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Jak ludzie "umierają" w "szpitalach kowidowych" 
Tak wygląda koronawirus Covid 19 w szpitalach zachodniej Polski 
Panie Kapitanie Jerzy Grzędzielski,

chylę czoła jako młodszy kolega lotnik, za poniższy tekst. Brakowało mi dotąd głosu, tak doświadczonego pilota, opisującego tragędię smoleńską, tak kompetentnie i fachowo, jak Pan to zrobił. Pozwoliłem sobie zatem, na rozpowszechnienie Pańskiego tekstu, z nadzieją na możliwe szerokie dotarcie do opinii publicznej. Zwracam się do internautów o liczne udostępnienia w internecie stanowiska w tej sprawie, wyrażonego przez świetnego pilota - prawdziwego nie kwestionowanego eksperta lotniczego. 
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Tytułowa piosenka z płyty "Mój dom, mój świat" powstała tuż po obaleniu rządu Olszewskiego.
O ile refren podobał się wszystkim, o tyle zwrotki - niekoniecznie... Stąd opóźniona o prawie 20 lat premiera teledysku ... 
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... rosyjskie lotnictwo wielokrotnie (60 razy) i niezwykle intensywnie zbombardowało rakietami balistycznymi pozycje Daesh na pustyni syryjskiej..Wydaje się jednak, że sukcesem było zniszczenie na pełną skalę zaplecza i sprzętu handlarzy ropą na terenach okupowanych przez Turków, na północnych syryjskich przedmieściach Aleppo... 
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Podstawowa lektura dla młodych Polaków 
Konferencja prasowa w sprawie listu EMA 21.11.2023r 
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Polskie firmy nie obsługuja POLICJANTÓW 

Dr Mike Yeadon rozmawia z dr Reinerem Fuellmichem o kłamstwach dotyczących COVID  
„Nie bój się wirusa. To nie jest tak niebezpieczne, jak ci wmówiono.

„Bójcie się swoich Rządów - lub organów, które panują ponad tymi Rządami”. 
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Who Rules Ukraine?

Ukraine, which parted from Russia in 1991, has never achieved a true independent state. Just like in Russia, or even 80 years earlier in the Weimar Republic, a tribe of vultures descended upon the body of the nation.

by Vladimir Borisov

In the early 1990s, backed by the financial power of international Jewish bankers, the vultures bought for pennies, and plainly seized, all major enterprises previously owned by the state. Including the biggest factories and entire sectors of the newly "privatized" national economy.

According to the 2001 Ukrainian census, there are 103,000 Jews in Ukraine, which is 0.2% of the total population. Out of 130 nationalities in the Ukraine, the Jewish minority numerically is behind Bulgarians (204,000), Hungarians (156,000), Romanians (151,000) and Poles (144,000). However, as one might expect, the Jewish "oligarchs" were the ones who happened to seize all positions in mass media.

(Pictured clockwise: Billionaire media moguls Gregory Surkis, Victor Medvedchuk, Vadim Rabinovich and Victor Pinchuk.)

Professor Vasyl Yaremenko, director of the Institute of Culturological and Ethnopolitical research at Kiev State University, released an article in 2003 entitled, "Jews in Ukraine today: reality without myths." In it he says the following:

"Ukrainians need to know that the mass media is completely in the hands of Jews, and everything that we watch or read is the product of Jewish ideology…"

He then reviews the situation in regards to Ukrainian network television and cable broadcasters:

"First National Television Channel UT-1" is owned by the president of the Social Democratic Party, led and dominated by chief of staff Viktor Medvedchuk.

"Inter TV" and "Studio 1+1 TV" have been Ukrainian national broadcasters since 1996, they are available in English, Ukrainian and Russian languages. They are owned by Viktor Medvedchuk and Gregory Surkis.

"Alternativa TV", "TET Broadcasting Company", and "UNIAN (Ukrainian Independent Information & News Agency)" are also owned by Viktor Medvedchuk and Gregory Surkis.

"STB TV" and "ICTV" are owned by the Viktor Pinchuk, the wealthiest man in Ukraine, with an estimated net worth of $3 billion.

"Novyi Kanal (New Channel) TV" is owned by Viktor Pinchuk with a group of Jewish oligarchs from Russia called "Alpha Group."

Zionists control all of Ukrainian television media!

According to Professor Yaremenko, all major newspapers are also owned by Jews:

The publishing house of Rabinovich-Katsman owns the newspapers Stolychka, Stolichnye Novosti, Jewish Review (in Russian), Jewish Reviewer, Vek, Mig, and Zerkalo .

Jed Sandes, an American citizen and a Jew, publishes Korrespondent and Kiev-Post.

Gregory Surkis publishes Kievskie Vedomosti and the weekly 2000.

Jew Dmitro Gordon publishes Bulvar.

Viktor Pinchuk publishes Facts and Commentaries.

The Donetsk Group (Jewish-Russian oligarchs) publishes Segondnya.

Who are these "Ukrainian" oligarchs?

Jew Victor Pinchuk is the son-of-law of Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma [Kuchma was placed into office by Jew George Soros]. He is the owner of several oil, gas and energy import/export companies. He also owns the nation's largest steel mill and a chain of banks. His group has very strong ties with other Jewish organizations in Ukraine, as well as in the U.S. and Israel. He is a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, an adviser to the president, and one of the leaders of the Labor Ukrainian Party.

Jew Vadim Rabinovich is a citizen of Israel. In 1980 he was charged with stealing state property and spent 9 months in a jail. In 1984 he was arrested and sentenced to 14 years in prison for his black market activities . He was released in 1990. In 1993 he became a representative of the Austrian company "Nordex" in Ukraine. The company received exclusive rights to sell Russian oil from president Kuchma . In 1997 Rabinovich became president of the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress, and in 1999 he was elected head of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine. Also in 1999, Rabinovich created the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine. That same year the Associated Press estimated his wealth as $1 billion. Rabinovich owns Central Europe Media Enterprises, which controls television stations in seven East European countries.

Jew Victor Medvedchuk is Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma's Chief of Staff. The Medvedchuk-Surkis cabal controls Ukraine's energy sector (8 regional energy companies), oil and gas market, alcohol and sugar production, shipbuilding, and athletic organizations. He is a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, and a leader in the Social Democratic party of Ukraine (SDPU).

Jew Gregory Surkis is second in command of the SDPU. He owns a soccer team, Dynamo-Kiev, and is a president of the Professional Soccer League. He is CEO of Slavutich, a company that controls several regional energy companies (KirovogradEnergo, PoltavEnergo, etc). He too is a member of the Ukrainian Parliament.

Professor Yaremenko points out that out of the 400+ members of the Ukrainian Parliament, 136 (possibly 158) are Jews. That is more than in the Israeli Knesset. Who voted for them, asks professor Yaremenko. Who paid for costly election campaigns? -- 90% of Ukrainian banks are owned by Jews.

Ukraine is the perfect example of so-called Democracy - "democracy" where the rule of a tiny, ethnic minority is disguised under the cloak of the will and rule of the majority. By controlling mass media and skillfully manipulating the opinions of the Ukrainian electorat, these "fat cats" as they're called in Ukraine -- these liars and corrupters, are the real masters in this beautiful country.

Does it surprise anyone to see the rise in "anti-Semitism" around the world, and in Ukraine in particular?

"Jews in Ukraine: Reality Without Myth" was published on Sept. 30, 2003, and was the article that prompted the Ukrainian Jewish Congress to file a lawsuit asking the court to shut down the newspaper Sel'skie Vesti, which published it. Sel'skie Vesti had a circulation of over 500,000 and was the largest in Ukraine.

On Jan. 28, a court in Kiev, Ukraine, ordered the closure of the daily newspaper on the grounds that it was publishing "hate literature," a crime in Jewish-owned Ukraine. The newspaper was found guilty of publishing "anti-Semitic" materials, and promoting ethnic and religious hostility.

A well-known Ukrainian Jewish community leader and anti-Zionist, Eduard Hodos, has come to the defense of the newspaper and the articles' author, Vasily Yaremenko. In the course of his speech intended for a hearing of the Appellate Court of the City of Kiev (scheduled for May 25, 2004, but delayed indefinitely for reasons unknown), the author denounces the Talmud as "monstrous" and defends Mel Gibson's 'The Passion of the Christ', which has come under attack by 'human rights advocates' everywhere. You can read it here:

Prior to being shut down, the newspaper published the following letters from readers, which were reprinted by Jewish organizations and used as "proof" of "anti-Semtism."

...Today the Jewish community in Ukraine is not experiencing the rebirth of a national minority but is in the process of legalizing its dealings as an apolitical and economic structure, which is well planned, organized and financed. This so-called minority exhibits extreme aggression. It poses an elevated threat to the national security of Ukraine. As a foreign political body that practically oversees international trade, national finances, mass media and publishing, it must be placed under strict government and sate control, and must be regimented and regulated.

...90% of Ukrainian banks are run by Jewish "specialists." In other words, Ukrainian finances are in Jewish hands. As a Ukrainian citizen and an ethnic Ukrainian, my origin forces me speak up and ask: "Is this normal?"

...In the 1930s, all Ukrainian gold that had been passed down from generation to generation ended up in Jewish wallets after the famine organized by Jews [the author earlier writes that 99% of PCIA members––Stalin's secret police––were Jewish] and Ukrainians had to reach deeply into their pockets. However, Jews were not able to enjoy those stolen goods as German fascism changed the course of events. Today the gold of Ukrainian Jews, these gold diggers of the Ukrainian Klondike, is in banks in Switzerland.

...It is not safe to write about Jews not because the writer will automatically be accused of xenophobia, but because every Ukrainian, if not openly then secretly, is an anti-Semite ready to participate in a pogrom.

...Ukrainians must know that Ukrainian mass media is in the hands of Jews and that we absorb information and food for the soul from a Jewish ideological kitchen.

...Jewish publicists deny the fact that [Jewish people] organized the Ukrainian famine in 1933. However, eyewitnesses claim otherwise.... Not one Jewish person died from starvation in 1933.

...We are not anti-Semites. However, we believe it is dishonorable and demeaning to stay quiet when Zionists are taking over the political and economic spheres of our country. We must let people know the truth about the doings of Zionists in Ukraine.

...He told the truth about the vicious activities of Zionists in Ukraine.

...We cannot allow Zionists to destroy Ukraine.

7 luty 2007




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