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Szczepionka przeciwko ospie prawdziwej wyzwoliła wirusa AIDS 

Epidemia AIDS mogła zostać wywołana przez masową kampanię szczepień, która zlikwidowała ospę prawdziwą. Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia, która kierowała trwającą 13 lat kampanią, bada nowe dowody naukowe sugerujące, że uodpornienie szczepionką Vaccinia przeciwko ospie prawdziwej obudziło niepodejrzewane, uśpione zakażenie ludzkim wirusem obrony immunologicznej (HIV). 
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komentarz zbędny 
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Struktury krystaliczne, nanodruty, cząstki kredowe i struktury włókniste, które są obecnie rutynowo znajdowane u dorosłych, którzy „nagle zmarli”, zwykle w ciągu kilku miesięcy po szczepieniu na kowid. 
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Człowiek 2.0 
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Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates wzywają do masowych szczepień i Globalnego Rządu 
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Globalną populację żyjącą w krajach zachodnich od ponad pokolenia uczono żyć w ciągłym strachu od 11 września. Zachęcano nas do poświęcania naszej wolności dla fałszywego poczucia bezpieczeństwa, z każdym dniem coraz bardziej uzależniając się od państwa w zakresie ochrony, a teraz wielu z nas liczy na to, że państwo płaci nasze rachunki.

Pomimo tego, że rządowy budżet i deficyt stale rosną wykładniczo każdego dnia ... Niektórzy zaczynają dostrzegać, że w oficjalnej historii może być coś więcej niż to, w co wierzymy. Nieliczni mogli to przewidzieć i czekają na kolejną fazę, która może być kolejnym krokiem w kierunku globalnego zarządzania. To właśnie mężczyźni i kobiety, dokładnie te same osoby i agencje rządowe, a także globalne instytucje, które odniosą największe korzyści, są tymi, którzy wzywają do walki ... 
Częstotliwości radiowe i mikrofalowe a manipulacja ludzkimi emocjami i zachowaniem 


Mój dom, mój świat ...  
Tytułowa piosenka z płyty "Mój dom, mój świat" powstała tuż po obaleniu rządu Olszewskiego.
O ile refren podobał się wszystkim, o tyle zwrotki - niekoniecznie... Stąd opóźniona o prawie 20 lat premiera teledysku ... 
Klimat i trop finansowy 
To właśnie mega-korporacje i mega-miliarderzy — (...) są głównymi zwolennikami “oddolnego” ruchu dekarbonizacji — od Szwecji przez Niemcy po USA i dalej. 
Montanari: Szczepionka to wielki przekręt 
Jeśli prawdziwa choroba nie daje odporności, absurdem jest mieć nadzieję, że szczepionka może to zrobić, co nie jest niczym innym, jak tylko chorobą w postaci atenuowanej. 
Szczepionka na covid ma służyć genetycznej mutacji ludzkości 
Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans
In the first interview the two discussed the coronavirus, they covered testing and they covered the vaccine. The video was quickly approaching 100k views but YouTube removed the video after only a couple days. This video will likely be taken down as well, because it does not conform to the establishment's narrative.

Not only did YouTube remove the previous video, Reuters, which is a massive international news publication that news sites from all over the world obtain their talking points from, published a fact checking report attempting to debunk Dr. Kaufman's claims that the new COVID-19 DNA vaccine would genetically modify humans. In this must see report, Dr Kaufman responds to the Reuters ‘fact checking’ report.
Rozmowa Adnieszki Wolskiej z Sucharitem Bhakdi 
W pierwszej kolejności powinno zostać ustalone, kto za to odpowie? 
Niektórzy mówią, że jest to wirus, który ma zlikwidować Christmas w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz w całej Europie – unieruchomić kraj w momencie, kiedy chrześcijanie obchodzą jedno z dwóch najważniejszych świąt w ciągu roku 
Ameryka: Od Wolności do faszyzmu 
Amerykanie zaczynają rozumieć - co się dzieje z ich krajem. O tym mówi film pod wskazanym linkiem. 
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Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock

Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock

Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
Monday November 29, 2004

The Guardian

Of all the revelations that have rocked the Israeli army over the past week, perhaps none disturbed the public so much as the video footage of soldiers forcing a Palestinian man to play his violin.
The incident was not as shocking as the recording of an Israeli officer pumping the body of a 13-year-old girl full of bullets and then saying he would have shot her even if she had been three years old.

Nor was it as nauseating as the pictures in an Israeli newspaper of ultra-orthodox soldiers mocking Palestinian corpses by impaling a man's head on a pole and sticking a cigarette in his mouth.

But the matter of the violin touched on something deeper about the way Israelis see themselves, and their conflict with the Palestinians.

The violinist, Wissam Tayem, was on his way to a music lesson near Nablus when he said an Israeli officer ordered him to "play something sad" while soldiers made fun of him. After several minutes, he was told he could pass.

It may be that the soldiers wanted Mr Tayem to prove he was indeed a musician walking to a lesson because, as a man under 30, he would not normally have been permitted through the checkpoint.

But after the incident was videotaped by Jewish women peace activists, it prompted revulsion among Israelis not normally perturbed about the treatment of Arabs.

The rightwing Army Radio commentator Uri Orbach found the incident disturbingly reminiscent of Jewish musicians forced to provide background music to mass murder. "What about Majdanek?" he asked, referring to the Nazi extermination camp.

The critics were not drawing a parallel between an Israeli roadblock and a Nazi camp. Their concern was that Jewish suffering had been diminished by the humiliation of Mr Tayem.

Yoram Kaniuk, author of a book about a Jewish violinist forced to play for a concentration camp commander, wrote in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper that the soldiers responsible should be put on trial "not for abusing Arabs but for disgracing the Holocaust".

"Of all the terrible things done at the roadblocks, this story is one which negates the very possibility of the existence of Israel as a Jewish state. If [the military] does not put these soldiers on trial we will have no moral right to speak of ourselves as a state that rose from the Holocaust," he wrote.

"If we allow Jewish soldiers to put an Arab violinist at a roadblock and laugh at him, we have succeeded in arriving at the lowest moral point possible. Our entire existence in this Arab region was justified, and is still justified, by our suffering; by Jewish violinists in the camps."

Others took a broader view by drawing a link between the routine dehumanising treatment of Palestinians at checkpoints, the desecration of dead bodies and what looks very much like the murder of a terrified 13-year-old Palestinian girl by an army officer in Gaza.

Israelis put great store in a belief that their army is "the most moral in the world" because it says it adheres to a code of "the purity of arms". There is rarely much public questioning of the army's routine explanation that Palestinian civilians who have been killed had been "caught in crossfire", or that children are shot because they are used as cover by fighters.

But the public's confidence has been shaken by the revelations of the past week. The audio recording of the shooting of the 13-year-old, Iman al-Hams, prompted much soul searching, although the revulsion appears to be as much at the Israeli officer firing a stream of bullets into her lifeless body as the killing itself. Some soldiers told Israeli papers that their mothers had sought assurances that they did not do that kind of thing.

One Israeli peace group, the Arik Institute, took out large newspaper adverts to plead for "Jewish patriots" to "open your eyes and look around" at the suffering of Palestinians.

The incidents prompted the army to call in all commanders from the rank of lieutenant-colonel to emphasise the importance of maintaining the "purity of arms" code.

The army's critics say the real problem is not the behaviour of soldiers on the ground but the climate of impunity that emanates from the top.

While the officer responsible for killing Iman al-Hams has been charged with relatively minor offences, and the soldiers who forced the violinist to play were ticked off for being "insensitive", the only troops who were swiftly punished for violating regulations last week were some who posed naked in the snow for a photograph. They were dismissed from their unit.

Last week the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem criticised what it described as a "culture of impunity" within the army. The group says at least 1,656 Palestinian non-combatants have been killed during the intifada, including 529 children.

"To date, one soldier has been convicted of causing the death of a Palestinian," it said.

"The combination of rules of engagement that encourage a trigger-happy attitude among soldiers together with the climate of impunity results in a clear and very troubling message about the value the Israeli military places on Palestinian life."

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2004,,1361552,00.html

przysłał Krzysztof Cierpisz
2 grudzień 2004




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