Salah ad-Deen Ahmad. Dr. Kan'an Amin was selected as official spokesman for the Jihad and Liberation Command.

In its programme, the National Resistance declared that the fight against the US and Iranian Occupation will continue until the invaders leave Iraq unconditionally and until Iraq is fully liberated.

Will The Resistance Negotiate with the Occupiers?

The Resistance declared that the Jihad and Liberation Command upheld "sacred principles" that could not be violated , and that no party is authorized to enter into negotiations with the enemy, but the Resistance is willing to sit and talk with the Americans if the Americans agree to the terms stated by the Resistance in its Program to facilitate the occupiers unconditional withdrawal from Iraq , and if the United States Recognizes the National Resistance as the sole legitimate representative of Iraq and its great people.

If the US halts all raids, pursuits, killings, destruction, sabotage, dispossessions and expulsions.

If the US is willing to withdraw the occupation troops from all population centers.

If the US frees all prisoners and detainees without exception and compensate them for their losses.

If the US agrees to the restoration of the legitimate Armed Forces and national security forces as they were before the invasion and occupation.

The Americans must pledge to compensate Iraq for losses and injuries to the country caused by the occupation.

All laws, decrees and other pieces of legislation issued during the occupation must be cancelled. These are some of the terms put by the Resistance in its program for Liberation and Independence.

Last but not least, The Programme declared that after the liberation is achieved the leadership of the Iraqi Resistance will proceed to form a temporary Shura Council (Consultative Council) which will include 50 to 100 patriotic personalities in amongst the armed Resistance factions, parties, movements and patriotic personalities who resist and reject the occupations and its stooges.

The Shura Council will form a national unity government from Iraqi patriotic personalities for a two-year period, supervised completely by the Resistance leadership and the temporary Shura Council to undertake and execute the principles stated by the Program of Liberation and Independence.

These are some of the main principles of the Program of Liberation and Independence for peace as stated by the National Resistance and the Baath Party that we should recognize and support. If we keep silent and ignoring the war then we will be partners in creating many more mass graves, here in the United States, and in Iraq. If we keep silent then we will have no friends left in the World; only enemies. If we keep silent then we will be slaves for the Neocons and Corporate America and our children and the children of Iraq will keep dying. America, do we need another Memorial Wall in the Mall?
22 styczeń 2008

nadesłał Marduk 



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